Is evil something that just crops up as an antithesis to God when he manifests creation, or is it something He intentionally imbeds into creation as a possibility to give more meaning to His eternal love?
He created us out of perfection, and we fell into sin and imperfection. Is this some type of tendency that happens for anything He creates? My thinking is that for free will to exist, the possibility for evil and straying from God's will has to exist. I wonder at times whether it would be better to not have free will at all, because then everything would all just be hunky-dory and blissful. However, love would then be this innocuous thing, because there would be no possible way of rejecting it.
I'm also thinking that evil is some type of eternality because of hell. Hell is ultimately a place for evil to become separated from good. All the damned burning there forever will mean that evil will exist forever in some way. In the realm were in now, the two polarities are inter-meshed, and the way we live our lives now will determine which side we'll be with in the hereafter when the two sides of the good-evil duality schism and separate. This is kind of unsettling to me though, because it might mean the two could collide again. Hell could be some type of crucible too, though, to purify evil from creation. That could be the whole process of this life as a generality as well.
Whatever these mysteries mean, I know what's right and what's wrong, though, and I know which side I want to be on. I don't even care whether I experience suffering in this life or the next. I know living life through the love of Christ is the right thing to do. Rebelling against that love just messes up everything. If I had it in me, I would live my life through Christs love for an eternity of imperfect existences like this, even if there was no heaven waiting for me. I know myself, though, and this isn't in me. I'll keep trying though and asking God for strength.
He created us out of perfection, and we fell into sin and imperfection. Is this some type of tendency that happens for anything He creates? My thinking is that for free will to exist, the possibility for evil and straying from God's will has to exist. I wonder at times whether it would be better to not have free will at all, because then everything would all just be hunky-dory and blissful. However, love would then be this innocuous thing, because there would be no possible way of rejecting it.
I'm also thinking that evil is some type of eternality because of hell. Hell is ultimately a place for evil to become separated from good. All the damned burning there forever will mean that evil will exist forever in some way. In the realm were in now, the two polarities are inter-meshed, and the way we live our lives now will determine which side we'll be with in the hereafter when the two sides of the good-evil duality schism and separate. This is kind of unsettling to me though, because it might mean the two could collide again. Hell could be some type of crucible too, though, to purify evil from creation. That could be the whole process of this life as a generality as well.
Whatever these mysteries mean, I know what's right and what's wrong, though, and I know which side I want to be on. I don't even care whether I experience suffering in this life or the next. I know living life through the love of Christ is the right thing to do. Rebelling against that love just messes up everything. If I had it in me, I would live my life through Christs love for an eternity of imperfect existences like this, even if there was no heaven waiting for me. I know myself, though, and this isn't in me. I'll keep trying though and asking God for strength.
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