God doesnt look to see whether a game is Chrsitian or Anti Christian, in fact he doesnt look at people as muslims or christians he sees people that his son paid the price for Christians being people who recognzes and receives what God has done through Jesus and Muslims and those who hasnt yet. Remember he didnt come to make Christians he came to produce Sons and Daughters. The only thing that heaven celebrates and moves towards and gravitates towards is JESUS and only JESUS. That means you can make a Christian game, but if it doesnt lift up the name of Jesus than to God it is just another title, it doesnt mean he is angry, it just means that it has no everlasting value, no eternal reward. Our Spirit desires to know our God and anything else is unprofitable to our true selves, and as a believer our focus always have to be to push and lift up the kingdom of God everywhere at all times, anything else is a distraction. Even in your workplace, make it a station or a base of operation where God can be glorified (by spreading the gospel to the non-believers around you) or in your school, make it a base of operation for God by taking care of his business (by spreading the good news and healing all manner of diseases like your father) or in your talents, by doing it for the benefit of the kingdom of God . So any game, any song that is not lifting up Jesus or the intention is not to lift up Jesus will be unprofitable which means it is just wasting our time which is so precious because life is short on this pilgramage called life. So lets say something like Kill Zone or Assassins creed or even Mario Brothers, what eternal value will you get from playing it? Will the Spirit Of God lead you to even play a game where he cant take anything from it and use it for your good and edification? Its like your best friend takes you to a school where he knows that if you register for classes you will learn absolutely NOTHING, he would never do that. I have been there so im not speaking from inexperience but i know how it is to spend countless hours playing games but the thing i learned is that while im sitting down playing and entertaining myself people are dying and perishing, imagine superman or batman or spiderman being unavailable to stop crime because they were too busy knocking out a game of Final Fantasy 8? We as believers have to rise and understand that God called us to work hand and hand with him to save the world so we are his ambassadors representing him, as Christ did. When we understand who we truley are we wont be having debates whether this or that is bad or not, because sometimes that is not even the issue, the issue is IS WHAT IAM DOING PROFITABLE FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND WILL SOULS BE ADDED TO THE KINDGOM OF GOD AND WILL JESUS BE GLORIFIED OR WOULD JESUS SPEND TIME DOING THIS? if we could see this, we would be understand what is benefiting us and what is wasting or time because the bible says, AS HE IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD! we are called with the same commission and the disciples understood this, but there was a time when they didnt and they were idle, and when they were idle they were just doing there own thing but when they knew who they were they gave themselves and devoted themselves for the sake of others salvation. I myself am working a game, but the purpose of it is to bring people closer to Christ still providing good gameplay but in the end, causing people to walk with more intamcy with Jesus and walk with a greater purpose, things like that the Holy Spirit is excited about and will promote you and advertise on your behalf because he knows it will benefit Jesus and his kingdom. And the reason why we still spend our time on some of these games is because we havent found quality christian titles yet, but that will change........