The Problem of Judgmentalism And The Solution To Freedom

Greg Gordon

May 30, 2015
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Because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. – James 2:13
We all have been shown great mercy in our lives. God has shown great compassion and forgiveness towards us in not counting our sins against us. We were in a place were God was ready to punish us and cause us great harm in sending us to hell for eternity for our great sins. Yet he showed great mercy and love towards us, forgiving our sins in his Son. When we therefore show no mercy to others, especially believers, we sin greatly. Warren Weirsbe says, “The most miserable prison in the world is the prison we make for ourselves when we refuse to show mercy.” Such a prison many believers are in not being able to show mercy to others but being a great benefiter of mercy from God...

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Judgement is something we do everyday about things as simple as crossing the road to which house to buy or person to marry.
The biblical rule is to use the right judgement.
I agree, and would only add this calls for discernment, and not regidity.
they call it discernment that is judging a matter of truth or falsehood