The word of God inspires me always both in good times and in low. I am also inspired when things are not so good to remember the acts of Christian's who endured torture and death to retain their faith. Such was a 12 year old Japanese boy named Louis Ibakari, one of 26 Christians crucified in Nagasaki Japan on February 5th 1597 on the orders of Toyotomei Hideoshi.
When they were first arrested, the Japanese among the group were told that if they renounced Christ they would be spared. Ibaraki just started to sing out...."Sweet Mary, Dear Mary, your praises we sing. You ring out in splender with Jesus our king."
He kept on singing when the samurai cut off part of his left ear.
He kept singing as they started marching him and the other Christians from town to town.
At the village of Akashi, which is West of Osaka, the Samurai sought to make an example of this giddish youngster by branding him with a hot iron rod.
"Your God says you will enter into hell if your body is marked! What do you say now to your Christ?!"
Ibakari smiled at them!
They threatened to brutally torture one of the other 26 captives if the boy continued to taunt them with his spiritness. He told them..."What terrible things you can do unto me will never bring me to fear my Lord!" He broke out singing again then the others broke out singing.
When they finally brought the 26 to Nagasaki to be crucified, what did this kid do? He ran up the hill! He ran to the cross prepared for his death and he started to sing again!
So when times are tough, when I'm having a rough and lousy day and I think this just can't get any better...I think of Christ and this fired up kid. Where do I have any reason to whine and complain about my problems in life, trivial to the severe testings others have endured for my salvation.
When they were first arrested, the Japanese among the group were told that if they renounced Christ they would be spared. Ibaraki just started to sing out...."Sweet Mary, Dear Mary, your praises we sing. You ring out in splender with Jesus our king."
He kept on singing when the samurai cut off part of his left ear.
He kept singing as they started marching him and the other Christians from town to town.
At the village of Akashi, which is West of Osaka, the Samurai sought to make an example of this giddish youngster by branding him with a hot iron rod.
"Your God says you will enter into hell if your body is marked! What do you say now to your Christ?!"
Ibakari smiled at them!
They threatened to brutally torture one of the other 26 captives if the boy continued to taunt them with his spiritness. He told them..."What terrible things you can do unto me will never bring me to fear my Lord!" He broke out singing again then the others broke out singing.
When they finally brought the 26 to Nagasaki to be crucified, what did this kid do? He ran up the hill! He ran to the cross prepared for his death and he started to sing again!
So when times are tough, when I'm having a rough and lousy day and I think this just can't get any better...I think of Christ and this fired up kid. Where do I have any reason to whine and complain about my problems in life, trivial to the severe testings others have endured for my salvation.