- Dec 7, 2011
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This is my first post. I would like to request prayer for my father. This is very hard for me, but I don't know where else to turn... I was raised in a Christian home. My dad was raised Catholic. He cannot give me a clear testimony of how he was saved, so I do suspect this may be the root of his trouble. Long story short, my father has an extremely bad temper. As a child, I remember several holes in the wall from where he punched them over little things. My mother rarely left me or my younger sister home alone with our father because of it. I have very vivid memories of playing with my sister as a 5-year-old and my dad would yank me off the floor, spank me out of anger for "playing too loud" or some other thing children do. Now, I agree with spanking, but this was not done in love nor was it controlled. All through my childhood my father's anger would be directed at me for unknown reasons. My entire family learned never to disagree with him lest we have to endure his fits of yelling, profanity, and throwing. We became scared of him when he was mad. The last time he ever hit me I was 19. My sister needed a black skirt, and I lent her one of mine. When I hung it on her door, he saw it, yelled for me to come in the room, flung me over the bed, and began hitting my backside out of anger, holding me down. He said he was sick of me forcing things on my sister. I told him if he ever struck me again, I would make sure he never did it again as I would report it.
His anger mostly comes through strings of shouting, profanity, and hitting objects. He had a massive heart attack three years ago, and since then he has bad spells of depression, pouting, and mood swings. I took the situation to my pastor and an evangelist friend last year. They told me they felt he was trying to live a lie, due to various things they had observed. This past summer, I accidentally caught my dad viewing porn on his computer. My family always suspected it. I walked in on him as I was preparing to leave for work. I ended up telling my mother because of some things that happened. I haven't told my sister as she is away in college and I am afraid what it would do to her. I feel it is wrong, but I cannot stand to hug him, ect. now. I keep my bedroom for locked. I have no reason to believe he would harm me in that way, bit I cannot help but sickened at the possibility he may view me as that garbage... I am 25, and the woman I saw was younger than I.
Sunday, my father hit a deer on the way to church, possibly totaling his car. When I got home from work tonight, my mother warned me to stay away from my dad as he was in a mood over he car, having cried half the way home from choir practice. I went to bed. Mom stayed up as she couldn't sleep because she is worried about dad. Around 2 am, I was awakened to my dad stomping down the hallway to the kitchen where mom was. Soon he stomped back to the bedroom, slammed the door, raises his voice and called my mother a bad word, took God's Name in vain on the worst possible manner and called my mother that word again. I heard him hit the matress several times and he stared a string of profanity again. I began shaking from fear. When he is like that there is no telling what he would do... I waited until he calmed down then slipped out of my room to check on my mom. She said he was angry she was still awake and told me to lock my door. I told her if he started up again we were going to leave and get a room somewhere. She said to just ignore it.
I feel ashamed to talk to anyone about this... I attend and am the secretary of a well-known church in my area. I am very active with our ministries and many know andvlike my dad. He is a Jeckel and Hyde from church to home. I have an apartment lined up to move to after new year, but I hate to leave my mom
I apologize for such a long post; I feel it is rude of me to do. Please pray for my dad. I do not see how he can truly be saved and be like this...
His anger mostly comes through strings of shouting, profanity, and hitting objects. He had a massive heart attack three years ago, and since then he has bad spells of depression, pouting, and mood swings. I took the situation to my pastor and an evangelist friend last year. They told me they felt he was trying to live a lie, due to various things they had observed. This past summer, I accidentally caught my dad viewing porn on his computer. My family always suspected it. I walked in on him as I was preparing to leave for work. I ended up telling my mother because of some things that happened. I haven't told my sister as she is away in college and I am afraid what it would do to her. I feel it is wrong, but I cannot stand to hug him, ect. now. I keep my bedroom for locked. I have no reason to believe he would harm me in that way, bit I cannot help but sickened at the possibility he may view me as that garbage... I am 25, and the woman I saw was younger than I.
Sunday, my father hit a deer on the way to church, possibly totaling his car. When I got home from work tonight, my mother warned me to stay away from my dad as he was in a mood over he car, having cried half the way home from choir practice. I went to bed. Mom stayed up as she couldn't sleep because she is worried about dad. Around 2 am, I was awakened to my dad stomping down the hallway to the kitchen where mom was. Soon he stomped back to the bedroom, slammed the door, raises his voice and called my mother a bad word, took God's Name in vain on the worst possible manner and called my mother that word again. I heard him hit the matress several times and he stared a string of profanity again. I began shaking from fear. When he is like that there is no telling what he would do... I waited until he calmed down then slipped out of my room to check on my mom. She said he was angry she was still awake and told me to lock my door. I told her if he started up again we were going to leave and get a room somewhere. She said to just ignore it.
I feel ashamed to talk to anyone about this... I attend and am the secretary of a well-known church in my area. I am very active with our ministries and many know andvlike my dad. He is a Jeckel and Hyde from church to home. I have an apartment lined up to move to after new year, but I hate to leave my mom
I apologize for such a long post; I feel it is rude of me to do. Please pray for my dad. I do not see how he can truly be saved and be like this...