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Teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses not allowed on this board? I thought it "Christian"

-post removed by author as I as referencing the old ToS and realized what I was relaying may not still be accurate-
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Nah, see I used to be on staff here, and when I was we had rules that have since been modified. So I'm not sure if the rules that were in use back then still are, so anything I have to say may not be accurate.
My. Even Catholics, and Atheists are welcome- but not one who accepts Christ's words are!

Catholic teachings are not allowed here either because like JW teachings they are not biblical.


2.1: This is a Christian site, therefore, any attempt to put down Christianity (or declare that it is false) and the basic tenets of our Faith will be considered a hostile act. Please read: Statement of Faith

2.2: Only scripture from accepted Christian bibles will be allowed to be posted on this board. The New World Translation and Book of Mormon are not considered Christian material on this site. Discussion about other, questionable sources , documents, writings or material is acceptable but will not be permitted to be used as a basis of support within a debate or discussion.

Discussion of Catholic doctrine is limited and will only be allowed in the One on One Debate Forum ,End Times forum and now HOT TOPICS. RCC content in the End Times forum should relate to End Times beliefs. Do not start new topics elsewhere or sway existing threads toward a discussion or debate that is may be viewed as ‘Catholic’ in nature.

Catholic teachings are not allowed here either because like JW teachings they are not biblical.
Yet you church has received the majority of it's teaching from her!
I won't use the word- it would doubtless upset you!
Yet you church has received the majority of it's teaching from her!
I won't use the word- it would doubtless upset you!

Last warning about misrepresenting me or other members of this Forum.

Do not claim that you assume to know what all I or other members believe, and then proceed to make comments as if we believe what you claim.

Address the post not the person. Use scripture from an authorized version of the Bible.

You are loved and welcome here, however we expect you to abide by this Forum’s policies if you want to be a part of this community.


Just as an afterthought- I do NOT encourage others to run to Kingdom Halls.
The 'Governing Body' just not how it used to be.

I ENCOURAGE others to run to the TRUTH, for holy spirit!
I find it cheesy that the topic : "Death what is it from the Bible" was shut down from JLB!
I guess he wants to find out what it means TO THE CONTRARY of God's Word....
I would never judge - and never will. This is one day for Jesus and it's his role. My story is simple: my mother was very strict (she was teacher and just 1,55 tall and I can tell you, the class was always quiet) and became a JW when I was 10 or so. II was just the 1975 generation and expectations were high. As divorced, I visited my father every second weekend - and he was complete against JWs. So each time I came home again, my mother said, "I will not talk to you for 2 days, then we have congregation and you will be as before". Point. I loved my mother (who does not?) and did what she wanted until I was probably 15/16 - but then she suffocated me, she did not give me room to grow up. This ended in a catastrophe. For 2 years I lived a double live (JW on one side, on the other drugs, beer, playing music in bands...). Then my mother threw me out of the apartment and told me on the phone "never call me again, you are dead for me". I was "disfellowshipped" at this time - because I started to smoke. It took me 10 years of my life until I got out of all of it. Including 1,5 years in jail. That was the only time my mother came once (with my sister) just to stay 5 minutes and to laugh about me. Many years later I was reinstated as a JW - but it only took three years and I realized that something was wrong. I read the book of Raymond Franz. One day I told an elder, I will no longer concentrate on Watchtower or Awake, but rather read the bible. His answer was: This is the first step to apostasy.

And after a while I could no longer sit in the kingdom hall, without all the time looking for errors, wrong texts, texts ripped out of context or wrongly translated. This has made my return to Christ very, very difficult and long. And it took me nearly 20 years - while I was abroad working, for a family who just needed a donkey to provide for everything. Remember the donkey from "Shrek" - that's me. They had everything - best cars, schools, vacations - while I was in Afghanistan, Sudan etc.
But miracles happen - and I found my way back. I am still suffering from all the stress (I wrote something in mental illness), but the worse is, that it has become very difficult for me, to trust someone who wants to teach me something about the bible. I know it very well. So if someone would say something in a church and I do not agree (based on the Bible) I would stand up and say so - and would probably been thrown out. This is my biggest handicap and the heritage of JWs. Nevertheless - there are good people too and I would never judge their commitment etc. I would judge nobody, I even forgave my mother. But this whole thing really messed up my life for a long time (and still sometimes does).

The bible says in 5 Moses 18:20-22 very clearly "if someone speaks prophecy and what he said does not come true, he did not speak from God". So what about 1914, 1918, 1926, 1975, the generation etc. etc. But you cannot tell this a JW - they close their ears and this is sad. Well, if there is someone in the Forum with similar experiences and has found Jesus after having been a JW I would really like to get in contact with him. Sorry for my bad English (ES, FR, DE is better).
My. Even Catholics, and Atheists are welcome- but not one who accepts Christ's words are!
JWs claim to follow the Bible, and Christ's Words, but its easy to prove they do not:

JWs claim Jesus returned in 1914 and entered the Temple (=inner rooms) to rule and only those with spiritual eyes saw it.

But Jesus says:

23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets+ will arise and will perform great signs and wonders so as to mislead,+ if possible, even the chosen ones. 25 Look! I have forewarned you. 26 Therefore, if people say to you, ‘Look! He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; ‘Look! He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For just as the lightning comes out of the east and shines over to the west, so the presence* of the Son of man will be. 28 Wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.- Matthew 24:23-28 NWT

As for Christ entering the "inner rooms", and remaining invisible Jesus says that won't happen at His Parousia/coming.

And How can a lightning storm be invisible? How can carrion birds in the sky over their prey, be invisible? Everyone with physical eyes can see those events without the Watchtower.

Look! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those who pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him. Yes, Amen. Rev. 1:7 NWT

As all the tribes of the earth see Christ's coming, and they don't have "spiritual eyes that can see the hidden things of God", they must see Christ coming visibly with the clouds of heaven---only then would they be overcome with fear and grief, because the sight of what their physical eyes saw was too intense.

JW doctrines are not Christian.

Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants are Christian because they confess Jesus is LORD.

JWs confess Jehovah is LORD, not Jesus. They refuse to honor the Son even as they honor the Father:

21 "For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, even so the Son gives life to whom He will.
22 "For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son,
23 "that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him. (Jn. 5:21-23 NKJ)

Instead of entering the Kingdom through the narrow gate Jesus Christ, they try to sneak in without going through Him:

10 "So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests.
11 "But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment.
12 "So he said to him,`Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?' And he was speechless.
13 "Then the king said to the servants,`Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' (Matt. 22:10-13 NKJ)
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Greetings Alfred Persson,
Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants are Christian because they confess Jesus is LORD.
I find this statement interesting. Is this a valid definition of who are really Christians or the TRUE Christians? The word "Protestant" seems to have lost its significance in your estimation. In other words, you accept the Catholics and all their idolatry, their worship of Mary, the Papacy and other unusual beliefs and practices, but exclude someone who believes in the One God, the Father. Also the word "LORD" is a very poor translation or representation of the Hebew word YHWH. I confess that Jesus is Lord, he is the Christ, he is the Son of God.

Kind regards
Greetings Alfred Persson,

I find this statement interesting. Is this a valid definition of who are really Christians or the TRUE Christians? The word "Protestant" seems to have lost its significance in your estimation. In other words, you accept the Catholics and all their idolatry, their worship of Mary, the Papacy and other unusual beliefs and practices, but exclude someone who believes in the One God, the Father. Also the word "LORD" is a very poor translation or representation of the Hebew word YHWH. I confess that Jesus is Lord, he is the Christ, he is the Son of God.

Kind regards
Within Christendom (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Other) subsists "the body of Christ," true believers surrounded by TARES. They confess (and live obeying) Jesus Christ as LORD.

That TARES throughout Christendom do satanic things is to be expected, they are TARES.

That some take "veneration" over the edge into idolatrous worship is certain, but they are TARES.

Its possible a true Christian not agree with you. Or me. It happens. Christ said we know true believers by their good fruit.

Belief in the Holy Trinity is a matter of Divine Revelation, only the children of God will receive the doctrine.

TARES may confess the doctrine, but TARES they can say anything to hide their identity.
but exclude someone who believes in the One God, the Father. Also the word "LORD" is a very poor translation or representation of the Hebew word YHWH. I confess that Jesus is Lord, he is the Christ, he is the Son of God.

Kind regards
You just said what they will claim to believe, but they will argue about how it applies probably. The irony is that in Catholicism and Protestantism there isn't a sin sacrifice. God wasn't sacrificed, died, and resurrected because God is immortal and cannot die. Therefore, the only thing that could have been sacrificed was the body of a mortal man, yet they will often claim "a finite man cannot pay an infinite price." Therefore, arguably, Catholics and Protestants are not even saved at all under the theology of their own belief systems.

So I would say JWs, even though I am not one, are actually much closer to being actual Christians. It's also evidence that this may be the case since they are often marginalized, as are all of those who believe in the One God, the Father, and Jesus Christ, who He made both Lord and Christ. Jesus prophesied this would happen.
No Jw can answer:
Read 5 Moses 18:21-22

They said over the last 120 years:
Jesus came invisible 1874
Jesus will come and reign on earth 1914 (did not happen, was then redirected to heaven)
The old ones like Abraham, Noah etc, would be resurrected in 1925 - they even bought a house "Beth Sarim" where they would like.
They expected the end of the world beginning of 1950 (assuming that between 33 death Jesus and destruction of Jerusalem 37 years went by = 1914 plus 37 = 1951
Then 1975 - 6000 years humankind since Adam (i was there, heard it, believed it).
Then the generation that saw 1914 will not die before the end of the world (as well overdue)

That already makes 6 wrong prophecies. Anything unclear? I just wake up every day and thank god that I am still alive. Since Jesus times 370 billion people died - and might be one of them soon.