"We Have Real Hope"
By Zach Wood
Romans 5:1-5
In life, we all have times when we feel hopeless. Maybe someone gave you the cold shoulder in a desperate time of need.Maybe you lost your job right in the middle of a serious financial crisis at home. Or perhaps everyone at work threw more responsibilities on you when it was the only week you had planned to focus on other tasks that needed to get done.
It’s so easy sometimes to lose hope.Satan is a master of finding ways to discourage us and take our feeling of hope away.Most of us have experienced this at one time or another.However, if you continue to fall into this rut and stay in it, then something needs to change.
For a Christian, there is no situation in which hope can’t be found.You may feel that way initially, but after you work more through the situation with God’s direction, you find there really is hope.Many times we tend to give up and not look for or believe in hope. Jesus Christ gives us every reason to have hope because of what He has done for us.He promises to be by our side when we hard times pull us down.
Many people have a hope, but it’s not based on anything real or spiritual.These people just hope something will turn out or they hope for the best.It’s not a hope found in Christ.Many people hope the stock market will hold up.Some hope in a salary that will take care of all their financial needs.Others hope for a nice job in which they’ll enjoy what they do.And still some hope to have a good family of their own one day.
It’s not wrong to hope for these things.However, if these things are all we ever hope for, then we’re not properly focused and we’re in for a major disappointment!
My prayer is that we will find joy and the attitude to rejoice in the hope of Jesus Christ even when we experience the trials of life. Our hope should be found solely in Jesus Christ and not in the things of this world.
By Zach Wood
Romans 5:1-5
In life, we all have times when we feel hopeless. Maybe someone gave you the cold shoulder in a desperate time of need.Maybe you lost your job right in the middle of a serious financial crisis at home. Or perhaps everyone at work threw more responsibilities on you when it was the only week you had planned to focus on other tasks that needed to get done.
It’s so easy sometimes to lose hope.Satan is a master of finding ways to discourage us and take our feeling of hope away.Most of us have experienced this at one time or another.However, if you continue to fall into this rut and stay in it, then something needs to change.
For a Christian, there is no situation in which hope can’t be found.You may feel that way initially, but after you work more through the situation with God’s direction, you find there really is hope.Many times we tend to give up and not look for or believe in hope. Jesus Christ gives us every reason to have hope because of what He has done for us.He promises to be by our side when we hard times pull us down.
Many people have a hope, but it’s not based on anything real or spiritual.These people just hope something will turn out or they hope for the best.It’s not a hope found in Christ.Many people hope the stock market will hold up.Some hope in a salary that will take care of all their financial needs.Others hope for a nice job in which they’ll enjoy what they do.And still some hope to have a good family of their own one day.
It’s not wrong to hope for these things.However, if these things are all we ever hope for, then we’re not properly focused and we’re in for a major disappointment!
My prayer is that we will find joy and the attitude to rejoice in the hope of Jesus Christ even when we experience the trials of life. Our hope should be found solely in Jesus Christ and not in the things of this world.