We have been COUNTED for God's divine purposes: Numbers 1:1-4:20

Ben Avraham

Apr 25, 2021
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PARASHA: “B’Midbar” (in the wilderness) NUMBERS 1:1-4:20

We start the new Torah Sefer called “Numbers” in English because it talks about “numbering” the tribes of Israel. We wonder why the reason for “numbering the people?” for this reason, we need to go back to the beginning to see.

In Egypt, Israel was a hodge-podge of undisciplined slaves working for Pharaoh, In Adonai’s timing, He sent Moshe, a “Messiah Type” to lead the people out of slavery to freedom. Once out of Egypt, came the task of taking Egypt out of the Israelites. They came to Har Sinai, ready to become a nation united under YHVH. The Ten Commandments served as the document in stone, a “Ketubah” to solidify the covenant. Now, the United Tribes of Israel under YHVH is established. But this is only the first part. Each Shavuot/Pentecost, we remember the giving of the “Torah in Stone” in the midst of thunder and fire.

Now that the nation is established, YHVH takes a count, why the count? As a nation, Israel needs an army! So, the count is taken to form the very first IDF (Israel Defense Force). I am sure that many of you who are reading this have served in one of the branches of the Armed Forces of the USA, or other countries. I myself served in the US Army from 1972-1984. I met many people and learned many things. It was a great experience and a special time in my life. Quite a few of my family members also served in the Armed Forces, the first being an ancestor of mine, Richard Ellis, who served in the Massachusetts Militia in 1640. I also served as a volunteer chaplain with the Armed Forces of El Salvador, where I now live. Also with the IDF as a volunteer helper during the summer of 2015.

YHVH takes up the count and “enlists” every man who is 20 years old and older. They will serve in the armies of Israel. All those who are …”20 years old and upward who are able to go to war.” After the numbering, part of daily life would have been practicing and learning how to use different combat weapons, back then would have been swords, spears, bows and arrows, and slingshots.

The term that is used is "lifting up the head" as far as "counting" went. The Midrash says that "Lifting up the head" could mean "prosperity and blessings" if the person was obedient, yet, the same term was used by Joseph when he predicted the outcome of the baker, "In three days, your head will be lifted off from you" (loss of life)

Every soldier has a job to do. Today we call these jobs MOS, (Military Occupation Specialties) One of mine was that of chaplain assistant. I was to assist a catholic chaplain who everyone called; “Father McCarthy” who had a bulldog named “Gus” who also went to chapel with him. 11 of the 12 tribes were called to be fighting men yet the tribe of Levi, was called to be the “chaplain tribe” They were exempt from combat duty, they would attend the Tabernacle and services. There were the cohenim (the priests) who would be the “chaplains” and the “Levites” who would serve as the “chaplain assistants” sort of speaking.

So, you are thinking, what does this numbering have to do with us as born-again believers in Messiah Yeshua? We are all soldiers in God’s army of believers. He’s got us all numbered. Yes, he has your number! We need to again, go back and look at our lives before and after Messiah Yeshua. Before, we were just a bunch of “hodge-podge lost sinners in the camp of HaSatan, until Yeshua took us out of that camp by shedding his blood on the cross of Calvary, when we accepted his sacrifice, we were officially “out” of the camp. Yet, there would still be a lot of “HaSatan and worldly influence” still in us, so, like the Israelites, “Egypt” was still in us.

When we accepted Messiah Yeshua as our Mashiach and Goel (Redeemer) we were added to the Commonwealth of Israel, now part of the Community, the “Adat” which began at Sinai 3500 years ago. We are the “olive branches” that have been “grafted into” the Olive Tree.

Now that we are members and citizens of “HIS People” we also are considered “soldiers” and in the LORD’s Army. However, we fight a different type of war. In this world, armies fight with RPGs, M-16s, Kalashnikovs, Berettas, M-60s, etc. We fight against, “spirits and principalities of darkness” it is a spiritual war against HaSatan and his demons. Only through the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) and the power of His WORD can we overcome the onslaughts of the enemy. He realizes he has lost the war, yet still continues to fight a losing battle, which was won at the cross 2000 years ago.

As the Cohenim ministered and had jobs to do, and the soldiers also had their jobs to do, we believers also had jobs within our “Kehilot” and “Adat” (congregations). That is why the Holy Spirit has given gifts of the Spirit so that we might all serve in different capacities in the body of the Messiah. In this way, the body grows and prospers. Some of us are rabbis, and pastors, who also serve as teachers. We also have ministers in music and praise, finances, maintenance, prayer intercessors, counselors, and the list can go on.

The twelve tribes of Israel encircled the Tabernacle, with the tribe of Levi next to it. The “Mishkan” was at the center of the People. Also, YHVH should be the “Center” of our lives. The whole purpose of our life is to serve our God and Creator, while loving and supporting our brothers and sisters in the faith, reaching out to others who are lost, and teaching Torah to those who have ears to hear and learn. We are “numbered” in the eyes of Elohim, HE knows who we are, He has numbered the hairs on our head, and there is no such thing as “retirement” in the work of YHVH, well, there is…. It is called d-e-a-t-h.

It is also notable to mention that the Hebrew word "B'Midbar (in the desert) also contains the letters that form the words; Son (Bar) "In the Word" (B'd'bar) and "from the Word" (M'D'bar) what could this tell us? That God would keep his people "In The Word" and would direct their journeys "from the Word" as He keeps us "In His Word" and we learn and mature "from the WORD" and we are "born again" through the "Son" (Bar) (Aramaic)

Another detail which I would like to add to this midrash. When Adonai numbered the people, he chose leaders out of each tribe. In all groups of “chosen” there are “leaders”. They can be pastors, rabbis, Sunday school teachers, Torah teachers, counselors, etc. But every group needs a leader or leaders. If not, we have a lot of sheep running around without shepherds. We see the names of the leaders. Many ask about the meanings of the names. Well, here they are as follows. Starting with chapter 1, verse 5;

“Elizur’ = My God is the rock;” Shelumiel” = At peace with God. (I know, it sounds like “Schlemiel” but it isn’t. “Zurishaddai” = My Rock is Shaddai; “Nahshon” = Serpent, “Amminadab” = The (Divine) kinsman is generous; “Nethaniel” = God hath given; “Eliab” = God is Father; “Elishama” = God hath heard, or God hears; “Ammihud” = The (Divine) kinsman is glorious; “Gammaliel” = God is my reward. In later times, it was the name of many famous rabbis, like the rabbi of Apostle Paul; “Pedahzur” = The Rock hath redeemed; “Abidan” = The Father hath judged; “Ahiezer” = The (divine) Brother is a help; “Ammishaddai” = The People of Shaddai; “Pagiel” = The lot (or fate) is given by God; “Eliasaph” = God has added; “Deuel” or “Reuel” = God is a friend; “Ahira” my brother is a friend, or, evil. (depends how we read it)

Our life is a journey and we have been counted by God for HIS divine purposes. We have a job or jobs to do while on earth, for HIS Kingdom, we will be rewarded for our efforts, yet, do we do our jobs to reap rewards? or just because we Love the LORD! and want to be in fellowship with HIM?

Life goes by quickly. Before you know it, you'll be hitting the senior years. Do not faint in doing good works, we will reap the rewards for all eternity.

Pentecost/Shavuot June 12-13th 2024.

Ben Avraham