The Correct UMC Response to Denominational Error


May 17, 2021
The Summer of 2024 - I did catch about a half a dozen camp meetings. Since the Robert Sheffey days the Methodist Episcopal Church combined to create the UMC (United Methodist Church). In which the Sheffey Camp Meeting became. The UMC has embraced the LGBTQ stuff and I am supposing that there are gay bishops out there in which I don't want to investigate anymore into. The people at camp meeting all looked old and unenthusiastic.

So... For the speaker of this camp meeting they had an old veteran and he would speak like this... "All! We all know Methodism has had its issues and is a mess. But our response is to laugh about it!" And then he goes on to tell a story about a man who laughed all the time. And the last time he heard someone laugh was at a funeral somewhere in which his loud laughing could be heard everywhere.

My thoughts... My gosh! What terrible events to have beheld! Suggesting we find humor in carnal events! So all the issues related to the church we are supposed to give deep hearted belly laughter over.

*** Our church is a mess! Hahahahaha!
*** We are terribly sexually impure! ! Hahahahaha!
*** Our speakers are terrible! Hahahahaha!
*** Our doctrine is way out there in left field! Hahahahaha!
After studying the history of Protestant churches I find denomination and abomination annoyingly similar. John Wesley did not intend a denomination and chastised Asbury over it...

September 20, 1788

My Dear Brother:

There is, indeed, a wide difference between the relation wherein you stand to the Americans and the relation wherein I stand to all the Methodists. You are the elder brother of the American Methodists: I am under God the father of the whole family. Therefore I naturally care for you all in a manner no other persons can do. Therefore I in a measure provide for you all; for the supplies which Dr. Coke provides for you, he could not provide were it not for me, were it not that I not only permit him to collect but also support him in so doing.

But in one point, my dear brother, I am a little afraid both the Doctor and you differ from me. I study to be little: you study to be great. I creep; you strut along. I found a school: you a college! [Cokesbury College] nay, and call it after your own names! 0 beware, do not seek to be something! Let me be nothing, and "Christ be all in all!"

One instance of this, of your greatness, has given me great concern. How can you, how dare you suffer yourself to be called Bishop? I shudder, I start at the very thought! Men may call me a knave or a fool, a rascal, a scoundrel, and I am content; but they shall never by my consent call me Bishop! For my sake, for God's sake, for Christ's sake put a full end to this! Let the Presbyterians do what they please, but let the Methodists know their calling better.

Thus, my dear Franky, I have told you all that is in my heart. And let this, when I am no more seen, bear witness how sincerely I am Your affectionate friend and brother,

John Wesley