You found a new church. Everything felt perfect. For a while it felt like you were right on target. Everything was going great. But now, months later, you are more broken and miserable with less faith, less assurance and you see hypocrisy, lies and sin everywhere. What happened?
Do you know the difference between being worked up in the flesh and the awesome feeling of being fed the Word of God, even when it convicts you?
Do you know the difference between a church that is committed to glorifying God and one that, in disguise of glorifying God, actually creates and nurtures an environment that encourages people to glorify themselves?
Did you ever wonder why corruption and sin is running rampant in your church?
Do you wonder why your faith, assurance of salvation and your peace are going down the drain?
I'm not speaking of the regular struggles that all Christians should expect. I'm talking about churches that have from one degree to another, moved away from the truth. I've seen literally hundreds of people that I knew fall victim to these false teachers, and i've read about the same thing happening to people in this forum at their church. This is not a unique experience by any stretch of the imagination to have been duped by a counterfeit, but some people learned from this and it made them stronger.
Only by the truth of God's Word can you be saved.
Only the truth of God's Word gives you real assurance.
Only the truth of God's Word will give you a real Biblical peace.
Only by the truth of God's Word can you be renewed in your mind.
Look closely at your your church, you have every right to do this. Are they conforming to the world and calling it good?
There are many unBiblical churches out there. These are the churches that will leave you high and dry and wondering what happened.
Do you know what a Biblical church looks like?
Do you know the difference between being worked up in the flesh and the awesome feeling of being fed the Word of God, even when it convicts you?
Do you know the difference between a church that is committed to glorifying God and one that, in disguise of glorifying God, actually creates and nurtures an environment that encourages people to glorify themselves?
Did you ever wonder why corruption and sin is running rampant in your church?
Do you wonder why your faith, assurance of salvation and your peace are going down the drain?
I'm not speaking of the regular struggles that all Christians should expect. I'm talking about churches that have from one degree to another, moved away from the truth. I've seen literally hundreds of people that I knew fall victim to these false teachers, and i've read about the same thing happening to people in this forum at their church. This is not a unique experience by any stretch of the imagination to have been duped by a counterfeit, but some people learned from this and it made them stronger.
Only by the truth of God's Word can you be saved.
Only the truth of God's Word gives you real assurance.
Only the truth of God's Word will give you a real Biblical peace.
Only by the truth of God's Word can you be renewed in your mind.
Look closely at your your church, you have every right to do this. Are they conforming to the world and calling it good?
There are many unBiblical churches out there. These are the churches that will leave you high and dry and wondering what happened.
Do you know what a Biblical church looks like?