The shocking Message of Our Lady. THE PROPHECIES OF FATIMA ARE COME TRUE.


Jan 3, 2024
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Praise be to Almighty God, our Savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We invite you to listen to the message of Our Lady, our powerful intercessor who comes to save all the souls of the world. Pedro Regis, Anguera, Brazil, Mary's message. Dear children, consider my messages. Through them I want to lead you to an ardent and constant thirst for God. So I am asking you to incorporate them into your lives. If humanity were to return to God through my pleas for conversion, peace would quickly reign in the world. Humanity is now on the brink of a great precipice. It is in danger of war and great destruction. Therefore, I recommend you to pray more. Pray the Holy Rosary. Pray with me. Pray and do penance for the conversion of sinners.

Pray that all of My rebellious children will see the truth and return to God. Pray a lot if you want peace. Peace will come to the world, but only when people return to God. Don't stop, don't stop, pray without ceasing. Pray for priests. Pray for priestly vocations. Pray for the souls in purgatory. Pray that Satan does not succeed in destroying My plans. Dear children, I ask all of you to show your love for me by attending Holy Mass every day. If you do, the Lord will reward you generously. Let the Holy Mass be a daily duty for you. Expect it, because it is Jesus himself who gives himself to you at the moment of Holy Mass. So look forward to that moment when you will be cleansed. Pray a lot for the Holy Spirit to enlighten you. If people attend Holy Mass with hearts stained with hatred, they will return home cold and empty of heart. So that this does not happen, I beg you, pray and, above all, learn to love your neighbor.

Pray, pray, pray a lot so that you can receive my love. If you do not accept my love for you, I cannot do anything. Pray that all humanity will accept my love. Pray that all My children who have strayed and strayed away from God will return to Him with faith, love, trust and great hope. Don't stop, don't stop, keep on praying. These days, sin is no longer considered evil, so my poor children are being lost in increasing numbers. I want the Rosary to be said often, especially for children, the sick, the poor and sinners. Satan has established his kingdom of hatred and death in the world, he is working openly and is already declaring victory. Be careful. Be careful. Pray a lot. I don't want any of you to become a victim of Satan, so I beg you: pray. While you pray, Satan will not have the strength to tempt you, so pray, pray. Dear children, if you habitually live in mortal sin, you are spiritually dead.

And if you come to the end of your life in this state, you will die eternally in hell. In this world, which has become worse than the time of the flood, you run the risk of eternal damnation. How many souls are thrown into hell every day because they do not accept the invitation that I have given in many regions of the world to return
to God through prayer, penance and inner conversion. It is mainly the evil of the spiritual order that can harm your souls. Sin has spread like the worst and most harmful plague, spreading sickness and death everywhere in many souls. Be careful. Hell exists and is eternal. However, many today risk falling into hell because they are infected with this deadly disease. Pray and do penance for souls. Many souls suffer because there is no one to sacrifice themselves for them. Dear children, everything that I predicted at Fatima for my daughter, Sister Lucia, is becoming reality today

. The battle between Me, the Woman clothed with the sun, and My adversary, the infernal dragon, is already reaching its decisive phase. Humanity is on the brink of destruction, which it can bring with its own hands. What I prophesied to you in Fatima has already begun. For mankind there is a danger of a new world war. How great is My distress at what awaits you, my poor innocent children, so threatened by hunger, war, hatred and violence. These are the most painful moments for you. Pray and do penance. Punishment will come only if humanity does not convert. Today I appear in a more extraordinary way to assure you that I am always present among you. You are now experiencing the moment when the infernal dragon has spread evil all over the world, making more and more havoc in the poor souls. The moment has come when I want to reveal myself to the whole Church, because the times of triumph of my Immaculate Heart have come.

Consecration to my Heart is the medicine that, as a loving Mother, I give you to keep you from the epidemic of atheism that contaminates so many of my children, leading them to true spiritual death. I ask you again to pray the Holy Rosary. The Rosary is My favorite prayer, therefore in My many Apparitions I always encourage you to pray it. I am always at the side of all those who pray, and I ask this with maternal concern and care. I am your Mother and I love you. I am asking you to remain faithful to my Son Jesus. He is your everything and without Him you can do nothing. Turn away from the world and turn towards the Paradise for which you were created. Seek not the glory of this world; They exist, but what they offer is fleeting. Seek the glory of heaven, for it is eternal. Witness with your lives that you are of my Jesus. You live in times of concern, but you are not alone. I am with you even though you cannot see Me. Enemies will unite and holy things will be despised. Be careful. Accept the Gospel and listen to the teachings of the true Magisterium of the Church of My Jesus. The path to holiness is full of obstacles but as promised by My Jesus, He will always be with you. Be faithful. Avoid the shortcuts people offer you. Stay with Jesus, because only He is the Way that will lead you to Eternal Salvation.

Be persistent and strong, there is no victory without the cross. Whatever happens, stay faithful to God. Your victory is in Jesus. Be careful. Do not forget the great lessons of the past. Courage! I love you and I will be with you. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing Me to reunite you here. I bless you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen, rest in peace.