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The Chronology of Armageddon


The following is a rough sketch of the chronology of the events of Armageddon. First, Armageddon is not a battle but a series of battles that covers most of the second half of the tribulation, known as the Great Tribulation

1. The Antichrist summons all his allies to prepare for war, the Antichrist becomes world dictator at this time
2. They attack Babylon and it is destroyed
3. Jerusalem will fall next, the Jews flee from Jerusalem and head to the mountains
4. The armies of the Antichrist will travel to Petra/Bozrah in modern Jordan to destroy the Jews there
5. The Jewish remnant at Petra/Bozrah will finally turn to the Lord
6. Christ begins his descent with the Church to Petra/Bozrah to deliver the Jews at his second coming
7. The Antichrist and his army fight the Jews starting in Petra/Bozrah all the way to Jerusalem
8. Christ will finally descend on the Mount of Olives, it splits in two
9. In just a few more weeks, the Millennial reign of Christ commences.

This is a PreTrib and PreMill understanding
The following is a rough sketch of the chronology of the events of Armageddon. First, Armageddon is not a battle but a series of battles that covers most of the second half of the tribulation, known as the Great Tribulation

1. The Antichrist summons all his allies to prepare for war, the Antichrist becomes world dictator at this time
2. They attack Babylon and it is destroyed
3. Jerusalem will fall next, the Jews flee from Jerusalem and head to the mountains
4. The armies of the Antichrist will travel to Petra/Bozrah in modern Jordan to destroy the Jews there
5. The Jewish remnant at Petra/Bozrah will finally turn to the Lord
6. Christ begins his descent with the Church to Petra/Bozrah to deliver the Jews at his second coming
7. The Antichrist and his army fight the Jews starting in Petra/Bozrah all the way to Jerusalem
8. Christ will finally descend on the Mount of Olives, it splits in two
9. In just a few more weeks, the Millennial reign of Christ commences.

This is a PreTrib and PreMill understanding
I have a Postrib understanding, and I view Armageddon as a battle that does take some time to develop but is actually fulfilled not just in a single day, but also in a single hour. It takes time for Antichrist to mobilize his troops, or for opposing armies to mobilize to Armageddon.

But the actual fight will likely only last for an hour, in my opinion, because I think it will be a nuclear war, world-wide, with Christ appearing immediately after the initial devastation. My concern here isn't to argue, but just to give my opinion on the subject.
The following is a rough sketch of the chronology of the events of Armageddon. First, Armageddon is not a battle but a series of battles that covers most of the second half of the tribulation, known as the Great Tribulation
End time eschatology is my calling of 40 years. I will take these point by point, its all good to offer a guess, but its better to be in the know. You have the pre trib. correct and the Day of the Lord is nor one day but 1260 days, so you are spot on there. But Armageddon is simply the marriage supper back on earth, we revel in our victory, and Jesus defeats them by the presence of his coming, thus is no battle in reality.

1. The Antichrist summons all his allies to prepare for war, the Antichrist becomes world dictator at this time
The AC will not rule the whole world , I can back this up wit scriptures, no Beast over Israel ever ruled the whole earth, even though Daniel 2 says that Nebuchadnezzar & Greece was said to rule the whole earth, but why? Because these Beasts all arose out of the Great Sea (The Mediterranean Sea) and they are about a POWER that rules over Israel and a defined region around that lone sea. The earth being spoken of in each case is the land around the Mediterranean Sea. How is the AC (E.U. leader) going to rule over China & Russia who have n Nukes? The USA an d the New World imho, is the 1/3 that gets wiped out by the Rev. 8 Asteroid and Fires it brings, why would God destroy the Old World when Jesus is going to rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years? The New World has 1/3 of the worlds Landmass and the Pacific Ocean covers 1/3 of the earth. His lone goal is to kill every Jew proving God a liar.

2. They attack Babylon and it is destroyed
Babylon is a DEAD CITY, God uses Babylon for the WHOLE WORLD. I wrote a blog on this 8 or so years back, I was citing Rome as THAT CITY in vs. 18 (Rev. 17:18) and the holy spirit was like Ron, look again at only what John SAWEST !!, and once I did, I realized the vision was only 4 verses long (3-6) and the City Babylon was being used to describe "The Harlot" like this:

MYSTERY (Secret heretofore or question mark)

1.) Babylon the Great (Babylon was world renowned for FALSE RELIGION)
2.) Mother of Harlots (FALSE RELIGION was the original Harlotry against God)
3.) Abominations of the Earth (God is a jealous God and He hates all FALSE RELIGION)

In vs. 7 the Angel says come and I will show you the MYSTERY of the Harlot (False Religions) and the [Government] Beasts she rides, its always been False Religion and False Governance cojoined at the hip until the Beast JUDGES the Harlot in Rev. 17:16 but why will it be different at that point in time? Because unlike the other Beasts who worshiped false gods, this man will think he is GOD!! Thus he will kill off all False Religions, be it Witch Craft, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, et al. as well as kill off those gentile Christians who repent after the Rapture.

In olden times a harlot was sent to the city square, and her clientele would look for a name tag on her forehead (highest point). Here, God TAGS this Harlot with Three Identifiers. We have to figure out what this mystery is pointing unto by the clues God gives us.

Rev. 18 is Babylon (whole world) being judged by God, you see False Religion is Judged in Rev. 17 via God using the AC and his 10 kings (EU) to do His biding, then God Himself judges Babylon. Rev. 16:19 identifies Babylon as the WHOLE WORLD, it says God remembered Babylon the Great when His wrath fell as Jesus wipes them all out, so Jesus wiped out Babylon, so who were they? Well, lets look back to Vial #6 where it says the Kings of the WHOLE WORLD prepared t go to battle against Almighty God. So, we know Babylon equals the WHOLE WORLD under Satan's Dark Kingdom of Babylon or Deception. In Rev. 18:2 we see Babylon(world) has fallen and become a habitation of DEVILS but why? Because Satan has been cast down to earth at the midway point and the demons from the pit released.

Getting log, better post and finish later.
3. Jerusalem will fall next, the Jews flee from Jerusalem and head to the mountains
Yes, after the rapture, and after the 1335 Blessing (Two-witnesses) where Israel is turned back to God, the 1/3 (5 million or the encoded 144,000 which = 5 million) start worshiping God in the temple, thus the temple that was rent becomes cleansed again. Then at the 1290, a Jewish High Priest like unto Jason (real name Yeshua) under Antiochus Epiphanes will forbid Jesus worship in the temple/maybe in all Jerusalem, (he TAKES AWAY The [real] Sacrifice). This can not be the AC who only comes on the scene as The Beast 30 days later at the 1260. Each number is THAT MANY DAYS, until ALL THESE WONDERS END [at the second coming of Jesus]. Thus the 1335 comes 45 days before the 1290 F.P. and 75 days before the 1260 Beast. Now think, why would the Beast who seeks to kill all Jews allow the 5 million Jews who have just accepted their Messiah to flee Judea? One could say BUT..BUT...BUT God can protect them, well yea He will in the Petra/Bozrah area, but He can just plan it this way, and have the Beast come to power 30 days after He gives the Jews a SIGN to flee Judea too right? And we could just not be interpreting who the 1290 guy is correctly, right guys? Remember, he has a 2nd hand man. Who places the AoD? Rev. 13 says its the 2nd Beast (FP) that gets the people to make an image of the first Beast and place it up in the temple.

4. The armies of the Antichrist will travel to Petra/Bozrah in modern Jordan to destroy the Jews there
Well, I think that is their intention, but Jesus shows up at the 70th vial and wipes them all out.

5. The Jewish remnant at Petra/Bozrah will finally turn to the Lord
They must do so BEFORE the DOTL, we can see this is true by looking at two passages. Malachi 4:5-6 says Elijah is sent back BEFORE the DOTL to turn Israel back unto God. Then, they biggest clue, we see in Zech. 13:-8-9 that 1/3 (5 million) Jews repent, then in the very next verse (Zech. 14:1) we see the DOTL has arrived, then in vs. 2 Jerusalem/Israel is sacked, then in vs. 3 (1260 days later) Jesus shows up to destroy the wicked. So, God is not going to accept an unfaithful Israel, they MUST REPENT before they flee unto Judea.

6. Christ begins his descent with the Church to Petra/Bozrah to deliver the Jews at his second coming
That's mere prose, Jesus shows up and kills the wicked, he does not need our help at all per se. Just as Rev. 14 is prose, the 144,000 (5 million) are not waiting on the holy mount. for Jesus to show up, its just prose showing God/Jesus will now harvest The Wheat (Israel) and slay the wicked tares, bundling them to be burned later (1000 years later).

7. The Antichrist and his army fight the Jews starting in Petra/Bozrah all the way to Jerusalem
Over thinking here, God Himself protects Israel for ALL 1260 days, then Jesus shows up.

8. Christ will finally descend on the Mount of Olives, it splits in two
Praise the Lord, we win. Amen.

9. In just a few more weeks, the Millennial reign of Christ commences.
I assume you mean in just a few weeks from point 8. How about at that very instance. It is not going to take Jesus weeks nor even days to kill these thugs, his mere PRESENCE slays them all