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Bible Study The LXX Old Testament Books


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The LXX Old Testament Books

There are some who are providing false information on the Canon of the Old Testament, by saying that the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century AD, was responsible of removing certain books from the Old Testament. This is as downright lie!

The books in question, are the additional 15 found in Roman Catholic and Orthodox Bibles, which are classed as “Apocrypha”, as they were never part of the Original Hebrew Canon, used by the Jews, at the Time when Jesus Christ walked on earth. These additional books are:

Additions to the Book of Esther; Baruch; Bel and the Dragon; Ecclesiasticus (or Ben Sira); 1 and 2 Esdras; Judith; Letter of Jeremiah; 1-4 Maccabees; The Prayer of Azariah; Prayer of Manasseh; Psalm 151; Susanna; Tobit; Wisdom of Solomon.

It is argued that these additional books were part of the Original Old Testament, but were removed by the Protestants who were against the Roman Catholic church, in the 16th century. This for starters is false!

These additional books are only found in later editions of the Greek Old Testament, known as The Septuagint (LXX), which is a translation made by the Greek speaking Jews, in Alexandria, in the closing centuries BC.

The earliest reference to the Books of the Old Testament, as in the LXX, is found in the works of the 2nd century Bishop, Melito, who died in AD 180. According to the early Church historian, Eusebius, who lived in the 4th century, Melito only knew of the following Books in his copy of the LXX:

“But in the Extracts made by him the same writer [i.e. Melito] gives at the beginning of the Introduction a catalog of the acknowledged books of the Old Testament, which it is necessary to quote at this point. He writes as follows: "Melito to his brother Onesimus, greeting! Since you have often, in your zeal for the Word, expressed a wish to have extracts made from the Law and the Prophets concerning the Saviour, and concerning our entire Faith, and have also desired to have an accurate statement of the ancient books, as regards their number and their order, I have endeavored to perform the task, knowing your zeal for the faith, and your desire to gain information in regard to the Word, and knowing that you, in your yearning after God, esteem these things above all else, struggling to attain eternal salvation. Accordingly when I went to the East and reached the place where these things were preached and done, I learned accurately the books of the Old Testament, and I send them to you as written below. These are their names: Of Moses five, Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, Deuteronomy; Joshua the son of Nun, Judges, Ruth, four of Kingdoms, two of Chronicles, the Psalms of David, Solomon's Proverbs also Wisdom, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Job; of the Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, the Twelve [minor prophets] in one book, Daniel, Ezekiel, Esdras. From which also I have made the extracts, dividing them into six books." Such are the words of Melito.” (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History iv. 26)”

The only additional book that is known to Melito, in the LXX that he used, is the book of Wisdom! Melito lived in what is now modern Turkey, and in the 2nd century AD, the LXX that was in his possession, consisted of the Books in the Old Testament, as shown by Eusebius. None of the other books are part of the OT! Interesting that this FACT is not mentioned by those who falsely accuse the Protestants of removing these additional books! They could not remove, what was never there in the first place!

We then have the testimony of the early Church heretic, Origen, who lived between 184-253 AD, who used the LXX. Again, according to Eusebius, says the following of his OT:

“When expounding the first Psalm he gives a catalog of the Sacred Scriptures of the Old Testament as follows: "It should be stated that the canonical books, as the Hebrews have handed them down, are twenty-two, corresponding with the number of their letters." Farther on he says: "The twenty-two books of the Hebrews are the following: That which is called by us Genesis, but by the Hebrews, from the beginning of the book, Breshith, which means 'in the beginning'; Exodus, Welesmoth, that is, 'these are the names'; Leviticus, Wikra, 'and he called'; Numbers, Ammesphekodeim; Deuteronomy, Eleaddebareim 'these are the words'; Joshua the son of Nun, Josoue ben Noun; Judges and Ruth, among them in one book, Saphateim; the first and second of Kings, among them one, Samoel, that is, 'the called of God'; the third and fourth of Kings in one, Wammelch David, that is, 'the kingdom of David'; of the Chronicles, the first and second in one, Dabreiamein, that is, 'records of days'; Esdras, first and second in one, Ezra, that is, 'an assistant'; the book of Psalms, Spharthelleim; the Proverbs of Solomon, Meloth; Ecclesiastes, Koelth; the Song of Songs (not, as some suppose, Songs of Songs), Sir Hassirim; Isaiah, Jessia; Jeremiah, with Lamentations and the Epistle in one, Jeremia; Daniel, Daniel; Ezekiel, Jezekiel; Job, Job; Esther, Esther; And outside of these there are the Maccabees, which are entitled Sarbeth Sabanaiel." He gives these in the above-mentioned work. (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, vi. 25)

Twenty Two Books are part of the Hebrew Canon, to which Origen refers, which he has also in his copy of the LXX. Note that he says the books of Maccabees are “outside” of the Original Hebrew Bible used by the Jews, and not in his LXX!

Now here is another interesting FACT, which is not mentioned by the RCC and others who support their falsehoods on the OT Canon. Pope Gregory I, who died in AD 604, wrote on the books of Maccabees:

“With reference to which particular we are not acting irregularly, if from the books, though not Canonical, yet brought out for the edification of the Church, we bring forward testimony. Thus Eleazar in the battle smote and brought down an elephant, but fell under the very beast that he killed” (1 Macc. 6.46). (Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, (Oxford: Parker, 1845), Gregory the Great, Morals on the Book of Job, Volume II, Parts III and IV, Book XIX.34, p.424.)

Very clearly we read that Maccabees is “NOT CANONICAL”, this means not Inspired and not part of the Original Old Testament!

Either Gregory is right in what he says, or in error, which according to the RCC, is not possible!

Before this time, we have another “Pope”, Innocent 1, who died in AD 417 in Rome. He lists the Books of the Old Testament, as found in the LXX Version:

“Which books really are received in the canon, this brief addition shows. These therefore are the things of which you desired to be informed. Five books of Moses, that is, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, and Joshua the son of Nun, and Judges, and the four books of Kings [1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings] together with Ruth, sixteen books of the Prophets, five books of Solomon [Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom of Solomon, and Ecclesiasticus], and the Psalms. Also of the historical books, one book of Job, one of Tobit, one of Esther, one of Judith, two of Maccabees, two of Ezra [Ezra and Nehemiah], two of Chronicles” (Letter to Exsuperius, bishop of Toulouse)

Here we have by another “Pope”, the Old Testament as in the LXX, in the 5th century AD. We have only 6 of the additional books that are in the LXX at this time!

It is very clear to those who are interested in the TRUTH, that even in Roman Catholicism, their own leaders had Old Testaments as in the LXX, that are way different to what the RCC accepted in the Council of Trent, in the 16th century, at a very late date, affirm that the additional 15 books, are part of the OT Canon! Prior to this time, as we have seen from the solid evidence, that this version of the LXX evolved over the years, and in the Original never did have any of these books!

We have in the words of the Roman Catholic scholar, Tobias Mullen, that the Original Old Testament Canon, at the time of the Jewish historian, Josephus, in the 1st century AD, consisted of only 22 Books:

“The Jewish Canon…Josephus, the Jewish historian, who wrote about the close of the first century, is the first to say that the Hebrew Scriptures consisted of twenty-two Books…A second enumeration, also noticed by St. Jerome, and followed by some of the Talmudic doctors, increases the number of books to twenty four…This enumeration separates Ruth from Judges, inserting it after Esther ; and Lamentations from Jeremias, assigning to the former the last place on the list…There is still a third enumeration, which is followed among some of the more modern Jews, and augments the number of Books to twenty-seven, by adding what grammarians call the five finial letters to the twenty-two of which the Hebrew alphabet consists. Hence results an arrangement by which Ruth is detached from Judges. Four distinct Books of Kings and two separate Books of Paralipomenon are thus obtained, together with another by dividing into two books Esdras and Nehemias. In this enumeration Judges is followed by Ruth; then we have Kings I., II., III., IV., followed by Paralipomenon I. and II. [1 & 2 Chronicles], after which the order is Esdras, Nehemias, Esther, Job, Psalter, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticle of Canticles, Isaias, Jeremias with Lamentations, Ezechiel, Daniel, the Prophets [the 12 Minor Prophets, p.16]. (Tobias Mullen; The Canon of the Old Testament, pp. 15, 16, 17.)

The 39 Books in the so called, Protestant Canon, is exactly the same as Josephus, the only difference is the way the Books are divided. None of the additional books in the RC bible, are included. We know that Josephus was aware of the LXX Herbert Ryle; The Canon of the Old Testament, pp. 163, 165, 166), and never says that any of these additional books, were part of his copy of the LXX, or that they are part of the OT Canon!

The oldest Greek manuscript for the LXX, is the 4th century AD, Codex Sinaiticus:

“In the Codex Sinaiticus, the books of the Old Testament probably followed one another in a somewhat similar order. Genesis to Chronicles, 1 Esdras, 2 Esdras (=Ezra, 4th Cent. Nehemiah), Esther, Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, 4 Maccabees, Isaiah, Jeremiah with Baruch, Lamentations, and Epistle [Ezek. Dan.], Minor Prophets, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom of Solomon, Wisdom of the Son of Sirach, Job. But the fragmentary condition in which the Old Testament in this MS. has survived, precludes any absolute certainty as to the place of Ezekiel and Daniel.” (Herbert Ryle; The Canon of the Old Testament, pp. 215-216)

1 and 2 “Esdras”, is another name for the Canonical Books, Ezra and Nehemiah. In this Mss, we have only 8 books that are in the RCC bible. 2 Maccabees is omitted, and 4 Maccabees is included, which was rejected at the Council of Trent!

The other 4th century Greek manuscript that has the LXX, is Codex Vaticanus:

“In the Codex Vaticanus, the books are arranged upon cod. Vat. the same principle, the chief differences being (i) the introduction of 'Apocrypha,' (2)the place of 'Job' after the canonical writings of Solomon, due perhaps to the uncertainty about authorship ; and (3) the place of the Twelve Minor Prophets before Isaiah, due probably to an attempt at chronological arrangement. The order in which the books follow one another is, ' Genesis—Chronicles, I Esdras, 2 Esdras ( =Ezra, Nehemiah), Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Job, Wisdom of Solomon, Wisdom of the Son of Sirach, Esther, Judith, Tobit, Twelve Minor Prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Baruch, Lamentations, Epistle of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel” (Herbert Ryle; The Canon of the Old Testament, pp. 215-216)

In this manuscript of the LXX, there are only 6 of the additional books!

In the next century, we have the other Greek manuscript for the LXX, the Codex Alexandrinus:

“The Codex Alexandrinus contains the books of the Old Testament in three volumes, in the following order : —vol. i. Genesis to Chronicles ; vol. ii. Twelve Minor Prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah with Baruch, Lamentations, and Epistle of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel (Theodotion's version), Esther with Additions Tobit, Judith, 1 Esdras 2 Esdras ( =Ezra, Nehemiah), 1, 2, 3, 4 Maccabees ; vol. iii. Psalms with Canticles, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom of Solomon, Wisdom of the Son of Sirach” (Herbert Ryle; The Canon of the Old Testament, pp. 215-216)

Now we have 10 of the additional books! It is very clear, that with time, more books were added to what the Original LXX of the Old Testament had, as we see in the 2nd century as used by Melito, and then in the next century, by Origen. Even the “Popes” never regarded these additional books as part of the LXX!

This is the EVIDENCE that it ignored or disregarded by those who falsely accuse the Protestant Reformation, of “removing” books that are part of the Original Old Testament Canon!

The oldest textual evidence, does not have the full 15 books as in the RCC bible, in the LXX!