The bells are ringing at this moment in westminster abbey, Williams mother killed in Paris , lady Diana, fatal coliion,
Genevieve the saint of disaster, patron saint of Paris,
Geniva, collider, when forces collide with devestating consequences.
many feel the bells alarms have starting to ring?
in westminster abbey their is a sword, when the UK is at war, it is symbolicaly drawn from its sheaf.
The sword is out, North, South, East, West.
The sword of the Lord is drawn, flashing like lighting from East to West, polished for slaughter, Judgement.
The storm is coming.
The Kiss of the Dragon,? now rippling through the financial markets, vibrations can bring towers collapsing down, a fall can Paralyse. captain super man America.
synchronicity, crashes rocks falls, impact.
Crashes, some nations, currencies, markets, banks, still tottering could collapse,fall, crash.
Another bridge Cambodia, hundreds die, the bridge between North and south korea. Cambodian killing fields,
Korea killing fields?
Rocks, mines, south island new zealand, now thought no survivers, God rest their souls. second fatal explosion.
south korea speaking of retaliation, could also be fatal consequences.
posted on the 9th of november in this thread, North , northern, kept coming up, in this thread.
the drums of war now beating. also posted the same, religion forum.
post: The storm is coming, like wise December 21 2012, The official Website for 122112 Information official website click on forums
prophecy predictions forum.
impact when forces collide, with devestating consequences.
North-South East - West The storm is coming.
work while you have the light, time. opportunity, as darkness comes, when no man can work.
being prepared. watch and pray. keep awake, alert. the signs of the times.
It may or may not be thats fair, hopefully the latter.
The flood gates may open from the North, The South, US forced to respond.
Its down hill from there.
Not to long ago, Kuwait was invaded, the aruments may have been simular,
as to why Iraq would not attack.
We are tolled we do not wrestle with flesh and blood, spiritual wickness in high places,
the book of Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12.
this works both ways, its not hidden, the secret societys, the ruling elite.
through their rituals serve satan, lucifer. the anti christ, the omen
human blood sacrifices through fire, is an acceptable sacrifice, no human sacrifice is to great to acheive their agend, depopulation or other wise.
such have trillions of dollars already own the Gold, oil, and every thing eles,
take foundation x, offer to the UK all backed by bullion.
you reason on a human level, this is and always will be an all out war, between good and evil, just presents itself, in different guises
even on a human level, they may be looking at bankrupcy or war.
thatcher did it, Argentina Bliare, Bush, the same masters are in control of their puppets.
Iran took 21 days for the angel to bring Daniel an answer, having to engage the principalities of power, in the spiritual realm,
one referred to as the Prince of persia.
In reality how achievable were Hitlers goals, humans can be hosts for dark forces.
Why did hitler turn his sights on Russia, directed to do so by the Vatican, jesuits.
When evil is on the move, when forces collide, with devestating consequences, you have to meet evil, head on.
President Barack Obama: North Korea 'a serious threat'
In an interview with ABC television news, President Obama said South Korea was an ally of the US
US President Barack Obama has strongly condemned North Korea's shelling of Yeonpyeong island in South Korea and said the US would defend South Korea.
Mr Obama told ABC News that North Korea was "a serious and ongoing threat that needs to be dealt with".
BBC News - President Barack Obama: North Korea 'a serious threat'
Obama is now a main overseer of the U.N. security council or something?
has satans goal changed to enslave and destroy mankind.?