The Big One Is Coming To America
By Perry Stone
For years those living in California have been told to prepare for the Big One. Geologists are speaking of a large earthquake that could occur at any time. The main fault line in California is the San Andreas Fault. This fault consists of two plates running through California: the Pacific plate on the west and the North American plate on the east.
It is more than 800 miles long and reaches at least 10 miles deep into the earth. the prediction is that eventually the plates will shift, causing one of the largest earthquakes in American history. The advantage in California is that large buildings are built a prepared to withstand strong earthquakes.
Few people on the east coast are aware that one of the largest fault lines in America is the New Madrid area registers an average of 200 small tremors a year. A major quake in this area is considered more dangerous than the San Andreas area, since the ground in the New Madrid area would make a quake more widespread.
One of the last two major quakes along the New Madrid fault was in 1811-1812, when three quakes, estimated to have been larger than 8.0, struck in a three-month period. The second event was in 1895 when a 6.8 earthquake in New Madrid was so strong that church bells rang in Boston!! Both the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers ran backwards!
One of the most devastating quakes came to California in 1906. Its epicenter was San Francisco. Browsing through an antique store in Lake City, Tennessee, I came across an old book documenting the San Francisco quake. The Earthquake struck on April 18, 1906 at 5:13 a.m. Fire burned and crumbled buildings for four-and-a-half square miles, leaving over 200,000 homeless. The recently revised death toll stands at 3,000. This book, which was the property of a public school library in the 1940s, stated that most Americans believed the earthquake was a sign of God’s judgment on the city for its wickedness! If a Bible believer made this same statement on a national news program today, he would be cut to shreds with verbal criticism and made a public mockery for saying God would judge anyone in such a manner. Even most Christians would act smug toward the notion. America’s gospel of prosperity and bless-me-now-if-you-can has created a lopsided understanding of God. We know His blessing but not His judgment. As the Bible states:
I said, Surely These are poor. They are foolish, for they do not know the way of the Lord, the judgment of their God (Jeremiah 5:4).
By Perry Stone
For years those living in California have been told to prepare for the Big One. Geologists are speaking of a large earthquake that could occur at any time. The main fault line in California is the San Andreas Fault. This fault consists of two plates running through California: the Pacific plate on the west and the North American plate on the east.
It is more than 800 miles long and reaches at least 10 miles deep into the earth. the prediction is that eventually the plates will shift, causing one of the largest earthquakes in American history. The advantage in California is that large buildings are built a prepared to withstand strong earthquakes.
Few people on the east coast are aware that one of the largest fault lines in America is the New Madrid area registers an average of 200 small tremors a year. A major quake in this area is considered more dangerous than the San Andreas area, since the ground in the New Madrid area would make a quake more widespread.
One of the last two major quakes along the New Madrid fault was in 1811-1812, when three quakes, estimated to have been larger than 8.0, struck in a three-month period. The second event was in 1895 when a 6.8 earthquake in New Madrid was so strong that church bells rang in Boston!! Both the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers ran backwards!
One of the most devastating quakes came to California in 1906. Its epicenter was San Francisco. Browsing through an antique store in Lake City, Tennessee, I came across an old book documenting the San Francisco quake. The Earthquake struck on April 18, 1906 at 5:13 a.m. Fire burned and crumbled buildings for four-and-a-half square miles, leaving over 200,000 homeless. The recently revised death toll stands at 3,000. This book, which was the property of a public school library in the 1940s, stated that most Americans believed the earthquake was a sign of God’s judgment on the city for its wickedness! If a Bible believer made this same statement on a national news program today, he would be cut to shreds with verbal criticism and made a public mockery for saying God would judge anyone in such a manner. Even most Christians would act smug toward the notion. America’s gospel of prosperity and bless-me-now-if-you-can has created a lopsided understanding of God. We know His blessing but not His judgment. As the Bible states:
I said, Surely These are poor. They are foolish, for they do not know the way of the Lord, the judgment of their God (Jeremiah 5:4).