Dear friends,
I am new to this forum so please forgive me if I have posted this topic in the wrong area (I couldn't find anything specifically relating to missions - the ministry area was the closest).
Anyway, my church in Australia is currently involved in trying to formulate the best approach to caring for orphans overseas. We have a lot of missionaries working in 3rd world countries where aids, war and poverty have created enormous numbers of orphans. My wife and I spent last year working in Uganda and you can't step outside your front door without being confronted with the problem over there.
Our church is currently looking at various models of care for orphans and one of the models being held up is the Watoto style used in Uganda where 8 orphans are housed in a purpose built house with a house mother which then forms a family for life. I know the Watoto Children Choirs have toured many of your countries and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with their program and any comments from your own areas on how the program is viewed.
I am new to this forum so please forgive me if I have posted this topic in the wrong area (I couldn't find anything specifically relating to missions - the ministry area was the closest).
Anyway, my church in Australia is currently involved in trying to formulate the best approach to caring for orphans overseas. We have a lot of missionaries working in 3rd world countries where aids, war and poverty have created enormous numbers of orphans. My wife and I spent last year working in Uganda and you can't step outside your front door without being confronted with the problem over there.
Our church is currently looking at various models of care for orphans and one of the models being held up is the Watoto style used in Uganda where 8 orphans are housed in a purpose built house with a house mother which then forms a family for life. I know the Watoto Children Choirs have toured many of your countries and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with their program and any comments from your own areas on how the program is viewed.