My name is Tapiwa and this is my story. I have been a Christian all my life. When I was around 11-13 ( can't remember ), I made a joke about Jesus and the Holy spirit and my sister pointed out that, sinning against the Holy Spirit was unforgivable. After learning this I was tormented and went to the pastor to see if there was any way I could be saved. He said I didn't know what I was saying and that I am Okay, which relieved me. Flashforward to now, a couple of days ago for some reason I was tormented by the fact of that day even though the pastor said I was ok. I started reading forums and asking friends what sinning against the Holy ghost really meant. From what I gathered, it is forsaking the salvation that the Holy Ghost gives. Rejecting his works. I prayed hard and I continue to pray but for some reason my mind started saying stuff like ' I reject the Holy Ghost ', when in my heart I'm not. It's as if satan is controlling me. I pray so hard with my might and in my heart I can feel Jesus but I have this extreme torment in my mind and my heart feels so heavy as if I have actually committed the sin, even though I know I haven't. My mind is controlling me but my heart is untouchable ( i believe Jesus in there, I can feel it ). I have read the bible quiet alot and as I type this those voices keep returning into my head. I can't sleep properly, I am eating way less and I am completely failing to enjoy my life. I am praying alot but my mind keeps controlling me. I really do not know what to do at this moment in time, please please If any can give me an answer, or please pray for me so I can get one, because I am afraid of my mind and don't trust it any more. These thoughts keep coming back and I just don't know what to do. Please help me!