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[ Testimony ] Stronger Faith


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Hi all,

I just wanted to share since I was ordained, my union with God has been so much more powerful. I enjoy helping others and being able to absolve people from their sins is what God has told me to do. I felt its my calling to help others and this is the directive I've had from the good Lord.

Hi all,

I just wanted to share since I was ordained, my union with God has been so much more powerful. I enjoy helping others and being able to absolve people from their sins is what God has told me to do. I felt its my calling to help others and this is the directive I've had from the good Lord.

Can you absolve people of there sins? I have never really thought a person could do that. I just thought only god would know how to deal with sin, but I am always open to better information so long as it's an improvement to my faith.
God gave specific directions in His Word concerning this, and more about forgiveness, and sin;
but He didn't give that 'power' to any 'religion' that's under contract to someone besides Him. (like 501c3 contracts, etc)
ANY believer in Christ Jesus, I believe, can and must forgive others to maintain the living relationship in and with all other believers immersed in Christ Jesus.
Like Stephen forgave Shaul, an avid persecutor of Jesus and His disciples , who later was converted by God to Paul the emissary of the GOOD NEWS of CHRIST JESUS !
Can you absolve people of there sins? I have never really thought a person could do that. I just thought only god would know how to deal with sin, but I am always open to better information so long as it's an improvement to my faith.

Scripture mentions it 3 different times. Jesus, James, John. None of these have to do with some Confessional. None mention the person admitting their sin.
It's sin and disobedience that give place to the enemy in people's lives, and so perfectly fine to step up and remit those sins.

However, there is a place where Paul turned over someone to Satan for sin so they would be destroyed.

Have to be Spirit Led on this.

You want someone to make it, but their choices are killing them, asking the Lord to have mercy on them and sustain them until they get light is what we are suppose to do and pray for one another. In effect it's like asking to not allow the sin to destroy them, but Mercy come.

We can not impart Salvation to someone, that is a choice they have to make because the only sin that gets judged is one we can't remit and that is Not accepting Jesus.
To me its pretty much D.I.Y. Acts 10:43 And all the prophets have written about him, saying that everyone who believes in him will have their sins forgiven through his name"(Living Bible Paraphrased )I dont see anything that says that only cirtain people have the authority to have sins forgiven exept God through Jesus Christ.
Of cause any person believer or even unbeliever can suggest some pshyco advice on how to ease guilt for what its worth, but I cant see how any person on this earth can forgive a sin exept God through Christ.The best one can do is refer the "guilty party" to the Word of God where he shows Godly Repentance like King David had to and faces the truth D.I.Y. of his sin honoustly and acceptable to God. I assume that is what the learned Reverend means here.
Hi all,

I just wanted to share since I was ordained, my union with God has been so much more powerful. I enjoy helping others and being able to absolve people from their sins is what God has told me to do. I felt its my calling to help others and this is the directive I've had from the good Lord.


Bless God.............. Just keep going.


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