His_nee (Jeff)
nutritionally speaking, over the last century, a lot has been discovered and a lot has been by-passed or missed after being discovered because someone didn't 'pick up the ball and run with it' so to speak.
anyhow, look up in case it may help, (online and elsewhere as God permits),
soy the terrible bean - (not a help, unless you need estrogen. use search terms 'the terrible bean' i think works)
also search "three white poisons" to see part of what to avoid at the grocery store (to protect the thyroid. it is very very important),
vitamin e ,
digestive enzymes(more general for the whole body, specific also for weight loss),
lugol's solution (used to be you could get otc, now a prescription is required. last year it cost $100 to get the prescription and $2 for the bottle of lugol's ... ... ..
(watch out for change in meaning/concentration over the years(of lugol's) - check out dr.jarvis's book 'folk medicine' for some fun details on overall health and general stamina, endurance, blood pressure, and weight loss)....
as always try to find a professional or trained person with years of experience to help find answers and to avoid health problems/ difficulties. find one who is willing to discuss nutritional approaches as well as medicinal ones as needed.
shalom to everyone who loves the truth and seeks the Father's Face to please HIM! forever ! amein!
anyhow, look up in case it may help, (online and elsewhere as God permits),
soy the terrible bean - (not a help, unless you need estrogen. use search terms 'the terrible bean' i think works)
also search "three white poisons" to see part of what to avoid at the grocery store (to protect the thyroid. it is very very important),
vitamin e ,
digestive enzymes(more general for the whole body, specific also for weight loss),
lugol's solution (used to be you could get otc, now a prescription is required. last year it cost $100 to get the prescription and $2 for the bottle of lugol's ... ... ..
(watch out for change in meaning/concentration over the years(of lugol's) - check out dr.jarvis's book 'folk medicine' for some fun details on overall health and general stamina, endurance, blood pressure, and weight loss)....
as always try to find a professional or trained person with years of experience to help find answers and to avoid health problems/ difficulties. find one who is willing to discuss nutritional approaches as well as medicinal ones as needed.
shalom to everyone who loves the truth and seeks the Father's Face to please HIM! forever ! amein!