You or I or anyone else is not going to get away from the conclusion of the LAW.
The conclusion of the LAW is that ALL HAVE SIN, period, end of conversation.
Neither one of us is going to eliminate sin with us or make it 'legal' or 'lawful.'
We could follow every jot and tittle of the law and guess what? The sin that is present within us is still ILLEGAL
no matter how you try to 'define the Law.'
As much whitewashed plaster that is put on the outside of the cup will not eliminate the fact of sin in the heart.
We can not say we have no sin and be 'in Truth.'
Interesting dilemma isn't it? We can go to Christ and ask forgiveness, but the fact is that no sin will ever be legal and Jesus has never authorized sin.
The real questions about sin is HOW DO I STOP IT? And
the fact is we don't.
Believers absolutely LOVE to overlook the fact of sin being present within us.
I spent 20 years as a believer being one of the best hypocrites on the planet. Jesus finally asked me why I was such A LIAR? My response? Good point Lord! You're right, I'm wrong.
At the point that I saw sin was OF THE DEVIL I knew I was not 'alone' in this matter and that the DEVIL is not about to be legal or lawful, and that any attempt to make the DEVIL legal, lawful, behave or to cover that working up was going to end up being quite a fruitless effort.
So, next time you have as little as a sinful thought, just remember that it is not just you as Gods child having that thought. The tempter in our minds/hearts is a fact of our present life. Some know it, most don't. They just think it's themselves.
If your mind says 'it's just you' that is from the tempter too.
Some are blatant and outright slaves. Some are led to DIVIDE THEMSELVES from that working. Part of
the division process is to
be truthful about the matter.
The fact is, sin is of the devil, so, do the math.
The fact will probably stick in your craw for a bit.
But, if and when you see it, you WILL despise the fact of that presence, and you may even see this statement from Jesus differently:
Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and
hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and
his own life also,
he cannot be my disciple.
If you feel a little burning in your heart when you realize
the sin in you is of the devil, that is the devil reminding you not to look too closely and
go back to sleep.