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To Our Ordained Ministers...

A burning passion that has never left my mind to preach the Gospel and help others to grow in Christ. That passion has only grown since the Lord called me.

I am at my most content when preaching or teaching.
When I finally knew

I am now 69 years of age 40 years ago I realized what God had called me to do. Although I am the son of a Baptist minister I am not to have a "church" as such. In college I majored in education and received minors in Old Testament and in New Testament and in science, an odd mix I admit. I was saved(assured and understood that I was going to heaven) when I was 21 years of age. Since that time I have been a schoolteacher and a Mississippi riverboat captain. Always interested in the church I served as a deacon, associate pastor, and visitation pastor. It was while serving as a visitation pastor that I realized many setting on the church pews were lost without any knowledge of how to be saved. While serving in this capacity I to begin to bring people to the Lord. After seeing dramatic conversions right before my eyes, such as I had seldom seen in the churches, I realize what my calling or job was. Realizing that I was ill-equipped for the calling I begin to ask the Lord Jesus Christ to give me a burden for lost souls. And as I look back on that, I now think he must've said well here just have the whole bowl for immediately I was baptized in the Holy Spirit(yes a Baptist that speaks in tongues) and my soul winning efforts have overflowed since that day. The Lord very early in my soul winning Ministry showed me that I cannot move, nor accomplish anything in the line of soulwinning without the conviction brought on by the Holy Spirit. Therefore I use a verbal message in order to arrest the person I'm witnessing too, thereby letting the Holy Spirit convict the person's heart. When this conviction takes place you will the absolutely astounded, amazed with the results .
Re: To Our Ordained Women Ministers...

Rules : Disgraceful
It is written and must be known. { It is unmistakable clear}
1Corinthians 14:34
Women should remain silent in churches. They are not allowed to speak,
but must be in submission , as the law says.
1Cointhians 14:35
If they want to inquire about something,
they should ask their husbands at home,
for it is disgraceful for a women
to speak in the church.
1 Corinthians 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
Ephesians 5:6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient.
Matthew 5:19 Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!
Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more a sacrifice for sins,
Isaiah 55:11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
Acts 20:26 Therefore, I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of all men.
Luke 19:40 "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." [ I’m one of this Stones ]
BTW, what is your definition of an 'ordained minister'?

.....just so that I can be clear on what type of thinking you're coming from.
Well when I first posted this thread way back when and what I still mean today would be those ordained into vacational ministry by a church body.
Hey, uh ... "Blazin' Bones":

"Vacational" ministries? Is that like the posted comment about ministers only working one day a week?

I think you mean VOCATIONAL ministries?

I am always interested to know how people think these days about the ministry.

I have grown up in a church where you say ,God called me, then you go to seminary for SEVEN years and then you become a "Dominee" (Preacher/pastor) That denomination has no other offices of the five fold ministry. They then "beroep" (Call) these preachers by letter and if he feels its a better move, he will move to their congregation. So its like a bit of a contest, who can "beroep" the best one.The dominee is the chief-pin and rules alone. He does however have a "senode" (senate) that is ruling all the churches and they meet to decide, what the people may or may not sing. They decide if people should drink communion out of one cup or many small glasses (the court is still out on that one, a few congregation have now split into two, because of this, the "Cups" come together in the morning service and the "Glasses" later in the morning. They have their own "dominee" so there are now two that use one building.

Then I moved churches and landed in a tongue speaking Baptist church.(they do exist :) ) They who felt "called" then did the same kind of thing.But this church then left the Baptist fold and became just a "Christan Church" . The pastor put his sons through Bible school and left the church to them, when he died. They are now pastors too (both the sons) They inherited the family business.He rules an army of sub-pastors too.

I left them too.

The next church had a pastor who was "called" as well, and a whole lot of other men, that was "called" to be sub-pastors.(Like the previous church ) (I have looked for that one, but cannot find it in the Bible) Here too, the pastor ruled the church alone, and what he said was law. No other five fold ministry have say in this ministry. Kind of like a chief in charge. His wife, is also now a pastor, because she managed to go through Bible school as well. Her certificate says she is now a pastor too. One of the sub-pastors (a divorced guy) said he is going to lead the marriage counseling session on Tuesdays. The Chief pastor, said (considering this guys track record) this is a bad idea. Now this guy has a lot of money (LOTS) so he upped in a huff, and opened his own church at his house. Just built a chapel and opened the doors for the faithful. He is now Chief Pastor and major counselor for those who have trouble in their marriage. Soon enough, he too will have his sub-pastors.

I really wanted a church, so I bit my tongue and stayed until a traveling (I think he called himself a prophet) person, preached and started throwing non-existent "keys" into the audience for people to catch, so that they could "unlock" the things the promise, so that they can get the new car or house that they are in faith for. A lot of people also spent more time on the floor out cold, than were listening to the "sermon" about how to get rich. One woman ran in circles and made a sound like somebody who is one fire, and even did the same moves. Nobody helped this obviously demon ridden person to get free. She kind of always ran in circles in mostly all the meetings. Most people were praising God for this manifestation of the devil, which the pastor said was actually the Holy Spirit. So they left her. All the sub-pastors also agreed that this was from God.

I left them too.

This is getting long, but the real question is:

If we were to ONLY look at the Bible . HOW did God ordain elders? How does the five fold ministry happen in the Bible. Is it through a Bible school? If we have to go to Bible school, then why is Bible school only for people who wants to become a pastor? What about the poor other four from this ministry? Why do we only then pay pastors, and again: What about the four other ministries? (Not that I think we should pay anybody for ministry .....we are told to share all good things with them,I think that is good. If somebody ministers for free, as they should, you can bless them with money or something else.)

So to be fair, we should have a diploma in Pastoring, and Prophetering (Could not resist that one, because I think they have a course in something like that ), Apostleship, Evangelist, and also a diploma for the ministry of Teacher.

Why does this upset me: Because they are saying, that an institution will teach you a gift and then give you a degree telling people, how they think, that in their opinion, they have now qualified you in your...........GIFT ! ( Humans are so silly.)

LOL OK that is a huge stone that I just threw into this bush.

Spiffy said:

Cornelius....why is it you always make perfect sense? Maybe you're being "called" into pastoring?

Its not me Spiffy :) but if I use the Bible when I talk to people , their spirit witnesses with the Word. I might not always quote the verse, but if somebody asks me why I said something, I must be able to give the scripture that backs me .

We all have to speak the oracles of God . The Word is the oracles of God.

Here is good advice:

1Pe 4:11 if any man speaketh, speaking as it were oracles of God; if any man ministereth, ministering as of the strength which God supplieth: that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, whose is the glory and the dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
I was ordained a minister by my Pastor with ZERO formal Biblical education (read Bible College). I studied the Bible to "show myself approved" before I was asked to preach any. I have no problem with formal Bible education but I do not see it as a requirement for ministry. After all most of the Apostles and first generation Pastors like Timothy had no formal education either. I do hold myself and other ordianed ministers to a higher standard than the typical Christian Believer.

I personally felt God call me into ministry in my early twenties but didn't say anything to anyone about it. I just told God if He wanted me to be a preacher He had to make it happen. Shortly after that my Pastor asked me what I felt my calling was and that is how it started. Since then I have studied and learned from several different Ministers and authors but examined everything I was taught with the light of God's Word.

Hope that answers your question.
What was it that made you sure you had been called into the ministry full time?

I was taking a shower, Our leader in prison just got to go home and the Lord spoke to me. He said, " I am anointing you to teach, lead my men." I know people think you need some bible training school or something, and learning as much word as possible is great, something that needs to be in place. However, you must be called and that teaching anointing must be there.
