Twinc, what are you doing and why are you doing it. Nathan beat me to it but I fully agree with what he said. You are selling division and trying to bring brother against brother.
Speak of fruits and look at your own! Where is the message that brings out the better in men? Yes, broad is the road that leads to destruction. And those on it likely don't even know it. Otherwise they would step off of it. For your own well being take stalk of your own words to not cause division, disputes, and confusion. And instead look back to what the fruit of the Spirit is. Seek it out and learn to act in those ways instead of these.
If there is a fault about someone, what are you to do?! Proclaim it vaguely in a general way so everyone can see but no one know who or why you say it? What good does that do? Here is the test, but here also is a clue. Jesus already taught how to handle a brother or sister in faith who wrongs you. Seek his ways Twinc, and if you do not know the passage that I'm referring to, ask, and I'll let you know. It is better to come to the person first privitely and tell them their error, and if they see their wrong and change you've won them back. If they are not convinced and you still see them as doing wrong there are two more things you can do. Neither of which is what your doing now. But even if all things pan out that they are unchanged, what do you do then? Leave them, and teat them as you would a pagan.
It is clear that Jesus gives us permission to point out eachother's faults. But His instructions in doing so show the act of love to help them better themselves. Who has done this that you see? Who has claimed falsely that they hold the Holy Spirit in them? If you have an answer, then speak to them privitely about it. That way they can vindicate themselves without having a public tribunal, or they can correct themselves without public shame.
And for your own benifit please study on the fruits themselves and do your best to embody them so you do not cause more reason to quarrel among Christians.