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  • Are you taking the time to pray? Christ is the answer in times of need

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Heard of "The Gospel"? Want to know more?

    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

  • Depending upon the Holy Spirit for all you do?

    Read through the following study by Tenchi for more on this topic

  • Focus on the Family

    Strengthening families through biblical principles.

    Focus on the Family addresses the use of biblical principles in parenting and marriage to strengthen the family.

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  • How are famous preachers sometimes effected by sin?

    Join Sola Scriptura for a discussion on the subject

The Beautiful Message of God the Father that You Need to Hear. GOD SPEAKS: "I HAVE NOT CREATED YOU BY ACCIDENT"



You are My Beloved Children and yet you do not listen to your Heavenly Parent, even when I admonish you. Beloved children, I miss you and I know every part of your hearts. You are meant for Me. You are destined for holiness.
Do not allow yourselves to bring what is not holy before My Eyes, but wash yourselves of your iniquities so that you may enter the Light of My Eyes. Forgive as you would like Me to forgive. Love as you would like Me to love. You must be attentive My children.
Make no fool of your time. Beloved children, be vigilant for your souls and do not let the temporal distract you from your path to me. Love your sisters and brothers. Bring them to the Love and protection of My Arms.
I am the Lord God and I say: do not believe that I do not exist. Do not turn away from Me, O children of this world. I cry when I ask you to pray and you reject Me in return. When I crave your Love, you love what is wrong instead.
When I tell you to be careful and not to waste time, you ignore My Words and listen to the advice of those who do not know or those who are foolish. Would you eat the stones on the left if there was a feast on the right?
Beloved children, that is what you do. You eat the bitterness and hardness of stones, and you abandon the beautiful feast that I offer each of you. And when you have finished eating all these stones, you will be left with nothing but disease, to the utter detriment of your bodies.
Oh children, the condition of this World is deplorable and yet, despite the tortures I endure, I love you so much, so faithfully. Return My Love and tenderness, My children. My Love for you is great and you cannot fathom it.
One glimpse is not enough to carry you through your present life. You are dissatisfied with the gifts I have given you. What will you do if they are taken away from you again? Beloved children, my Son longs for your Love.
He gave Himself to save each one of you and yet you do not respond. You do not see His Glory, nor do you thank Him for His Greatest Sacrifice. He saves you by His Death and now you are invited to a new Life in the Eternal Light of Heaven.
So I ask, why do My beloved children reject the Son of God? Why do you reject His Precious Gift of New Life. If you had gathered in your hands all the gold and precious stones of this World, as well as lands and oceans, you would not have touched the Glory and riches that await you in My Heavenly Kingdom.
My Love for you does not end. It is Eternal and wonderful. Love Me, children. Pray and ask for My Forgiveness. I am eternally ready to give you My Holy Compassion.
I am waiting for your call to repentance so that I can forgive you and save you from eternal destruction. Beloved children, you are seeing glimpses of the evil of hell. You cannot understand what horrors Souls endure when they leave Me.
Move away from the darkness, My beloved children, and come to Me, your Lord God and Father. Take the hand of my beloved Son, Christ, who wants to save you. He wants to set your hearts on fire with his great love for you.
Consider deeply the Sacrifice he made to redeem all humanity. Give thanks for His Love and eternal consolation. Thank Him with adoration for His immense Mercy and pray for forgiveness. The tears my Son cries are bitter to Me.
The whole of Heaven cries over the loss of even one soul, because each of you is so important to Me. I created each of you specifically, not by chance, and I love what I create. I do not reject what I have created. Beloved Children, do not reject your Creator.
Do not reject your Lord God who loves you. There is not a part of you that I do not know. I created you. I counted the beats of your hearts and brought your troubles and joys into My Heart so that you would not rejoice and endure them alone.
open your Hearts to Me so that I can pour Myself, My Love, into you. There is no place for Me when your eyes are on the world. Beloved children, keep your eyes always on the Cross and adore my Beloved Son adoringly and with the deepest Love.
I am the Lord God and Father. Whoever comes to me through my Son is faithful to me. And if anyone rejects My Beloved Son and turns away from His Sacred Heart, they reject Me as well. Do not reject Christ.
You do not know the gravity of this sin. Instead, My children, draw comfort and joy and nourishment, Holy Food, from the Holy Eucharist. Its benefits are unfathomable to you because your hearts are now so small.
Pray, discern and understand the graces and great blessings you receive when you receive and lovingly worship the Body and Blood of the Son of God. Beloved children, stay firm in My Love for you and I will arm you to face Satan who wants to destroy this World.
Through your prayers you mitigate the damage caused by sin. Prayers, My children, stop the storms and order the sea to calm down. Trust Me and know that your prayers are precious to Me. I hear you and respond in a powerful, grand way.
You just have to seek Me and pray. I miss your calls and I crave your Love. Beloved children, return My Love. Choose Me and pray. Devote yourself to prayer, I tell you.
When you are for Me, you cannot be against Me. I do not want your Love to be divided, but all your Hearts. Be one with Me in your prayers.
Know that I have told you, and I am still telling you, emphatically, pray and do not reject My Beloved Son.
Peace, My children, Peace.