No Bible scholar knows exactly the identification of this Gog , the leader of Russia in this end of age prophecy. Most scholars attempt to identify him as a human leader that will lead Russia into an attack on Israel at the end of time. However the most serious objection is found in revelations 20:7-8, where we see Gog appearing again , leading another nation or nations into battle one last time again after Jesus Millennial reign. If the original Gog of Ezekiel 38 is a human , how can he be seen again after the Millennial reign leading nations again? Turnto the book of Daniel chapter 10 . In this chapter , the prophet Daniel begins praying to God for more understanding aboutthe future prophetic history of his beloved nation , Israel. We see that God gives an angel the answer to Daniel prayer the very first day Daniel prayed. Yet he was prevented from reaching Daniel for three whole weeks ! What could have happened to keep a Godly angel from reaching earth for three weeks. We get the answer in verse 13; But the Prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days but lo Michael , one of the cheif princes, came to help me and I remained was not needed anymore there with the kings of Persia. This passage tells us that this Godly angel was attacked by a demonic being that was more powerful than the angel and kept him from reaching Daniel for three whole weeks. Furthermore we see that the only way this angel could get victory over this demonic being was to call for help from Michael, the guardian angel responsible for the defence of Israel. BUT then , this angel says something even more shocking In verse 20 , he says that once he returns he will have to join an ongoing fight between Godly angels and demonic beings for the PRINCE of Persia and the PRINCE of Greece. THE KINGDOM OF GREECE, at the time of this writing was not even in existance! Thus , we get an understanding that in the Heavenly sphere, both Godly angles and ungodly beings are fighting for nations long before the time is come for that nation to step on to the wold scene. Now notice that these demonic being are referred to as PRINCES in Daniel 10 OK lets read Ezekiel 38 Thus saith the Lord God, Behold I am against thee O Gog , the chief PRINCE of Meshech and Tubal. Thew true picture of what is being spoken of here is that both God and Satan have assigned their supernatural emissaries to stay close to the human leaders of individual nations throughout history The angel attemts to move the kings to make decisions that will implement Gods plan , while the demonic beings will attempt to influence the kings to make decisions that will serve Lucifers purposes. This picture shows Gog hovering close to the human leader of Russia ensuring that the decisions he makes and thoughts of his mind move the nation into Satans orbit.. God will ultimately destroy the armed forces Gog is bringing against Israel, even destroying the land of Gog Magog .....Russia herself. Gog will thus have led the human Russian leader directly into the greatest of national disasters, as God destroys the armed forces and the nation itself. It seems that Gog is out of a job RIGHT? And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prision , who does he bring back with himmmmmmmmmmmmm???????? You got it Prince GOG.....! Jesus bless Israel is Gods time clock