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[ Testimony ] Turning others to God takes trust


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One time when ministering in the heal ministry I work in a lady came in. She explained that she had a big physical problem and had gone to the doctor's. She was told by her doctor that she need to have one of two surgeries otherwise she would probably die. She came to us because she wanted to know which surgery procedure she should choose.

AH - I thought to myself, I am not going to get into the middle of that. I like and believe we can all hear from the Lord and believe it is important that we all seek the Lord with our problems. So I lead her in a prayer asking Jesus to speak to her and let her know which surgery she should choose. That way it wouldn't be me telling her what to do, but the Lord. So if it didn't go right nobody could blame me. God would have to take care of it.

So she prayed the prayer and listen to the Lord and suddenly told me, "Oh, He doesn't want me to do either," she exclaimed.

My jaw just about hit the ground. 'Hold it' I thought to myself. The doctors said she had to have one of the two or she would die. I lead her in a prayer and she is going to do neither. 'OK< OK' I said to myself. 'I know He can heal her, but what if she dies after coming to our ministry. You know it is just not always easy to believe, but what else is there to do?' I finished my thinking about it. So I smiled thanked her for coming in and started praying, "God you need to come through some way on this."

About six months later she came back. She wanted prayer for something else. She told me she didn't get either surgery but God did completely heal her and she didn't have that problem anymore. It was such a relief to hear this incredible testimony, because I am just a person trying to believe and follow the Lord. He stretches me also.

All that happened about three years ago. about six months ago that same lady joined our ministry team. It is very nice having someone that had the faith to turn to the Lord, listen to Him, and believe like she did. Discernment of spirits is important, but so is trusting we can hear from Him. I have heard people focus on some incidents where it didn't all seem to go right, so I thought this true testimony is worth getting out there also.


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