Relic said:
I find it difficult when I see cases of child molestation, because, being a victim of child molestation myself, I have so much anger and hate for what these adults do to innocent children.
Having been raised in an organization that is known for occult practices, crime, porn, etc; I am dealing with this problem as well.
I have learned much about forgiveness and justice. God has done a great work in my heart. In the work that He has done in bringing about healing in me, there have been many repressed memories that have come to the surface. Things that I have been through. It was difficult at first, but it is becoming almost routine.
Recently, He has given me a burden that I am struggling with. I have watched many many children who grew up with me in this environment, and each of us has responded differently. It is like throwing down a football, you just don't know which way it is going to bounce.
Some of the memories that I am dealing with now involve the abuse that others have gone through. In my mind I am reliving the times when other innocent children were beaten, abused, and brainwashed. Some of them have grown up to become as their abusers. Others like me, have turned to the Lord, and are trusting in Him for salvation, healing, and restoration.
Recently, memories have come back to me of some older children who tried to protect me as a child. Remembering the abuse that they went through, and how I watched helplessly while these wicked people dug their claws into the minds of these victims. The things going through their minds now go to all extremes. Things that they should have, could have, would have done. Blaming themselves, blaming the little ones that they tried to protect. Blaming the devil. Blaming God.
I want to see the chains broken. The wicked brought to justice, and the innocent healed and restored. Nothing but God can make that happen. Only God has the discernment to figure out who is who.
It seems to be a stereotype that abused children grow up to be abusers themselves. I believe that this is only because the ones that do are the ones that make the news. Those who grew up wanting to stop the cycle of abuse, don't make news.
I pray that these children choose the way of the Lord. I am asking that the things that these children were exposed to would be used by you to draw them close to you, while at the same time you would cleanse them of the effects of what happened to them. I pray for the salvation of these boys, their parents and loved ones. Protect them from any further abuse that they might suffer as a result of their experiences.
Raise them up Lord to fight against the very things that they endured. What the abusers meant for evil, You can use for good. Give them a heart for other victims. Take the things that they have seen and heard and use it as a weapon against the wicked. Pick them up. Cleanse them. And use them for Your glory. Keep them from any council that would tell them to try to go back to a 'normal' life, and forget about what happened. Use them, they way that you used Joseph.
Raise up law enforcement with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to know what it is that they are dealing with. Give them boldness and courage, and divine protection to deal with this situation, and everything that comes to the surface as a result. Show them where the root of this is, and let it all be cut down and cast into the fire. Bring every branch of law enforcement, every legislative system, and every judicial system under your power. Purge anything and everything in any of these systems that is allowing the devil to have a foothold.
Lord, I pray for the one, or group of people, that took these children.
Destroy anything that is in any way shape or form protecting them from being caught. I am asking that you expose everything that is behind the scenes. Expose the darkness in their own soul. Drive out the demons and may they be cast into the lake of fire. Bring these people who are possessed to do such things, to their knees before you. Snatch them out of the hands of the evil one, and turn them back as soldiers in the Kingdom of God to fight against the things that have had them bound. Bring them to repentance. Turn them to you, and use them to expose the darkness of their own childhood. Use them to show the world how and why these things are happening.
Finally Lord, I pray for your church. You told us to occupy. I believe that is a military term. We are to be as soldiers in a world that you have overcome. We are to keep such things from happening. Father forgive us for any area of our calling where we have failed. I confess the sins of our parents, and all of our ancestors who turned from you, allowing the world to fall into so much wickedness.
We need to learn the power of prayer. I pray that you would give your people a burden for others. Raise up your church with boldness and power. Give us the backbone to deal with the wickedness that surrounds us. Give us a hatred for our lack of knowledge. Teach us to pray in such a way that no child needs to wait for four years for someone to rescue them. Teach us how to pray for missing people. Teach to pray for those who are being abused in their own homes. Teach us to pray for abductors. Teach us how to pray for a complacent church. Teach us how to pray for ourselves.
Father, I pray these things in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. I put my request in your hands, knowing that you know my heart, and you know our needs even before we ask you. I give you all of the praise, glory, and honor.
And again, Lord, thank you for saving the children.