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Praised be Jesus Christ and Mary Ever Virgin.
Luz de Maria de Bonilla, the message of Jesus Christ for the End Times.
My beloved people: accept my blessing which, as a loving father, I come to give you.
My beloved people, you are not walking alone, you are on the path chosen by each of you and I am accompanying you on this path.
Open the doors of your hearts to me so that I can free you from the chains of evil oppression.
My beloved ones, you have entered turbulent waters, waters which humanity itself has drawn like a magnet.
You have seen events unfold at an accelerated pace before your very eyes.
Without a word, you bowed your head and followed orders from the heights of human power.
You only see the present, you cannot see beyond it.

Right now, the world elite is testing humanity's response, and those who dominate will use the diseases to establish their power over humanity.
I gave myself on the Cross and called you by My Love; I have called you through My prophets, and yet nothing is important to you, only what comes to threaten life, so that even Faith is in vain.
I have called you to give everything out of love, but you do not forgive.
You are still locked in your human ego and that will cause your downfall, the contagion, because if the heart is not pure then the body is defenseless.
My Beloved People: The sun, the air, the moon, the stars are the creation of My Love.
My Love is the great and only food for all who enter My Ways.

Only My Love will be able to defeat and unite humanity with one voice.
Human egoism will only be overcome and subdued by My Love, after indwelling each person.
Open your heart, let Me enter it and take absolute possession of your feelings, your works and your deeds.
Only My Love will defeat the evil that overwhelms humanity precisely because of the lack of My Love.
My children look at me from afar, they see me passing by and turn to what is worldly and sinful.
Man has shaped, slowly, a great sphere, which from moment to moment grows and enlarges with manifold and terrifying sins.
This realm of sin and abomination is growing without your participation, but as it passes before humanity, it leaves behind a trail of pain and tears.
This great sphere of sin is in one moment, in one breath from spreading to the whole earth.
With the step of this very serious sin, the Earth trembles and collapses from north to south, from east to west.

Every word of peace that does not have My Love printed on it is ephemeral and false.
Therefore, I invite you to see all that is before you, so that you do not create false hopes before the deceptive words of people who say the word peace to the wind.
Turn to Me, turn to Me quickly, for in Heaven I am preparing My Angelic Legions to descend very quickly before you and bring innocent souls to Me.
I am true love, human love is a variant, the only antidote to evil is my love and I have it before each of you to let me pour it out abundantly.

Pray without ceasing for all those who do not believe in My calls.
My Mother, the Pilgrimage of Love, goes from earth to earth and from heart to heart, sowing Her Love, but she finds barren land that bears no fruit.
You who listen to My Word with love, I invite you to be messengers of My Love, not to despise the sinner, but to accept him as I have done, as I do with each of you.
Spread My Love within you, bear witness to the One who dwells within you.
Today I want Christians by testimony, not Christians by word.
My People will be persecuted and whoever calls themselves a Christian by word will be killed in persecution.
Right now, I need you to rise above your egoism, above your desires, above your humanity.
At this time, I invite you to let go of everything that holds you back.
quicken your step, quicken your step, see My Light, see My Love, come to Me for I will satisfy your thirst.

I have called you not to turn your back on me, not to be easy prey for evil.
I am calling you to be faithful, to surrender for love, for my love, for that love that distinguishes you as my children.
I urge you to prepare yourself in spirit, do not follow other paths, be just in your work and actions.
He who holds grudges remains chained to his "ego" and dies in his "ego".
You do not understand the seriousness of My words.
You don't understand that you have to prepare for the warning.
You do not understand that I am both merciful and just.

You do not understand that the suffering of humanity will continue.
The earth will tremble from one extreme to the other and suffering will not be caused only by diseases but by various events and My Word will be fulfilled.
There will be constant events that will not allow you to help each other.
You did not believe, but the moment you experience what I have announced to you, you are moved, you feel fear, fear seizes you, and the faith you do not have cannot sustain you.
I suffer with the suffering of My children and yet you are not meek or humble, but arrogant and disobedient; you seek a prophecy, not My Word, to convert you.

Events will not be delayed, you will experience them one after another.
Man will know poverty, even those who feel safe because of money - it will be of no use, and I will say to them: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's."
And what will you give me?
What have you given me?
Doubt, lies, contempt, unbelief, pride, disobedience.
Pray My children.
Pray for all humanity, so that each person can see themselves and respect their brothers and sisters with love for their neighbor.
Pray My children.
Pray that you will be aware of the power shown by those who move humanity.
This is an easy way to dominate you; later the Antichrist will come as the savior of mankind.
Pray My children.

Pray, war is coming and will shake humanity.
Pray My children, pray.
The ordinances on humanity will turn people against people until suddenly there is war.
Pray, My children, pray, Russia will invade the world and cause it suffering.
Pray My children.
Pray for each other.
My people are strengthening, My people are heading towards the Promised Land, following in My footsteps.
Go ahead My children, do not be afraid!
I'm with you.
I bless you in My Father's Name, in My Name and in the Name of Our Holy Spirit.
The peace of My House be with you and all your families.
I bless your spiritual goods, your material goods, I bless all the work that your hands undertake, I bless the steps of the youth of your families and in My Name I drive out the evil that surrounds you.
Stay in My Peace - Jesus.
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These prophecies are from few peoples from the world..somebody write it to the paper and send to others
Is there any evidence this is from Jesus Himself and not just extrapolation that is made up? if so what is it?
Matthew 24:5
"For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many."

John 4:6
"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and now it is already in the world. 4 You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. 5 They are from the world, therefore they speak as from the world, and the world listens to them. 6 We are from God. The one who knows God listens to us; the one who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error."

My Mother, the Pilgrimage of Love, goes from earth to earth and from heart to heart, sowing Her Love, but she finds barren land that bears no fruit.
Mary is dead. She has no authority over Jesus. The Real Jesus would not believe contraBiblical, new catholic ideas.
Anonymous messages with no validation of the giver or of a checking process are valueless.

There is a simple test of a prophet. If they get it wrong they are a blasphemer and not from God.