Okay, may I say the very same thing to you that has been said to others? These are not my words that I speak. They are the very words that were given to Jesus by His Father, our Father in Heaven. These are the very words that He taught His disciples and these are the words that have been carried by many who have been called, like you, in the the service.
Please do know that although I may be counted on as an advocate, there is one who stands before the Throne and He pleads your case! That one knows what it is to be tried and has suffered and does understand. Jesus is with you! "I will never leave, nor forsake," so says the Faithful one. This, more than anything, his patience, his long-suffering and now? Now we are learning to become more like him. We may "tuck away" this appreciation that we have for a time when a friend needs your patience, because if we count how Good God is in dealing with us, so also much more shall we be toward others in our journey to become like Him. I do not say that this patience and long-suffering is for all. There will be an actual hatred for all sin in those who continue to follow along with the guidance of the Holy Spirit because He is Holy - and it is like what is said even way back when: Be thou holy for I am holy. That just means resist sin. Resist and do so with the expectation of winning the battle because He is on our side.
So my prayer is "yea and amen", that Jesus be with you. I know it is, because He actually died while showing us the will of the Father, and not only did He die on the cross, he also was raised. So my prayer is also that He send the Comforter to you who will lead you to all things, that you may be whole, complete, mature and lacking in nothing! For who may stand against, when we are indeed the Joy of the Lord. He dances over you. Don't cha' know? Your Father in Heaven is pleased with you. That may be something that is very difficult to understand and appreciate especially when we (when I) have just looked and saw what my hand has done. While we are still in the grips of sin. But when we do look as what we have done, we stand aghast. We confess. We distance ourselves. That part is what is called "sanctification" and it involves being tested "in fire". My thought goes to how gold is purified. We may beat and beat and beat upon it but never does Gold lose its essential value or qualities. We share this with the giver of Life who is more than what He gives, Wisdom in trial.
We read in the bible that if we confess He is faithful and just to cleanse us and to purge from us all unrighteousness. That's a strange thing, maybe. He is Just? What's just about letting a sinner go free? Doesn't seem to be balanced in the scales very well, does it? It is just because there is another scale being used here. The scale of the actual promise that was made and given, from a Father to a Son. Jesus died for us. That's the scale that lets us live. And I know that you already know this, but I'm calling it to memory. Does that mean that we should take such unmerited favor as license to sin? No.
By the way, that is the the job of the Holy Spirit, part of the job anyway, it is the service that the Spirit Holy, the Ruach HaKodesh, who is all-and-all utterly holy and apart from sin and is also here to convict us --to prick us in the heart --but this is not like the law. The LAW is a mere shadow. This is the real. We are not left without an advocate and Paraclete, not left without a propitiation (covering). We are not left with out a way. He is the way and our way-maker. We confess, yes we do. Our word is part of it, but it is by our word and also BY THE BLOOD that we are saved. Part of this Joy that He has in you is the expectation of the fruit of His Work in you!! There is nothing that can separate us from the Love of God. How great He is.
I'm thinking that you will continue your journey today, travel about and yes, that you will find some time to contemplate things. Will you escape the Lord? Will he not chase you down and pierce your heart yet again with His compassion and goodness? It is my prayer that this, for you, He do!
Love ya,