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  • Focus on the Family

    Strengthening families through biblical principles.

    Focus on the Family addresses the use of biblical principles in parenting and marriage to strengthen the family.

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Heard of "The Gospel"? Want to know more?

    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

The Vision of the CROSS Upon the Earth. The Amazing Message of God the Father Almighty.

Praised be God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. We invite you to listen to the message of God the Father, given to Linda Noskewicz.
Beloved children, My Will is good for you. Trust your Holy Father and the Lord God and know true Joy and Love. My Love for you is great and you cannot imagine its strength. My Love surpasses all that you see and what you do not see, it is infinite and all-encompassing. I am Love, therefore I am in all of you. Kindle the Light of My Love in your Hearts by responding to My Loving Call. I am calling My beloved children and I desire to draw you to My Love. Why do My children turn their faces away from the Greatest Love? Beloved children, do not reject the gift that is before you. Don't pretend to be spiritual. Draw your Brothers and Sisters to Me. Show them the Light of Christ.

Show me how my beloved Son sacrificed himself to save all humanity. Children, I tell you, pray. Pray and don't waste your time. The world is suffering and you must prepare yourself by prayer. Deep prayer will reveal itself as the grace of your Lord God. Beloved children, get to know Me. You must know your Heavenly and Eternal Father as you know the very breaths you take. Know what I allow and what I don't. Pray and know what pleases Me and what I do not. Stop sinning in everything. Strive to be like My Beloved Son who is generous, merciful, loving and above all compassionate. My Son, Christ, is the King of Mercy and the source of all Life. Do not reject Him by disregarding His Love. You cannot disregard the Son without offending the Father.

All that you say and do to the Son, you do and say the same to the Father. Love my Son because He is Love itself, which became Man in order to save Man. That is why I say: worship Him as you worship Me. Love the Son with all your Heart and you will love the Father with all your Heart. Little children, what is your life worth if you are not with Me, your Lord God. With Jesus, the Blessed and Beloved Son of the One True God? What is life without Love. It is nothing, I tell you. Know that it is true that where there is no Light there is only suffocating darkness and fear or rage. Cling to Me, beloved children, and know the joy of My Love. See My Love more clearly and relish the forgiveness I offer. Don't be mistaken. Do not betray My Love.

Do not turn your Hearts away from Me. Rejection of My Love is a grave sin. Rejection of the Love of the Most High, Christ Jesus, is a grave sin. Woe to the children who continue to deny Me, even when they receive great signs of My Love and Eternal Power, Holiness and Greatness. I am the One True God. I say again, love my Son and you will love the Father. Those who will despise the Lord Christ with hatred will regret those days that have led them to eternal misery.

Linda says. At that moment, I had a vision that cannot be described in words. The cross comes down and is filled with the light from above, "the light of God's glory", and it shines so brightly! It is incredibly beautiful and my heart beats faster when I witness it. I don't want it to go away. Fiery rays emerge from the cross and envelop the whole world, like the rays of the sun. The sight of such Glory brings the world to its knees. Satan will roar in terror and his minions will writhe as if on fire. Mankind will see the Glory of God and the souls of men will be bared.

Then God the Father speaks. That is why I say, Children, come to Me for My Mercy. It is so abundant and I offer it to you with such Love and Compassion. I do not turn my back on any of My beloved children, because My beloved Son, Christ, has given you to Mercy through His greatest Love for man. His Sacrifice gives you unyielding Mercy. You just have to repent and come to Me with an open Heart. Oh, Beloved Children, you do not know what you are doing to your souls when you depart from your Lord God and Father and sink into the darkness of the world. The world turns everything white to black and everything black to white. It blinds you with gray and the comforts of this world make it easy for My children to compromise with sin.

Beloved Children, you cannot be lukewarm in your Love for Me. You must be fervent in your Love for your Lord God. Your hearts must be engaged and you must understand that I Am God. Beloved children, strengthen your trust in Me and My Will. I am a Loving and Merciful God and I am a just Lord. Come to Me with your Hearts and I will grant you All Mercy. Children, by mocking My Laws, by spitting on my name, by offending the Heart of My Beloved Son, Christ, by directing hatred against the Spirit of God, you will experience the Lord who is just and steadfast in his judgment. I offer every moment to My Children; every minute and second to direct your hearts towards love because My love for you is so great and you are so important to Me.

Even if you commit the cruelest of sins, if you come to your Lord God with great sorrow, with repentance and fear of God in your heart, a desire to undo everything you have done, a desire for true Mercy, forgiveness, compassion and unconditional Love, even then I will not reject you, but I will open My Arms to you with the joy that you have repented and heard My Call. Trust Me and My Great Love, My unconditional Love for you. Children, I tell you, do not judge. The laws of this world and the laws of God are vastly different. Remember this in your hearts. Beloved children, listen to My calls. Draw others to Me, for so many of My children betray the Lord God.

So many are in danger of falling into eternal darkness where I cannot be known. Pray for those who reject My Love and deny Me. Pray for My Servants and for My Little Flowers. Pray for My true prophets for false prophets exist and are working effectively even now. Do not follow those who do not focus on Me, My Love, My Beloved Son and the Sacrifice He endured for His Greatest Love. False people are marching everywhere, that's why I say pray for wisdom because many will be deceived.

Pray for the sick and dying so that in their condition they will hear My calls and turn to their Heavenly Father who loves them so much. Pray, Children, to mitigate the effects of the future storms that are coming, for many unnatural storms are coming and their destruction is limited only by your great prayers. Beloved Children, I hear your prayers and I am very pleased and bound by the Greatest Love through your adoration. Know that I answer your prayers and My Divine Will is full of Love. Beloved Children, today I give you My Peace. Pray and stay in peace.