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  • Are you taking the time to pray? Christ is the answer in times of need

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Heard of "The Gospel"? Want to know more?

    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

  • Depending upon the Holy Spirit for all you do?

    Read through the following study by Tenchi for more on this topic

  • Focus on the Family

    Strengthening families through biblical principles.

    Focus on the Family addresses the use of biblical principles in parenting and marriage to strengthen the family.

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  • How are famous preachers sometimes effected by sin?

    Join Sola Scriptura for a discussion on the subject

The message of Jesus Christ that sinks into the Heart. "THESE THINGS I TELL YOU ARE GREAT."



We invite you to listen to the beautiful message of Our Savior, Jesus Christ, given to Linda Noskiewicz.
My beloved children. I am tender and gentle, and so hurt by man. Every sin brings Me great pain. If man knew the very horror and depth of My pain, he would surely stop sinning against Me. Children of My Sacred Heart, you must pray. Be fervent in your prayers and flee into My loving arms. Come to Me so that I can align your Hearts with Mine and join them together so that this world will never come between us.
O children, give me your hearts. How I miss them! When you reject Me, I am devastated. My pain at your refusal or rejection is unbearable. Beloved children of My Sacred Heart, pray. You must pray and purify yourself before you come to Me.
Come to Me and take part in My Body, to spare you suffering or strengthen you through this Holy and Divine Communion. Children, if you understood even the smallest part of the great benefits you receive through My Eucharistic Self, you would plead before My Tabernacle and you would never get up from your knees again.
Such is the generosity of My Love and graces for each of you. My dear children, I emphasize "to each of you" because each of My children is precious and loved to Me. For each of you I shed My Most Holy Blood. There is nothing you can do that I cannot forgive and lift you up through My Love and Compassion. That is why I say to those who have heavy hearts, come to Me and take refuge in My great Love for you.
I will give you comfort, joy and Love. Come to Me. I do not reject a contrite Heart. Beloved children of My Wounded Heart, you must always pray and receive Me in the Eucharist. It is important that you remain in a state of grace before Me.
Keep me in your Hearts, My children, for you do not know when you will be called. Oh My children, there is always darkness before the Light. Just as there is death and new life. My children, hold fast to your Love and trust in Me. Such dark days come to greet you.
It will be as disturbing and shocking as sudden thunder. The earth will groan in horror and horror at the sins of Man. The earth is harmonized and Nature becomes more and more unhappy because of the sins of man. Children, sin is not from God. You must not compromise with sin.
He is evil incarnate and with every sin your Soul is stained. This makes it easier for the darkness to grow within you and you, My beloved children, are made for the Light. Beloved children, I say that the earth will groan in horror at the sins of Man.
You will see great fires and fire will fall from the sky. Trust Me, My children. The world will be tried in ways unimaginable, but prayer soothes everything. Prayers save and I hear Love in your every prayer.
Beloved children, in the midst of your joys and sorrows, happiness and suffering, trust in Me and always put Me first in your hearts. I want to be the only Love of your life. I want you to always choose Me.
Choose Love over darkness. My Heart gives you joy and tenderness when you choose to please Me in every little action. You rescue Me from My Wounds and send waves of Love to Me, which I return with more Love and My Divine Blessings.
Children, I am for you and you are for me. You are My beloved children and I do not abandon you. Beloved Mine, prepare yourself for confusion. Prepare yourself by constant prayer and constant Communion with Me. Do not let your hearts be afraid because I will protect you and I will transform your sufferings.
Pray in your sufferings and cling to My own great sufferings. I appeal to you in this. Do not be angry and do not be discouraged in the midst of suffering, because I also suffered and still suffer seeing how a man hurts himself in this way. Children of My Heart, stay close to Me.
Stay close to Me and be solid and steadfast in your Love and trust in Me. I tell you, those whose trust is steadfast will perform wonderful things in My Name before man. Those who have given Me the complete gift of their Hearts, Souls, minds and bodies will move mountains, move rivers, heal the dying and cause dangers to recede.
Trust Me and I will do everything. This is the greatness of My Love. My children, your devotions move Me. Press your hearts against Mine so that you can feel the hot strength of My Love. Cling to Me, My children, and every moment of every day will be sweet for you, regardless of what is happening in the world.
Children, if you are for Me, why are you afraid? Do not be afraid, My children. Just pray with devotion. I answer all prayers with My Boundless Love and Mercy. Beloved children of My Sacred Heart, I shed all My Holy and Divine Blood for you to be saved.
Do not take this gift lightly, for it is an Eternal Gift and although you cannot contemplate eternity, it is in Me that you place your strongest and greatest trust. Beloved children, you are spiritual beings created in a glorious and Divine image. Get to the core of this truth.
Therefore, you should respect, Love and care dearly and carefully for your Souls. You live in the blink of an eye of eternity, my children, but how important that blink is! I am your Holy and Divine Guide. I died that you might be saved.
Accept this ineffable gift of Mine and adore your Lord God and Father who is My beloved Father and who reigns throughout Eternity. Believe me, these things I say are great, they are Our Divine Mystery. Believe, trust and love, My children. Know that I am always with you.
I hear and answer your prayers according to My Divine Will which is all good. Beloved children, rest now with My Blessings upon you. Soon you will have no other rest than that which you will find in Me. Peace, My children.