After I had a stroke, I was being attended by the best Neuro in the area. And for two years, he kept telling me I was just going to have to get used to being pretty seriously weak and shaky with almost no balance.... for the rest of my life. I had to hold on to something to stand up, and I could only stand for a few minutes. Walking... or, trying to, was a real adventure.
Well, a friend invited us to one of those free dinners where a chiropractor gives you his spiel. I only went for the free food. At the end, he offered a totally free initial exam with six X-rays. I was, of course, Leary, but I made an appointment. Turned out he was being truthful... didn't cost a penny, and he spent almost two hours with us.
After looking at the X-rays, he said he couldn't promise anything, but he thought he could definitely help my dizziness.
Two adjustments, and my balance had improved so much that I would say at least 85% of the dizziness went away. I'm still not flying, but I now drive, and ride both my motorcycle and my bicycle... not to mention riding my California Trikke (hard to do for a normal person), and I hit the gym on a fairly regular basis.
Tell that Neuro to stuff it. He's only one man...... and some don't know squat.