
Jan 3, 2024
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Praised be God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dear brothers and sisters, at different times and in different ways, the Mother of God has appeared on earth, bringing a message of love, unity and salvation to all humanity. In her messages, she reflected her concern for our souls, foretelling events that are important for the future of the world.

Her words carry a call to transformation and conversion, reminding us that time is a gift that we must not waste. Our Lady calls us to turn away from sin and find the way to God, the only source of true joy and peace. In her messages, the Mother of God repeatedly shows us the fate of the world, warning against the dangers of moral decay, war, atheism, selfishness and social inequality.

It prophetically presents the challenges we will face, but also offers the hope of rebirth if we only find the way to God and neighbor. In this Video we will present one of Our Lady's messages that Our Lady gave to Simona Patalano and Angela Fabiani in Italy. Let us prepare ourselves to meet the voice of Our Lady, who is full of wisdom and love. It is a call to conversion, to open oneself to God's grace and to take concrete steps towards a better life. May this message touch our hearts and lead us on the path to salvation and fullness of life.
Angela. That evening the Virgin Mary appeared as Queen and Mother of all people. Mom wore a pinkish dress and was wrapped in a large blue and green cloak. The same cloak also covered Her head; She had a queen's crown on her head. Mom had her arms outstretched in greeting. In her right hand she held a long rosary that reached almost to her feet. In her left hand she held a rolled-up scroll, which she clutched to her chest. On her chest was a heart of flesh crowned with thorns. Mom had bare feet that were placed on the world; scenes of war and violence could be seen around the world.

Mom's face was very sad. Her eyes were filled with tears. Praise be to Jesus Christ... Dear children, let me guide you. I am here to pray with you and for you. My dear children, I love you, I love you immensely. Then Mama said to me: "Daughter, look at My Immaculate Heart". daughter, My Heart is torn with pain: many say they love Me, many say they love Jesus, but more and more of them behave with indifference and ingratitude.

Children, my heart is torn to see so many leaving the Church to follow the false charms of this world. Daughter, pray with me! I prayed for a long time with Mama and when I prayed with her, I saw scenes of wars and violence that passed quickly before me. Then the church in Rome, shrouded in great black smoke, like a great cloud. Then Mom spoke again. Children, pray for my beloved Church and for my chosen and privileged sons [priests]. Daughter, my pain is great. Many will turn away from the Church, many will betray Him, but do not be afraid, pray!

The trials to be faced will be many, but the forces of evil will not prevail. My Immaculate Heart will triumph. This evening I pray with you and for you; I am praying for all your intentions and for all those who have entrusted themselves to your prayers. My children, this evening I am telling you again with love: convert, do not waste any more time. Unfortunately, it is with great sadness and regret that I tell you once again: hard times await you. I don't want to scare you with this, but only to prepare you. I love you and I am with every child who calls Me.

Children, my heart is torn with pain when I see so many praying only with their mouths and not with their hearts. Please, children, open your hearts to me, take my hands and let's walk together. The prince of this world wants to destroy all that is good, but do not be afraid. When you are tired and your strength begins to fail, run to my Son Jesus. He is present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

It is there that He silently waits for you. Kneel before Him and love Him. Love Him with all your strength and with all your heart. It beats with love day and night for each of you. Then the Mother gave her holy blessing: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Simon. I saw Mama - she was all dressed in white, with a delicate white veil and a crown of twelve stars on her head, a white cloak with gold edges on her shoulders, which went down to her bare feet, which were placed on the globe. Mama had her hands folded in prayer, and between them a long rosary made of light. Praised be Jesus Christ. My dear children, I love you and thank you for having responded to my call; thank you, children. My children, I love you and am close to you; again I am asking you to pray.

My children, I have been coming to you for a long time, but unfortunately you do not listen to me, you stubbornly follow the wrong paths, paths that distance you from my beloved Jesus. little children, I come to take you by the hand and lead you to Jesus. My children, I love you; children, live the holy sacraments. pray, children, pray. My beloved Jesus is in the church: there he is waiting for you - run to him, kneel and adore him. i love you children. Pray and make others pray. Children, be ready to follow my beloved Jesus to Calvary.
My children, when things are going well, it is easy to be good Christians, but at the moment of the cross, that is where you must be [good Christians]. At the moment when you encounter difficulties, at the moment when you are burdened with the cross, be ready to follow my Son to the foot of His Cross; follow him to Calvary, be by his side, be good Christians. My children, nothing is owed to you, but everything is given to you thanks to the immense love that the Father has for each of you. My children, if I come among you, it is only because of the immense love of the Father.
I am descending to show you the way, to take you by the hand and lead you to Christ, to warn you so that you may all be saved. If this is possible, it is only because of the great mercy of the Father. My children, I love you and I am always with you. Pray, my children, live the sacraments, kneel before the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar and make silent adoration.

My children, in times of trial and sorrow, do not turn away from me, but hold fast to the Holy Rosary and pray with greater fervor. Look at my Son on the Cross, nailed for love of you, and He will give you strength. Pray, children, pray and teach children to pray - the future belongs to them. Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for rushing to Me.