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What is your opinion on the bible as a book?



Topic ^^

But seriously, I have read much of it; I have been told that it is bad for you to become enriched in it; am I supposed to believe this?

What is the majority opinion of the bible?
Hi Brent, welcome to the forum.

I'm not sure that I totally understand your question. It's my firm belief that we should be 'enriched' in the Bible, or perhaps this is better said, "Enriched by the Bible".

As far as the Bible as a book? If you mean the Bible as literature, frankly, I would find the writing style a bit ponderous, but the historical insight into Jewish thought interesting.

However, the Bible, which is a collection of 66 books, far transcends literature.
Hi and thank you for the response!

The bible is something I wonder about, because to become enriched in the bible I have been told is sometimes dangerous.

Is this not so?

And is everything in the bible able to be believed, or should be believed upon faith, etc, by the reader?
I believe that everything in the Bible is to believed. This isn't to say that everything is factual. There are times when the Bible uses metaphors and parables in order to convey God's truths to us. How to know when to take something literally and when to see it a metaphor? Just look at the context.

For instance 1 Peter 2:4-5 states: "And coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected by men, but choice and precious in the sight of Gd, you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house..."

Obviously here Peter is using metaphor, not saying that the physcial make up of the church is the same as a rock, but that the church has the strength and enduring quality of stone.

But here Peter says, "Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may on account of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation." (1 Peter 2:12) Now, this passage isn't at all metaphorical, we are to take Peter at his word here (understanding the inspiration of the Spirit) and to keep our behavior to the highest of standards.

I bring this up because there seem to be two common problems with how people view the Bible: Some view it as only metaphorical and reject anything literal about it, which means that things that ought be taken seriously by the Christian aren't. The other is that some take things too literally and refuse to see that metaphor and parables are incorporated in the Bible, and therefore take some things too seriously, causing unnecessary strife.

As far as being told to be enriched by the Bible is 'dangerous', nope! To the Chrisitan it holds words of life. We should view it as a well of life-giving water and to drink often and long from it.
Hi Brent,
I believe that the Bible is the greatest of all books. I don't think it is dangerous to get too into the Bible, and don't even know if that is possible. For me, the Bible is the great book of answers, literally for anything that I have questions for, it is a great book for encouragement, it is a great weapon against foes and the evil one, it is a list of instructions and my greatest source of guidance.

I think everything in it is true but I also agree with handy's explanation of metaphors and parables.
Ultimately the Bible is God's Word given to us, and these are a few of my favorite scriptures about.... well scripture (or the word) : )

I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word. Psalm 119: 16

Your word have I laid up in my heart, that I might not sin against You. Psalm 119: 11

Every word of God is tried and purified; He is a shield to those who trust and take refuge in Him. Proverbs 30: 5

For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life and spirit, and of joints and marrow , exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart. Hebrews 4: 12

Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, for training in righteousness . 2 Timothy 3: 16

God Bless
The my very factual. Some of it actually has some historical evidence too. Which perhaps further enforces my faith in it. It is really a matter of oppinion perhaps. Interesting question.
The creation of modern English language was profoundly assisted by the Geneva Bible which preceded The Authorized Version. The English language has become the lingua franca of today’s modern world displacing Latin.

The linguistic genius of William Tyndale and the poetic mastery of Miles Coverdale’s translation of Poetic Books of the Bible are rightfully credited with igniting the excellence of English literature of the 17th and 18th century.

It was the Geneva Bible and not the Authorized Version which was the Bible William Shakespeare read. His work was profoundly influenced by the Scriptures. John Milton, John Bunyan, the Puritans, and Pilgrims were inspired by the Geneva Bible.

The excellent Authorized Version may not have been written if it had not been for King James aversion and opposition to the Geneva Bible.

Knowledge of and obedience to God’s written Word led to constitutional, limited government, the end of slavery, and caste systems. It gave birth to “free enterprise†and reforms in the society during the industrial revolution. The “Puritan work ethic†fueled the scientific and industrial revolutions. It was the source of uplifting standards in the sciences and arts.

Rembrandt and Johann Sebastian Bach were profoundly influenced by the Bible.

Examine the philosophical epistemological foundation which gave birth to the “Scientific Revolution†which happened in Western Europe beginning with Copernicus.

J. Robert Oppenheimer and Alfred North Whitehead were correct when they independently declared that "Christianity is the mother of science".

The Bible is the fundamental basis of the common law of England and the United States. One can actually trace the profound influence of the Bible beginning with Alfred the Great; the father of English common law. William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the common law of England was among the most important works leading to the American War for Independence. It was thoroughly established upon the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament.

The Bible is of inestimable fathomless value. It is the wisdom of Almighty God; His spoken word which He has given to mankind revealing to man what mankind could not attain beginning autonomously from himself.

Virtue, Liberty, and Independence
When people say it is dangerous to become enriched into the Bible, maybe they mean don't worship the Bible. What I mean is don't worship the actual book itself. Rather, you should worship its message, but not the actual book. Then it becomes an idol.
Nick_29 said:
When people say it is dangerous to become enriched into the Bible, maybe they mean don't worship the Bible. What I mean is don't worship the actual book itself. Rather, you should worship its message, but not the actual book. Then it becomes an idol.

An atheist asked me what I would do if me and my kids were stranded in the freezing cold and the only thing I had for fire was bibles and a lighter. I told him that I would burn the bibles for heat and keep my kids alive. It would be obsurd to think that God would want us to freeze to death to preserve bibles.

I then told him I'd buy several more bibles when I got to safety and send him a copy. :)

The bible is the divine word of God. It's historically accurate and a collection of 66 loveletters from God almighty!! It's a perfectly cohesive book written over a period that staggers the imigination by such a diverse crowd,we can't even comprehend!! :study
God's Word not the Bible is one of the most awesome misunderstood and hidden books in this World. To uncover its deep secrets or mysteries is the total answer for what God is doing for His total creation.
It's a fascinating compendium of religious literature to study, but to be clear on its historical reliability, that is an opinion not supported by biblical scholarship. And of course, I pretty much disagree with everything Matureartisan said. 'Christianity is the mother of science'?! This can't be serious...
