His_nee (Jeff)
Yhwh is.
everything and everyone else, including the apostle paul, or an angel, TEST . TEST EVERYTHING.
Trust Yhwh.
TEST everything and everyone else.
for instance, antoine bechamp published things that could be tested anywhere in the world. (and pass)
pasteur did not. (well, they could be 'tested', but failed).
if you get the sniffles, test this 200+ year old remedy from great great grandma's in vermont --- one little swig/teaspoonful/ (diluted as needed in water/ with or without honey) of apple cider vinegar (organic is best, but any will work and pass the test, 97 % of the time).
doesn't matter if you have a cold, flu coming on, allergy, dust or hay or pollen exposure.
if it works, for you, you save hundreds of dollars and hours ; (average person) ;
if it doesn't work, at least you tested it (and don't worry or fret if you want to test it again later).
another example: real life. actually televised for a full week by channels 2, 6, and 8 in tulsa oklahoma.
if you want to take a shower or a bath,
don't use tap water (unless, they said, you want to go to a doctor more often). (yep, they reported that the water (tap water) is soooooo bad, with sooooo many bad things in it, that the jet setters/ tennis players / the 'in' crowd (too much money to know what to do with it) , end up going to a doctor more often, BECAUSE they take a shower or bath twice a day instead of once or less.......
of course, this was known as far back as 1991; and just televised the last couple years ---- and for a foul motive btw --- (to be revealed in a few weeks).....
well, what's a wanna-b-healthy person supposed to do then ???
... no big secret...... heat up bottled water on the stove for a sponge bath,
or, (a lot easier) get a good filter for the shower head to remove 93.789% +/- 3.8mg of the contaminants ,
(and of course, if taking a bath, fill the bath through the filter by filling from the shower)... ... ...
so, back to the op ---- TEST EVERYTHING --- then you know yourself if it is true or not (subject to change, like the size of candy bars and a pound of 100% beef)
as carey reams said --- if the right thing is done, it works. even for animals.(dogs and cats and cows and horses). if the right thing is done, they get better. doesn't matter IF they believe it or not - it works.
but if the right thing is NOT done, then (obviously), it doesn't work, and they don't get better or if they get better it's , well, sheer grace
.... .... .... ....
as an emissary of the GOOD NEWS (God's Word) said:
1 John 5:21 Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.
Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. Little. See on ch. 1 John 2:1 My little children, these things write I to you, that you sin not. …biblehub.com/1_john/5-21.htm
everything and everyone else, including the apostle paul, or an angel, TEST . TEST EVERYTHING.
Trust Yhwh.
TEST everything and everyone else.
for instance, antoine bechamp published things that could be tested anywhere in the world. (and pass)
pasteur did not. (well, they could be 'tested', but failed).
if you get the sniffles, test this 200+ year old remedy from great great grandma's in vermont --- one little swig/teaspoonful/ (diluted as needed in water/ with or without honey) of apple cider vinegar (organic is best, but any will work and pass the test, 97 % of the time).
doesn't matter if you have a cold, flu coming on, allergy, dust or hay or pollen exposure.
if it works, for you, you save hundreds of dollars and hours ; (average person) ;
if it doesn't work, at least you tested it (and don't worry or fret if you want to test it again later).
another example: real life. actually televised for a full week by channels 2, 6, and 8 in tulsa oklahoma.
if you want to take a shower or a bath,
don't use tap water (unless, they said, you want to go to a doctor more often). (yep, they reported that the water (tap water) is soooooo bad, with sooooo many bad things in it, that the jet setters/ tennis players / the 'in' crowd (too much money to know what to do with it) , end up going to a doctor more often, BECAUSE they take a shower or bath twice a day instead of once or less.......
of course, this was known as far back as 1991; and just televised the last couple years ---- and for a foul motive btw --- (to be revealed in a few weeks).....
well, what's a wanna-b-healthy person supposed to do then ???

or, (a lot easier) get a good filter for the shower head to remove 93.789% +/- 3.8mg of the contaminants ,
(and of course, if taking a bath, fill the bath through the filter by filling from the shower)... ... ...
so, back to the op ---- TEST EVERYTHING --- then you know yourself if it is true or not (subject to change, like the size of candy bars and a pound of 100% beef)
as carey reams said --- if the right thing is done, it works. even for animals.(dogs and cats and cows and horses). if the right thing is done, they get better. doesn't matter IF they believe it or not - it works.
but if the right thing is NOT done, then (obviously), it doesn't work, and they don't get better or if they get better it's , well, sheer grace

as an emissary of the GOOD NEWS (God's Word) said:
1 John 5:21 Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.
Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. Little. See on ch. 1 John 2:1 My little children, these things write I to you, that you sin not. …biblehub.com/1_john/5-21.htm