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What does "prayer" mean?


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"I don't see how I could be president without prayer," George W. Bush told a crowd of more than 1,100 at the Fort Worth Christian School last week.
What’s the meaning of “prayer†in this context?
I’ve always thought prayer was a petition to God to intercede in human events.
Mr. Bush prays as if it is a two way dialog between him and God.
In that case, Mr. Bush could never have made a wrong decision.
That would explain why so many always agreed with him and supported him to the bitter end.
What is the meaning of "prayer"?
First of all, prayer is not just petitioning. I usually group prayer into four categories: asking, thanking, praising, and repenting. Prayer is not a two-way dialog like you have with a person... Generally speaking, the actual words come from you, and the answers back come in different forms. If you're asking for guidance (as I'm sure the President did), the answer may not be the straightforward "correct" answer you want, and it may not come when you want it.

For example, if you pray about taking a new job that has been offered... you may feel a push by the Holy Spirit to take it, or the Spirit may speak to you through a sign of some kind (like losing the job you have, which recently happened to someone I know of when they prayed about going a different direction). Other times, you may perceive no answer at all, which usually means "not yet, be patient". Just because you get a "push" in one direction from the Spirit doesn't mean you're going to like the outcome. That job you take might make you miserable. You might ask why God lead you astray, but you many not realize that this job is exactly the right thing for your life at the time. Maybe you need to grow in life experience and wisdom (in ways that only hardship can bring). Maybe you'll meet someone there that changes your life (or theirs).

Other types of prayer are more simple, but no less important. Thanking and Praising are underrated and underused by many... they really do help you! Repenting (or saying you're sorry) is more difficult, but it is an essential part of your life's journey.
VertigoAge said:
First of all, prayer is not just petitioning. I usually group prayer into four categories: asking, thanking, praising, and repenting. Prayer is not a two-way dialog like you have with a person... Generally speaking, the actual words come from you, and the answers back come in different forms. If you're asking for guidance (as I'm sure the President did), the answer may not be the straightforward "correct" answer you want, and it may not come when you want it.

For example, if you pray about taking a new job that has been offered... you may feel a push by the Holy Spirit to take it, or the Spirit may speak to you through a sign of some kind (like losing the job you have, which recently happened to someone I know of when they prayed about going a different direction). Other times, you may perceive no answer at all, which usually means "not yet, be patient". Just because you get a "push" in one direction from the Spirit doesn't mean you're going to like the outcome. That job you take might make you miserable. You might ask why God lead you astray, but you many not realize that this job is exactly the right thing for your life at the time. Maybe you need to grow in life experience and wisdom (in ways that only hardship can bring). Maybe you'll meet someone there that changes your life (or theirs).

Other types of prayer are more simple, but no less important. Thanking and Praising are underrated and underused by many... they really do help you! Repenting (or saying you're sorry) is more difficult, but it is an essential part of your life's journey.

Well said :clap . Great example too. Yeah, for me, prayer is talking to God, thanking Him just for the privilege to come before the throne to lay down my prayers, petitions, wants and desires. To ask for help in all areas of my life, to surrender to Him, to request that He continue His work in me and change me by the renewing of my mind.
Vertigo is right, God responds mostly in actions around us and through other people far more than He speaks a response.
Main Entry: 1prayer
Pronunciation: \?prer\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French priere, praiere, preiere, from Medieval Latin precaria, from Latin, feminine of precarius obtained by entreaty, from prec-, prex
Date: 14th century

1 a (1) : an address (as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought <said a prayer for the success of the voyage> (2) : a set order of words used in praying b : an earnest request or wish
2 : the act or practice of praying to God or a god <kneeling in prayer>
3 : a religious service consisting chiefly of prayers —often used in plural
4 : something prayed for
5 : a slight chance <haven't got a prayer>


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