- Jan 3, 2024
- 220
- 26
Praised be Jesus Christ and Mary Ever Virgin.
Message of Jesus Christ, given for the end times, to Luz de Maria de Bonilla.
Beloved children, I bless you, you are my treasure.
It is to you, child, it is to you that I am speaking today, it is to you that I am calling, it is to you that I offer My Heart, so that you may take refuge in it and find everything you are looking for.
I offer you eternal salvation, I only ask for your commitment and faithfulness.
In this moment when humanity is touched, I come to you, faithful child.
I come with My Love to give you My peace, My security.
Be faithful, follow My commandments, be My very Love, master your selfishness, dominate your human selfishness, be one with Me.
Come be the light I seek on earth.
Come, reflect My Love and My Light in your fellow men.
I love you.
Believe in Me, I will never leave you.
I will always be with you as I was until today.
I only ask you to be faithful, to keep My Commandments, I am with you.
I am in front of you, ask Me for help and I will help you.
There is nothing that I, with My love, cannot overcome.
I'm in front of you.
I exist, I created you, I am your Lord, consecrate yourself to Me, consecrate yourself to My Heart.
To follow My Way, you must devote yourself to Me.
You are My people and I come to you to give you peace.
You are My people and you should live in brotherhood, guided by My Spirit, without divisions or quarrels, so that you give a true witness to My Love.
Today, more than ever, I am calling you to live in fraternity, strengthening one another by faith, nourishing myself daily with my Body and My Blood, so that you walk with the strength you need and do not fall down along the way.
Today man is thirsty, he wanders in search of what he lacks; "he lacks My Love", not because I refuse it to him, but rather because, although I remain in front of him, man does not recognize Me, does not pay attention to Me.
Be meek.
let My Love mold you like clay in My Hands.
Clay is weak, man is weak and should humbly accept it, recognizing his limitations.
If he gives himself into My Hands, he will live covered in My Mercy.
Those who live covered by My Mercy are equally merciful towards their brothers and sisters and this is what humanity lacks.
Children, be the springs where the thirsty find crystal water that satisfies their thirst; be understanding, be consolation, be mercy, but above all be love, that ingredient that is missing so that everything can change and that humanity no longer remains in darkness.
Little children, many temptations are offered today to deceive you and gradually separate you from the right path without noticing it.
This is the reason why I am constantly calling you to be vigilant lest you fall into error and stray from My commandments.
The mundane walks slyly among those who are Mine; presenting sin as normal, masked by good works; therefore, I invite you to invoke My Holy Spirit to enlighten you, to comfort you and to give you the necessary and irreplaceable discernment so that you can face and courageously defeat the modernisms that make My Heart bleed and that seek to undermine My Church.
Today I call you to be grateful to one another.
The one who is grateful has a pure and loving heart, the one who is grateful is the one who is full of love because he knows how to receive and give with a pure heart.
The Christian is distinguished at all times because he acts in My way, responds in My way, he is a child who lives in the midst of the world without the world wrapping him up in its ways.
Be grateful to those who help you grow spiritually, to those who help you with your needs.
Beloved children, remain faithful to My Church, be obedient so that unity prevents division.
Unity is strength, and strength is an impenetrable wall; prayer is the banner that unites My people into one voice that rises to My House, incense of the greatest value; every prayer is a light that illuminates the world and banishes darkness.
Mankind holds a weapon in its hands: "prayer".
She should make use of it and know the blessing it gives her; the importance of praying for each other is a blessing to those who offer it with love.
Be the light and salt of the earth, the light is not hidden; in the same way, My children are not here to go unnoticed, but rather to intercede for all that afflicts humanity.
Be united, be one heart that beats in one prayer for all the needs facing all nations at this moment.
If at this moment you are not suffering from attacks of nature, disease or hunger, do not be indifferent to those who suffer, because no nation can guarantee that at some point it will not suffer these misfortunes.
Coldness and indifference to suffering is an example of the alienation that man maintains with My House.
The Christian accompanies, suffers and rejoices with his neighbor, because he knows that his neighbor is the image and likeness of his Creator.
Pray in one heart of love and solidarity the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Holy Rosary.
My mother is the ark that should be entered by those who want to stay safe and protected from what is coming.
Humanity is constantly under attack, Today I am asking My people to consecrate themselves to My Heart and thus be protected within it, where nothing and no one can touch you.
Beloved, bless your homes, bless your bodies, bless your brothers and sisters.
I bless you right now.
Be a blessing to your fellow men.
be in My Likeness, true love, crystalline, pure; live My Word.
He who has much, let him share; he who does not have, let him pray and beg.
be My Love itself.
Keep peace in your heart to be reflected to your brothers and sisters.
Be one, be love, a Christian is a person of faith
, faith is life and life is love.
Stay in My peace - Jesus.
Message of Jesus Christ, given for the end times, to Luz de Maria de Bonilla.
Beloved children, I bless you, you are my treasure.
It is to you, child, it is to you that I am speaking today, it is to you that I am calling, it is to you that I offer My Heart, so that you may take refuge in it and find everything you are looking for.
I offer you eternal salvation, I only ask for your commitment and faithfulness.
In this moment when humanity is touched, I come to you, faithful child.
I come with My Love to give you My peace, My security.
Be faithful, follow My commandments, be My very Love, master your selfishness, dominate your human selfishness, be one with Me.
Come be the light I seek on earth.
Come, reflect My Love and My Light in your fellow men.
I love you.
Believe in Me, I will never leave you.
I will always be with you as I was until today.
I only ask you to be faithful, to keep My Commandments, I am with you.
I am in front of you, ask Me for help and I will help you.
There is nothing that I, with My love, cannot overcome.
I'm in front of you.
I exist, I created you, I am your Lord, consecrate yourself to Me, consecrate yourself to My Heart.
To follow My Way, you must devote yourself to Me.
You are My people and I come to you to give you peace.
You are My people and you should live in brotherhood, guided by My Spirit, without divisions or quarrels, so that you give a true witness to My Love.
Today, more than ever, I am calling you to live in fraternity, strengthening one another by faith, nourishing myself daily with my Body and My Blood, so that you walk with the strength you need and do not fall down along the way.
Today man is thirsty, he wanders in search of what he lacks; "he lacks My Love", not because I refuse it to him, but rather because, although I remain in front of him, man does not recognize Me, does not pay attention to Me.
Be meek.
let My Love mold you like clay in My Hands.
Clay is weak, man is weak and should humbly accept it, recognizing his limitations.
If he gives himself into My Hands, he will live covered in My Mercy.
Those who live covered by My Mercy are equally merciful towards their brothers and sisters and this is what humanity lacks.
Children, be the springs where the thirsty find crystal water that satisfies their thirst; be understanding, be consolation, be mercy, but above all be love, that ingredient that is missing so that everything can change and that humanity no longer remains in darkness.
Little children, many temptations are offered today to deceive you and gradually separate you from the right path without noticing it.
This is the reason why I am constantly calling you to be vigilant lest you fall into error and stray from My commandments.
The mundane walks slyly among those who are Mine; presenting sin as normal, masked by good works; therefore, I invite you to invoke My Holy Spirit to enlighten you, to comfort you and to give you the necessary and irreplaceable discernment so that you can face and courageously defeat the modernisms that make My Heart bleed and that seek to undermine My Church.
Today I call you to be grateful to one another.
The one who is grateful has a pure and loving heart, the one who is grateful is the one who is full of love because he knows how to receive and give with a pure heart.
The Christian is distinguished at all times because he acts in My way, responds in My way, he is a child who lives in the midst of the world without the world wrapping him up in its ways.
Be grateful to those who help you grow spiritually, to those who help you with your needs.
Beloved children, remain faithful to My Church, be obedient so that unity prevents division.
Unity is strength, and strength is an impenetrable wall; prayer is the banner that unites My people into one voice that rises to My House, incense of the greatest value; every prayer is a light that illuminates the world and banishes darkness.
Mankind holds a weapon in its hands: "prayer".
She should make use of it and know the blessing it gives her; the importance of praying for each other is a blessing to those who offer it with love.
Be the light and salt of the earth, the light is not hidden; in the same way, My children are not here to go unnoticed, but rather to intercede for all that afflicts humanity.
Be united, be one heart that beats in one prayer for all the needs facing all nations at this moment.
If at this moment you are not suffering from attacks of nature, disease or hunger, do not be indifferent to those who suffer, because no nation can guarantee that at some point it will not suffer these misfortunes.
Coldness and indifference to suffering is an example of the alienation that man maintains with My House.
The Christian accompanies, suffers and rejoices with his neighbor, because he knows that his neighbor is the image and likeness of his Creator.
Pray in one heart of love and solidarity the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Holy Rosary.
My mother is the ark that should be entered by those who want to stay safe and protected from what is coming.
Humanity is constantly under attack, Today I am asking My people to consecrate themselves to My Heart and thus be protected within it, where nothing and no one can touch you.
Beloved, bless your homes, bless your bodies, bless your brothers and sisters.
I bless you right now.
Be a blessing to your fellow men.
be in My Likeness, true love, crystalline, pure; live My Word.
He who has much, let him share; he who does not have, let him pray and beg.
be My Love itself.
Keep peace in your heart to be reflected to your brothers and sisters.
Be one, be love, a Christian is a person of faith
, faith is life and life is love.
Stay in My peace - Jesus.