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Are Calvinists the Only True Christians?

Do these quotes make Calvinism a cult?

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Free Indeed

Hello everyone! I'm wondering what people here think about Calvinists claiming that Calvinism is the gospel, Arminianism is another gospel, and that Arminianism has another Jesus. Do these kinds of statements deserve to put Calvinism into the category of a cult? What do you think?

Maurice Roberts, on the back-cover of The Potter’s Freedom, by James White, wrote, “In a manner reminiscent of Luther demolishing Erasmus, James White grinds the Semi-Pelagianism of Dr. Geisler to fine powder, not in the spirit of triumphalism, but knowing that all Arminianism is as hostile to the true gospel as it is friendly to a reviving Roman Catholicism.”

The description on the back-cover of The Potter’s Freedom says, “This book is written as a reply to Dr. Geisler, but it is much more: it is a defense of the very principles upon which the Protestant Reformation was founded. Indeed, it is a defense of the very gospel itself!”

Arthur Custance said, “It is questionable whether a dogmatic theology which is not Calvinistic is truly Christian.”

He also said, “Calvinism is the Gospel and to teach Calvinism is in fact to preach the Gospel.”

Kenneth Talbot and W. Gary Crampton said, “any compromise of Calvinism is a step towards humanism.”

They also said, “The apostolic doctrine was that of Reformed Theology.”

Loraine Boettner said, “There is no consistent stopping place between Calvinism and atheism.”

and, “The doctrine that men are saved only through the unmerited love and grace of God finds its full and honest expression only in the doctrines of Calvinism.”

William Cunningham said, “Calvinism is just the full exposition of and development of the sum and substance of what is represented in Scripture as done for the salvation of sinners by the three persons of the Godhead.”

David Engelsma said, “Calvinism is the Gospel. Its outstanding doctrines are simply the truths that make up the Gospel.”

Charles Spurgeon has said, “It is a nickname to call it Calvinism; Calvinism is the gospel, nothing else.”

and, “There is no such thing as preaching Christ and him crucified, unless you preach what now-a-days is called Calvinism.”

and, “The longer I live the clearer does it appear that John Calvin’s system is the nearest to perfection.”

Rienk Kuiper said, “It is my firm conviction that the only theology contained in the Bible is the Reformed theology.”

R. K. McGregor Wright said, “Arminianism thought is best understood historically, as a compromise of the Reformation gospel with the humanistic motif of the autonomy of the human consciousness flowing out of the ancient pagan learning that had just been rediscovered in the Renaissance.”

Alexander Leighton said this about Arminianism, “The last and greatest monster of the man of sin; the elixir of Anti-Christianism.”

William MacLean wrote in his book Arminianism: Another Gospel, “Arminianism is the very essence of Popery.” Not potpourri, but Popery, as in the Pope.

He also wrote that Arminianism “appears as the gospel of Christ, but in reality is ‘another gospel.’”

Duane Spencer said that “Arminianism is but a refinement of Pelegianism.”

Grover Gunn said, “Arminianism teaches salvation mostly of grace but not all of grace.”3 If Arminianism teaches a gospel not all of grace, that means they teach a gospel of works, which would mean teach a false gospel and are not real Christians. This would once again make Calvinism the only true form of Christianity.

Edwin Palmer said, “I believe some Arminians may be born-again Christians.” How gracious of Mr. Palmer.

According to Milburn Cockrell, “The Christ of Arminianism is not the Christ of the New Testament.”

He also claims that “Christ and His apostles” were Calvinists!

Joseph Wilson said that “no one has ever been or ever will be saved in the way taught by Arminianism.”

So after reading those quotes by prominent Reformed Theologians, what do you think? Is that an extreme cult-like form of Calvinism, or normal "orthodox" Calvinism? If you don't think those beliefs make Calvinism a cult, why not? Thanks!
Dear Brother Free Indeed, welcome in Jesus’ name. As to the validity of different Christians being saved regardless of their different doctrines, please consider the following scriptures.
Rom 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Rom 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?

Would you say that Baptists, Catholics, those of Arminianism or Calvinism have called upon the name of the Lord at any time in their lives? I do realize that they express beliefs differing from one another, but just as it was in Rom 14:1 Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.
Rom 14:2 For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.
Rom 14:3 Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.

One of the problems Christianity suffers is the fact that there are divisions among us. 1Co 11:18 For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it. How did these factions come to be?
1Co 3:3 For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?
1Co 3:4 For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?

Should we now claim alliance with other than the One Body of believers called the Church?
What a conceited, foolish, Satan driven idea.
The truth is there is Calvinism, Arminianism, and then there are freaks like me that, today, because they began as one of the two major opinions but began a very exhaustive study, our opinions, and God spoke to us through His Word, That I and Pastor Richard Clark of Mississippi call Biblicists.

You might fairly ask what's different from the other two and that is a fair question. Because of the study of the ministry of Paul and the other disciples, we know that God wants us to study the Bible.

What Bible? I have 18 versions and the net message is the same in all of them save the one I will not even crack open, The New World Translation written for the Witnesses.

The issue is that God authored, by inspiration, and it cannot edify anyone that will not do anything beyond cursory glances on Sunday or Saturday morning. The Bible is the Book or the Scrolls Jesus and the disciples taught us from and the New Testament, also Inspired by God, are the God Authored, Life Application Commentaries and are commentaries on the Bible authored by our LORD.

Therefore, because the message of the whole of scripture is Eternal Salvation and because there is a single Context in scripture that is continuous from "In the beginning..." through the very last word of The Revelation.

Now, God is perfect, holy and righteous, so there are no conflicts in scripture and there is no scriptural conflict, what-so-ever!

Both of the opposing views of scripture can, if you ignore some of scripture, be proven right! That, of course, is a lot of hooey! And just as hooey is not a very intelligent expression to use, neither is glossing over scripture that does not fit yours or my personal theology!

Since the case can be made by the Spiritually Uneducated for conflicting scripture there is a lesson required for anyone i the LORD! We must learn to reconcile scripture against against scripture by understanding context matters and cease allowing people to, and breaking the nasty habit of jerking verses and passages out of their context.
There are 1000's of religious groups (which the bible says nothing about) that all contradict each other (which the bible condemns) yet all claim to be following the bible (which is insanity).

God said there will be a judgement day to separate the ones who followed His word (Well done, thou good and faithful servant) from those that thought they were following God's word (I never knew you: depart from me). So each person must make his/her mind up on what they will believe and answer for it on judgment day.

There is "one faith" (Eph 4:5) and it does not contradict itself. "Truth" (John 17:17) does not allow room for contradictions else it is not truth. All the contradictions came from man, not God, yet man has embraced those contradictions and tried find a way to incorporate them in "Christianity" when there is no room for them. One either accepts the bible or the contradictions....but cannot have a foot in both.
There are 1000's of religious groups (which the bible says nothing about) that all contradict each other (which the bible condemns) yet all claim to be following the bible (which is insanity).

God said there will be a judgement day to separate the ones who followed His word (Well done, thou good and faithful servant) from those that thought they were following God's word (I never knew you: depart from me). So each person must make his/her mind up on what they will believe and answer for it on judgment day.

There is "one faith" (Eph 4:5) and it does not contradict itself. "Truth" (John 17:17) does not allow room for contradictions else it is not truth. All the contradictions came from man, not God, yet man has embraced those contradictions and tried find a way to incorporate them in "Christianity" when there is no room for them. One either accepts the bible or the contradictions....but cannot have a foot in both.
Amen and I say it again AMEN!
There are 1000's of religious groups (which the bible says nothing about) that all contradict each other (which the bible condemns) yet all claim to be following the bible (which is insanity).

God said there will be a judgement day to separate the ones who followed His word (Well done, thou good and faithful servant) from those that thought they were following God's word (I never knew you: depart from me). So each person must make his/her mind up on what they will believe and answer for it on judgment day.

There is "one faith" (Eph 4:5) and it does not contradict itself. "Truth" (John 17:17) does not allow room for contradictions else it is not truth. All the contradictions came from man, not God, yet man has embraced those contradictions and tried find a way to incorporate them in "Christianity" when there is no room for them. One either accepts the bible or the contradictions....but cannot have a foot in both.
There should be a post like this: "Are Calvinists Christians?"

BTW Seabass, did you get my PM?
Maybe I don't understand enough computer savvy to do a PM
Maybe I am looking in the wrong place. At the top right of the page is a white envelop. I assume this will show a red "1" if I have a PM?

EDIT: I tried to "Start a Conversation" with you, but it would not let me send a message. It gave me an 'error message'.
To Free Indeed
I find this thread rather insulting to an individual that is a Calvinist.
Many Christians accept this theology after they are saved. Does the acceptance of this theology make them not a true Christian?
God said there will be a judgement day to separate the ones who followed His word (Well done, thou good and faithful servant) from those that thought they were following God's word (I never knew you: depart from me). So each person must make his/her mind up on what they will believe and answer for it on judgment day.

Amen and I say it again AMEN!

I find it difficult to believe you said that about what Seabass if Jesus would say..depart from me because a person is a Calvinist.

In fact I find the nature of this thread an insult to those that hold the calvinist view.
I find it difficult to believe you said that about what Seabass if Jesus would say..depart from me because a person is a Calvinist.

In fact I find the nature of this thread an insult to those that hold the calvinist view.
Do you think "Christians" can be found in all the thousands of various religious groups?
Maybe I am looking in the wrong place. At the top right of the page is a white envelop. I assume this will show a red "1" if I have a PM?

EDIT: I tried to "Start a Conversation" with you, but it would not let me send a message. It gave me an 'error message'.
Sure would like to talk to you as I am also a member of the "body of Christ", the church of Christ, Rom.16:16. God bless
Do you think "Christians" can be found in all the thousands of various religious groups?

In ALL the religious groups? Of course not.

Are Calvinist true christians? As long as they are born again. Does a true christian forfeit their salvation if they adopt Calvinistic theology....NO.
In ALL the religious groups? Of course not.

So you think there are "Christians" in some ( a few hundred or a few dozen) religious groups?

Cygnus said:
Are Calvinist true christians? As long as they are born again. Does a true christian forfeit their salvation if they adopt Calvinistic theology....NO.

--You just admitted you do not think all the religious groups are "Christian" (you did not state if you think some or most are not "Christian') so you cannot be too upset of they come back at you.

--You will not get agreement from all the various groups over what it means to be 'born again'.
To Free Indeed
I find this thread rather insulting to an individual that is a Calvinist.
Many Christians accept this theology after they are saved. Does the acceptance of this theology make them not a true Christian?
And I agree! Not that anyone has remove their left glove to smack anyone in the face but to understand we must first understand my first post in this string. Calvinists condemn the Armenians and in turn they condemn the Clavinists and both for not understanding the Gospel, foolish to think we understand the One Infinite God. We have nothing to work from but His instructions to us and we cannot go any deeper than that until we cross over.

I never thought the OP was written to insult anyone but I saw and see it as opening a string where the tenants of the Faith, we know as Christianity. And wearing our hearts on our sleeves is never productive. I do not know the OP's position because I have not seen it posted for anyone's review but jumping to that conversation is to be stuck and refuse to seek answers.

As far as the two major divisions of Christianity go, as a Biblicist goes, if I want to be haughty and blow things up, I can take the condition both the Armenianist and the Calvinist have in common and get all radical and condemn the whole lot to Hell... silly notion, as I said, that before we cross over that we should know God that well!

All three positions fall well within the Pail of Orthodoxy and I expect there will be Lost People in all three as well as very few Saved. Partner, nobody came after you and none that are walking with God will condemn you, not if they walk with LORD to guide them.
You are trying hard for a fight instead of a conversation, were you not here when Reba moved to call on the Christ in us to earn to converse and cease with the name calling and useless fights., There is no reason for a fight and if you are offended, do not open this string to read it. I, personally, had high expectations of a Christian Exchange ad enlightenment to all involved. Please, do not do Satan's work for him.


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