Ben Avraham
- Apr 25, 2021
- 817
- 191
PARASHAH: “VaYERA” (and he appeared) GENESIS 18:1-22:24
Remember that reading the "Long-winded" study sections like this post is like walking into a classroom. You are welcome to take a break, get up to get a glass of water, and then come back to finish the study.
YHVH appears to Abraham at his tent, yet it also says that “three” men appeared to him. He addresses them as LORD (YHVH), how is that? One can only wonder. Could one of them be YHVH incarnate and the other two ministering angels? Could all three be a representation of ELOHIM? “Av” (father) “Ben” (son) and “Ruach HaKodesh” (Holy Spirit)? This could open up a lengthy discussion. All we know is that Abraham receives them with great hospitality. They eat and then they bless. This is pretty much how it works even today. We receive blessings from HaShem, but we often bless others and help others, and blessings follow.
Abram addresses the “the men” (Shelosh anashim) as “Adonai”. In one Hebrew-English translation, the word “lords’ is used, yet in another, the word; “Lord” is used. But in both translations, the word “Adonai” is used, which is “Master” and it is one of the names of G-d. The “men” are indeed “G-d” walking and talking with Abram. Also, it is possible that One is the "Angel of the LORD" (Malach Elohim) and the two others, ministering/destroyer angels.
Abraham shows hospitality to these “men” in that he prepares 4 items of food for them: “water, bread, milk, and meat.” It is a great mitzvah to show love and hospitality to others outside your family. Blessed are the foster parents and those parents who adopt unwanted children from other homes and bring them into their own homes as their “adopted children” just as Adonai has adopted “all believers” into HIS family through our faith in Yeshua. In that way, ALL believers are; “B’nei Elohim” (sons of God)
Adonai repays Abraham’s kindness to those “three men”. Not only does He grant Abraham and Sarah a son; “Yitzchak” but generations down the line, He provides “water” in the desert through the “ROCK” that was split, and He provides “Bread” (manna) in the desert, and of course, the cattle of the Israelites produced “milk and meat”. On another level, we see “Yeshua” all of these. Yeshua is the “Living Water” the “Bread of Life” and the Torah is our “Milk and meat”. I guess we can say that all believers start by digesting the “milk’ of the Word, the easy stuff to understand, and when we mature, we can digest the “meat” the more difficult stuff to understand.
Can we bless “Adonai?” We know that He blesses us in many ways and forms, but how do we “Bless” YHVH? “Baruch” (bless) comes from the word “Berek” which means “knee”. When we “bow” the knee in praise and worship, we are, in fact, “blessing” Adonai. We come to pray, asking for “this and that” but do we just come and thank HIM for just who He is?
He announces the birth of “Yitzchak” yet Sarah laughs in disbelief “within herself” not even out loud, or, just barely audible, yet YHVH hears her and asks “Why did Sarah laugh? Yeah, but thou didst laugh” Can anything be hidden from the LORD? Even inside us, HE KNOWS what is going on inside us, within the heart, within our minds, HE KNOWS ALL THINGS, even the “not so kosher” things. Something to think about the next time we think we are alone. We are NOT alone. Today, we hear two different kinds of "laughing" Laughing in unbelief, or mocking, and "laughing" with joy and gladness.
Abraham intercedes for Sodom and Gomorra, yet there are not even ten righteous residents of Sodom. Had Abraham asked; “Will you not spare Sodom for only ONE righteous person?” what do you think that the LORD would have answered? Maybe YES? If that had been so, then, perhaps Lot and his family might have never left the city! Lot was still considered a “Tzadik” a righteous person, yet he was living in a sinful and corrupt city. That is a dangerous position to be in, to be comfortable in a place where you have no business to be in! or participate in activities that the lost world does. “by the skin of their teeth” one might say, the angel drags Lot, his wife, and two daughters out of there before the judgment of destruction begins.
What were the sins of Sodom and Gomorra one might ask. Ezekiel 16:49 gives us an answer. Besides the sexual perversion, the people were prideful and gluttonous (enjoyed stuffing their faces with food). They didn't care about the poor and they were arrogant.
However, we can think back to when the scripture says that “Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom”. He wasn’t there yet, he was close, but then, he was INSIDE Sodom. He even bought a house, and perhaps even started a business. We read that he was “at the gates of Sodom” when he invited the angels to come to spend the night with him and his family. Those that were at the “gates” of the city, were “greeters’ sort of saying, perhaps “tour guides” maybe Lot was involved with politics. We can only guess; The Torah doesn’t go into detail about Lot’s life inside Sodom.
Remember that reading the "Long-winded" study sections like this post is like walking into a classroom. You are welcome to take a break, get up to get a glass of water, and then come back to finish the study.
YHVH appears to Abraham at his tent, yet it also says that “three” men appeared to him. He addresses them as LORD (YHVH), how is that? One can only wonder. Could one of them be YHVH incarnate and the other two ministering angels? Could all three be a representation of ELOHIM? “Av” (father) “Ben” (son) and “Ruach HaKodesh” (Holy Spirit)? This could open up a lengthy discussion. All we know is that Abraham receives them with great hospitality. They eat and then they bless. This is pretty much how it works even today. We receive blessings from HaShem, but we often bless others and help others, and blessings follow.
Abram addresses the “the men” (Shelosh anashim) as “Adonai”. In one Hebrew-English translation, the word “lords’ is used, yet in another, the word; “Lord” is used. But in both translations, the word “Adonai” is used, which is “Master” and it is one of the names of G-d. The “men” are indeed “G-d” walking and talking with Abram. Also, it is possible that One is the "Angel of the LORD" (Malach Elohim) and the two others, ministering/destroyer angels.
Abraham shows hospitality to these “men” in that he prepares 4 items of food for them: “water, bread, milk, and meat.” It is a great mitzvah to show love and hospitality to others outside your family. Blessed are the foster parents and those parents who adopt unwanted children from other homes and bring them into their own homes as their “adopted children” just as Adonai has adopted “all believers” into HIS family through our faith in Yeshua. In that way, ALL believers are; “B’nei Elohim” (sons of God)
Adonai repays Abraham’s kindness to those “three men”. Not only does He grant Abraham and Sarah a son; “Yitzchak” but generations down the line, He provides “water” in the desert through the “ROCK” that was split, and He provides “Bread” (manna) in the desert, and of course, the cattle of the Israelites produced “milk and meat”. On another level, we see “Yeshua” all of these. Yeshua is the “Living Water” the “Bread of Life” and the Torah is our “Milk and meat”. I guess we can say that all believers start by digesting the “milk’ of the Word, the easy stuff to understand, and when we mature, we can digest the “meat” the more difficult stuff to understand.
Can we bless “Adonai?” We know that He blesses us in many ways and forms, but how do we “Bless” YHVH? “Baruch” (bless) comes from the word “Berek” which means “knee”. When we “bow” the knee in praise and worship, we are, in fact, “blessing” Adonai. We come to pray, asking for “this and that” but do we just come and thank HIM for just who He is?
He announces the birth of “Yitzchak” yet Sarah laughs in disbelief “within herself” not even out loud, or, just barely audible, yet YHVH hears her and asks “Why did Sarah laugh? Yeah, but thou didst laugh” Can anything be hidden from the LORD? Even inside us, HE KNOWS what is going on inside us, within the heart, within our minds, HE KNOWS ALL THINGS, even the “not so kosher” things. Something to think about the next time we think we are alone. We are NOT alone. Today, we hear two different kinds of "laughing" Laughing in unbelief, or mocking, and "laughing" with joy and gladness.
Abraham intercedes for Sodom and Gomorra, yet there are not even ten righteous residents of Sodom. Had Abraham asked; “Will you not spare Sodom for only ONE righteous person?” what do you think that the LORD would have answered? Maybe YES? If that had been so, then, perhaps Lot and his family might have never left the city! Lot was still considered a “Tzadik” a righteous person, yet he was living in a sinful and corrupt city. That is a dangerous position to be in, to be comfortable in a place where you have no business to be in! or participate in activities that the lost world does. “by the skin of their teeth” one might say, the angel drags Lot, his wife, and two daughters out of there before the judgment of destruction begins.
What were the sins of Sodom and Gomorra one might ask. Ezekiel 16:49 gives us an answer. Besides the sexual perversion, the people were prideful and gluttonous (enjoyed stuffing their faces with food). They didn't care about the poor and they were arrogant.
However, we can think back to when the scripture says that “Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom”. He wasn’t there yet, he was close, but then, he was INSIDE Sodom. He even bought a house, and perhaps even started a business. We read that he was “at the gates of Sodom” when he invited the angels to come to spend the night with him and his family. Those that were at the “gates” of the city, were “greeters’ sort of saying, perhaps “tour guides” maybe Lot was involved with politics. We can only guess; The Torah doesn’t go into detail about Lot’s life inside Sodom.