- May 17, 2010
- 337
- 55
Woman as Jesus Christ
As the role between a man and a woman flips with encroaching secularism it would be wise to reflect on the creation of mankind and see that God's decision in creating both the man and then the woman wasn't just a biological decision but a prophetic one.
Looking at the story of creation in the book of Genesis we see a seemingly potpourri of dissimilar events where mankind is created both male and female with little explanation as to why. God could have chosen to create just a man and then to facilitate companionship he could have created a second man.
But God chose to facilitate companionship by creating a woman, not from the dirt of the ground as he had done with man, but from the rib of Adam, the first man. This decision by God to create Eve, the first woman, from the rib of Adam wasn't happenstance but prophetic. In creating woman from man God was foretelling the events of man's downfall and subsequent redemption by God himself.
God, in creating man in his image, created not only the physical image but also the hierarchical image of God. Which is why man was created in a world separate from God's spiritual realm, heaven. By creating man in a separate world this allowed God to give man not only his physical image but his hierarchical image as well.
This hierarchical image of God, that was bestowed upon man by virtue having God's likeness, manifests itself as man's dominion over this world and superiority over every living thing. God gave man his physical likeness, and his hierarchical likeness, to give man dominion over everything in this world whereby man could experience the responsibilities of being God without having the power of God.
It is interesting that God, in giving man his image and his status of superiority in this world that he created for him, asked in return only that man respect God's superiority by placing one forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden. God went even so far as to make the tree equal to all other trees so as not to take away man's right of dominion over this world that God bestowed upon him. In effect God ensured that the forbidden tree wasn't going violate the hierarchical status that came with having God's image.
But of course Adam and Eve didn't respect God's right of superiority and ate of the forbidden tree. Since man showed no respect for God's superiority God reciprocated by departing and revoking man's hierarchical status in this world through the cessation of life, death.
But even before man's downfall God, in his infinite greatness, had already foreseen this outcome and created man and woman in such a way as to permanently imprint mankind’s downfall and redemption onto our existence for eternity. First you have man created in God's likeness which includes being given God's hierarchical status and as such man is superior to all other creatures on earth. Then God does something strange by creating woman from man thereby creating woman lower than man. This seems to contradict the fact that the image of God bestows a superior hierarchical status upon the bearer.
But we already know that man's downfall and redemption was facilitated by the death and resurrection of God's Son, Jesus Christ, who is God. So here you have man created in God's image with God's subsequent hierarchical status and then you have the creation of woman, lower than man, which represents God lowering himself to become a man as Jesus Christ, in order to redeem us all from our sins.
So you see even in the creation of man and woman God was prophetically highlighting man's downfall and redemption by God having to become man as Jesus Christ to die for our sins and bring us back into union with God. The creation of the woman Eve, slightly lower than man, is representative of God stepping down and becoming man, Jesus Christ, in order to redeem his fallen creation. This is truly a great honor for a woman to be linked with Jesus Christ throughout eternity in such a way as she accepts her lower hierarchical status here on earth that ultimately brings forth God in human form as Jesus Christ to redeem man's sins. And of course man still represents the greater hierarchical status of God that all, both men and woman (and even Satan), must respect and revere.
God Bless
It is interesting that Satan didn't see the creation of man and woman as God foretelling the blueprint for his (Satan's) demise. If Satan believed himself as equal to God then he missed the prophetic meaning of mankind’s creation as being directed at him (Satan). To follow Satan is to follow a fool that couldn't even make 'heads or tails' of the symbolism of God's creation of man. It is to be remember that when man sinned his sin cursed everything on this earth with death including Satan who was disguised as a serpent, a creature lower then man, and therefore eventually of Jesus Christ.
It is also interesting that Satan will do anything to bring suffering to a woman's love for it represents the love God had for all of mankind when he lowered himself to became man, Jesus Christ, to suffer the injustice of dying blameless on the cross to redeem all those who believe in Christ from their sins.
Also note that while the creation of the woman represents God lowering himself and becoming man as Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was still born a man since man represents God's full hierarchical status on earth as superior to all else.
As the role between a man and a woman flips with encroaching secularism it would be wise to reflect on the creation of mankind and see that God's decision in creating both the man and then the woman wasn't just a biological decision but a prophetic one.
Looking at the story of creation in the book of Genesis we see a seemingly potpourri of dissimilar events where mankind is created both male and female with little explanation as to why. God could have chosen to create just a man and then to facilitate companionship he could have created a second man.
But God chose to facilitate companionship by creating a woman, not from the dirt of the ground as he had done with man, but from the rib of Adam, the first man. This decision by God to create Eve, the first woman, from the rib of Adam wasn't happenstance but prophetic. In creating woman from man God was foretelling the events of man's downfall and subsequent redemption by God himself.
God, in creating man in his image, created not only the physical image but also the hierarchical image of God. Which is why man was created in a world separate from God's spiritual realm, heaven. By creating man in a separate world this allowed God to give man not only his physical image but his hierarchical image as well.
This hierarchical image of God, that was bestowed upon man by virtue having God's likeness, manifests itself as man's dominion over this world and superiority over every living thing. God gave man his physical likeness, and his hierarchical likeness, to give man dominion over everything in this world whereby man could experience the responsibilities of being God without having the power of God.
It is interesting that God, in giving man his image and his status of superiority in this world that he created for him, asked in return only that man respect God's superiority by placing one forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden. God went even so far as to make the tree equal to all other trees so as not to take away man's right of dominion over this world that God bestowed upon him. In effect God ensured that the forbidden tree wasn't going violate the hierarchical status that came with having God's image.
But of course Adam and Eve didn't respect God's right of superiority and ate of the forbidden tree. Since man showed no respect for God's superiority God reciprocated by departing and revoking man's hierarchical status in this world through the cessation of life, death.
But even before man's downfall God, in his infinite greatness, had already foreseen this outcome and created man and woman in such a way as to permanently imprint mankind’s downfall and redemption onto our existence for eternity. First you have man created in God's likeness which includes being given God's hierarchical status and as such man is superior to all other creatures on earth. Then God does something strange by creating woman from man thereby creating woman lower than man. This seems to contradict the fact that the image of God bestows a superior hierarchical status upon the bearer.
But we already know that man's downfall and redemption was facilitated by the death and resurrection of God's Son, Jesus Christ, who is God. So here you have man created in God's image with God's subsequent hierarchical status and then you have the creation of woman, lower than man, which represents God lowering himself to become a man as Jesus Christ, in order to redeem us all from our sins.
So you see even in the creation of man and woman God was prophetically highlighting man's downfall and redemption by God having to become man as Jesus Christ to die for our sins and bring us back into union with God. The creation of the woman Eve, slightly lower than man, is representative of God stepping down and becoming man, Jesus Christ, in order to redeem his fallen creation. This is truly a great honor for a woman to be linked with Jesus Christ throughout eternity in such a way as she accepts her lower hierarchical status here on earth that ultimately brings forth God in human form as Jesus Christ to redeem man's sins. And of course man still represents the greater hierarchical status of God that all, both men and woman (and even Satan), must respect and revere.
God Bless
It is interesting that Satan didn't see the creation of man and woman as God foretelling the blueprint for his (Satan's) demise. If Satan believed himself as equal to God then he missed the prophetic meaning of mankind’s creation as being directed at him (Satan). To follow Satan is to follow a fool that couldn't even make 'heads or tails' of the symbolism of God's creation of man. It is to be remember that when man sinned his sin cursed everything on this earth with death including Satan who was disguised as a serpent, a creature lower then man, and therefore eventually of Jesus Christ.
It is also interesting that Satan will do anything to bring suffering to a woman's love for it represents the love God had for all of mankind when he lowered himself to became man, Jesus Christ, to suffer the injustice of dying blameless on the cross to redeem all those who believe in Christ from their sins.
Also note that while the creation of the woman represents God lowering himself and becoming man as Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was still born a man since man represents God's full hierarchical status on earth as superior to all else.