"Why Are You There?"
By Zach Wood
John 6:1-2
I think sometimes in our walk with Christ, we must really take some time to ask ourselves “why do I go to church� Ask yourself “why am I there on Sundays� This is not a question to bring any guilt to you at all. Many times through the Gospels, Jesus asks questions to separate the fans from the followers.
Here Jesus is in the height of His ministry and we read that large crowds were following Jesus because He was very popular and was working miracles. In John 6, He was providing a feast for this crowd from just five loaves of bread and a couple fish. In verse 2 it just says they were coming “because they saw the miraculous signs he had performed on the sick.†The main reason the crowds were showing up was because of the spectacle. They didn’t care as much about the teaching and the life changing lesson. They were there for the show.
So, why do you go to church? What is your “because� Is it because you think the seats are comfortable, or you really like the music? Is it because you like the chit-chat and the friends your kids make? These things are great for awhile, but at some point the relationship must be defined. Why are you there?
Take a look at John 6:66. Jesus is talking about being the bread of life and what it means to follow Him. Many went away because Jesus says, “Let’s define what we’ve got here,†and what He offered isn’t what they wanted.
He wants there to be a point where you define the relationship. Why are you there? Because …? For Jesus, his because is that He wants to have a deep relationship with you.
This past Sunday, I started a new sermon series with my congregation called "Not A Fan" where it challenges us to ask ourselves if we are just fans of Christ and admirers or if we are truly committed followers.
So, this Sunday, when you walk into the doors of your church, ask yourself the challenging question, "Why am I here? Am I just a fan or am I a follower?
By Zach Wood
John 6:1-2
I think sometimes in our walk with Christ, we must really take some time to ask ourselves “why do I go to church� Ask yourself “why am I there on Sundays� This is not a question to bring any guilt to you at all. Many times through the Gospels, Jesus asks questions to separate the fans from the followers.
Here Jesus is in the height of His ministry and we read that large crowds were following Jesus because He was very popular and was working miracles. In John 6, He was providing a feast for this crowd from just five loaves of bread and a couple fish. In verse 2 it just says they were coming “because they saw the miraculous signs he had performed on the sick.†The main reason the crowds were showing up was because of the spectacle. They didn’t care as much about the teaching and the life changing lesson. They were there for the show.
So, why do you go to church? What is your “because� Is it because you think the seats are comfortable, or you really like the music? Is it because you like the chit-chat and the friends your kids make? These things are great for awhile, but at some point the relationship must be defined. Why are you there?
Take a look at John 6:66. Jesus is talking about being the bread of life and what it means to follow Him. Many went away because Jesus says, “Let’s define what we’ve got here,†and what He offered isn’t what they wanted.
He wants there to be a point where you define the relationship. Why are you there? Because …? For Jesus, his because is that He wants to have a deep relationship with you.
This past Sunday, I started a new sermon series with my congregation called "Not A Fan" where it challenges us to ask ourselves if we are just fans of Christ and admirers or if we are truly committed followers.
So, this Sunday, when you walk into the doors of your church, ask yourself the challenging question, "Why am I here? Am I just a fan or am I a follower?