Hi to every one .
I believe that there is many interpretation AND BOOKS CONCERNING THIS VERSE .
1) I BELIEVE IN 2 Tim 2:15 AND in 4 rules that I will use in this explaination of this passage .
2) They are , Context , Dispensational , Historical , and Grammar .
3) First lets look at the Context of 2 Thess 2 , in verse 1 it is the gathering together unto Him . Does this sound like it is talking about the APOSTASY , OF FAITH , NO .
4) V 2 , IS HISTORICAL , because Paul is letting them know by letter , don't be shaken in , mind ,
or be troubled , neither by spirit , nor by word , as from us , as that the Day of Christ is at hand . Not talking about falling away from faith .
5) So what does falling away mean anyway ?
6) It this the Greek word -----APOSTASIA
6a) the English word------------APOSTASY
7) This is the Grammar Part and Most say that it is the word APOSTASY , you will notice that the spelling is ALMOST same , and you have understand why . Please notice that in the transliteration , they DROP THE LETTER'S IA , THEN ADD the letter y , to APOSTAS (Y) and call it APOSTASY , AND IT IS not THE SAME .
8) Because the English word APOSTASY is a Transliterated from Greek to English , thats why . And is NOT and accurate translation of the Greek word APOSTASIA . This is the Greek Grammar part .
9) The word can be translated , forsake , rebellion and Departure fits Here and it is Dispensational since it is talking about the Depature of the Body of Christ .
10) My exegesis , I feel is right on , and it is NOT tAlking about falling from Faith , but instead is revealing the Departure will be FIRST and then that man of sin be revealed , the son of perdition.
4) Doe
I believe that there is many interpretation AND BOOKS CONCERNING THIS VERSE .
1) I BELIEVE IN 2 Tim 2:15 AND in 4 rules that I will use in this explaination of this passage .
2) They are , Context , Dispensational , Historical , and Grammar .
3) First lets look at the Context of 2 Thess 2 , in verse 1 it is the gathering together unto Him . Does this sound like it is talking about the APOSTASY , OF FAITH , NO .
4) V 2 , IS HISTORICAL , because Paul is letting them know by letter , don't be shaken in , mind ,
or be troubled , neither by spirit , nor by word , as from us , as that the Day of Christ is at hand . Not talking about falling away from faith .
5) So what does falling away mean anyway ?
6) It this the Greek word -----APOSTASIA
6a) the English word------------APOSTASY
7) This is the Grammar Part and Most say that it is the word APOSTASY , you will notice that the spelling is ALMOST same , and you have understand why . Please notice that in the transliteration , they DROP THE LETTER'S IA , THEN ADD the letter y , to APOSTAS (Y) and call it APOSTASY , AND IT IS not THE SAME .
8) Because the English word APOSTASY is a Transliterated from Greek to English , thats why . And is NOT and accurate translation of the Greek word APOSTASIA . This is the Greek Grammar part .
9) The word can be translated , forsake , rebellion and Departure fits Here and it is Dispensational since it is talking about the Depature of the Body of Christ .
10) My exegesis , I feel is right on , and it is NOT tAlking about falling from Faith , but instead is revealing the Departure will be FIRST and then that man of sin be revealed , the son of perdition.
4) Doe