How does the power of Lord Jesus Christ blood help you and I? How does it work?
This is one of the most critical aspects of the Gospel and Bible truth. Scripture says that without the shedding of blood there is no remission (of sins). In other words, our sins could never have been forgiven if Christ -- who is God -- had not shed His blood. Indeed poured out His blood (which also had to be applied to the Mercy Seat in Heaven in order to make it "the throne of grace").
So when we believe on Christ and His finished work of redemption, God applies His blood to our souls, and they are washed free from the guilt as well as the defilement of sins.
The term "washed in His blood" is to be taken literally and in the sense of a supernatural work of God. It is also crucial to understand that the death of Christ and the shed blood of Christ are distinct aspects of the finished work of Christ, and the shed blood cannot be simply equated with the death of Christ.
The connection between the shed blood of the Lamb of God and our cleansing goes back to Divine justice and Divine holiness. Divine justice (which is absolute) demands that a penalty be paid for every sin. That penalty was paid for all mankind by the sufferings and death of Christ.
At the same time Divine holiness demands that the guilty sinner approach a holy God cleansed from all his defilement.
Since water cannot wash away our sins, it is the blood of God the Son (Acts 20: 28) that God the Father applies to every sinner. Then He clothes us with the absolute righteousness of Christ. Thus we can approach His throne of grace with the knowledge that not only have our sins been forgiven, but our defilement and guilt have been removed. Therefore the blood of Christ is also the purchase price of our redemption.
The reason why hundreds and thousands of animals were sacrificed daily and at stated times within the Old Covenant was to demonstrate the necessity of the shedding of the blood of an innocent creature for the sins of a guilty creature. God showed this to Adam and then throughout His dealings with the Hebrews, until the Lamb of God came to this earth to put an end to animal sacrifices and the shedding of sacrificial blood.
When Isaac asked Abraham about the lamb to be sacrificed on Mount Moriah, Abraham said to him by Divine inspiration "My son, God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering" (Gen 22:8). But before the offering could be burned, its blood was to be shed. Now there is no more sacrifice for sins. This also tells us that the bloodless sacrifice of the Roman Catholic Mass is in violation of God's provision for our sins.