Who are your favourite recent heroes/heroines?


Jun 14, 2014
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Who are your favourite recent heroes/heroines outside of the bible, particularly born in recent times and why?
I will begin again. Mine is Samuel Morris and DL Moody.
Samuel Morris is an African man who prays and even though he does not live long, he is a model for me in the area of childlike prayers.
DL Moody reaches the lost for God with a passion and he is not very educated.
I also like Billy Graham, Smith Wigglesworth, Catherine Booth.
Too often, we honor the saints of the bibles without recognizing that there are modern heroes/heroines in our midst too. Let's talk about them here!
Recent Christian hero's.
There's Jim Elliot and Nate Saint. Far more contemporary Margret Hayes, you might find her biography 'Missing Believed Killed'.
That's the problem, unless they or someone else writes about them we will never know about them.
I know of a girl who would turn up on Su day with most of the children in her road, bringing them to Sunday School. That was forty years ago, then there was the guy who for years arranged the seating for the churches midweek meeting, a servant hero.

What are the criteria for calling someone a ' hero' ?