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Cemetery of Gaint creatures found in Central Africa


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‪Graham Hancock: Elves, Aliens, Angels and Ayahuasca‬‏ - YouTube

Jesus stated that the Kingdom of God is within us.

so there are realms we can encounter with in, a spiritual realm,

through the spirit of God for example in the spirit i have been to heaven,

before this when i was involved in the occult, i experenced other things, some very demonic in nature, spiritual beings.

so there is a very real danger, what you allow to enter in, and also where you allow your self to be lead,taken, these forces are real, both good and evil.

satan can appear as an angel of light, as we can entre these realms, so angels, demonic spirits falling angels can enter this realm,

in the old testement women had sex with falling angels, hence the gaints,
satan tried to contaminate human blood lines with the dna of falling angels,

may also explain these creatures found at the cemetary?

another reason God sent the flood other than the reasons mans intent at the time was only to do evil.

we see also in the end times the abyss being opened, and the creatures that come out of the abyss to torment and kill man kind, features of both human and animal.

my other thought is the ruling elite, the inner circle, high preists, of these secret societys, can unleash on man kind, mind and personality changing drugs, through the water for instance or chem trails maybe, also a virsus that can also change people,

and put this to sinister use,

i thought what Mr Handcock shared was most intresting, in what it revealed about the spiritual realm.
filled in a few gaps for myself, understanding,

for me such topics also give you an opportunity to share, warn people, people listen more, if you can explain why, some thing may not be such a good thing.

i was talking with the local pastor on sunday, he had never heard of bomemian Grove, and what takes place there, and those involved, world leaders, heads of media, corporations ect.

so yes love Gods word, and live by it, but educate your self to, johnny
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Since this was a Russian website, I had to look this up on my Android OS since this particular computer I'm on right now is Microsoft and Microsoft gets viruses at the drop of a hat even with good virus protection. I use the android or Linux when I have a questionable web site and don't want to get a virus.

Anyway.... just another sensational article IMO. Anyone can make those claims. UFO stories, weird creature stories, and other esoteric stories come a dime a dozen. I think there is sometimes truth to them, however most of what one hears is just capitalizing on the phenomenon.
well said Mr Lion Man, i know what you mean, thats why i found what mr Handcock shares on the video intresting, a wide range of people in different places, come up with simular things, also under testing, experiments, their encounters.

that go back to early experements in the fiftys. johnny
Since this was a Russian website, I had to look this up on my Android OS since this particular computer I'm on right now is Microsoft and Microsoft gets viruses at the drop of a hat even with good virus protection. I use the android or Linux when I have a questionable web site and don't want to get a virus.

Anyway.... just another sensational article IMO. Anyone can make those claims. UFO stories, weird creature stories, and other esoteric stories come a dime a dozen. I think there is sometimes truth to them, however most of what one hears is just capitalizing on the phenomenon.
Yes, Tim, I agree. I also didn't watch the video because I was hesitant about clicking on it. I did see something a while ago on PBS. It may have been the show, "Secrets of the Dead." They also took a very skeptical approach to the findings. They actually showed how lighting and camera angles can make the bones look bigger than they are. A good camera person can use juxtaposition to fool the viewer.

They also showed how a "rescaled" tape measure can be used to "deceive" the viewer.

Yes, I have "educated" myself. :yes
some one once said, none so blind as them that think they can see.

its a bit like people i have encounted who have such an opinion on the bible, when you ask them have you ever read it, ?
no they havnt, but they have got an opinion. johnny
‪Graham Hancock: Elves, Aliens, Angels and Ayahuasca‬‏ - YouTube

Jesus stated that the Kingdom of God is within us.

so there are realms we can encounter with in, a spiritual realm,

through the spirit of God for example in the spirit i have been to heaven,

before this when i was involved in the occult, i experenced other things, some very demonic in nature, spiritual beings.

so there is a very real danger, what you allow to enter in, and also where you allow your self to be lead,taken, these forces are real, both good and evil.

satan can appear as an angel of light, as we can entre these realms, so angels, demonic spirits falling angels can enter this realm,

in the old testement women had sex with falling angels, hence the gaints,
satan tried to contaminate human blood lines with the dna of falling angels,

may also explain these creatures found at the cemetary?

another reason God sent the flood other than the reasons mans intent at the time was only to do evil.

we see also in the end times the abyss being opened, and the creatures that come out of the abyss to torment and kill man kind, features of both human and animal.

my other thought is the ruling elite, the inner circle, high preists, of these secret societys, can unleash on man kind, mind and personality changing drugs, through the water for instance or chem trails maybe, also a virsus that can also change people,

and put this to sinister use,


angels & sex? now this stuff.:screwloose
Well as with scripture you often hear of more than one interpretation.

i wonder why it says they saw the daughters of men. ?

google or bing Enoch and the Nephiin it was said Enoch walked with God

This first section of the Book of Enoch describes the fall of the Watchers, the angels who fathered the Nephilim (cf. the bene Elohim, Genesis 6:1-2) and narrates the travels of Enoch in the heavens. This section is said to have been composed in the fourth or 3rd century BC according to Western scholars.[61]
[edit] Content of the Book of the Watchers

I-V. Parable of Enoch on the Future Lot of the Wicked and the Righteous.

VI-XI. The Fall of the Angels: the Demoralization of Mankind: the Intercession of the Angels on behalf of Mankind. The Dooms pronounced by God on the Angels of the Messianic Kingdom.

XII-XVI. Dream-Vision of Enoch: his Intercession for Azazel and the fallen angels: and his Announcement of their first and final Doom.

XVII-XXXVI. Enoch's Journeys through the Earth and Sheol:

XVII-XIX. The First Journey.

XX. Names and Functions of the Seven Archangels.

XXI. Preliminary and final Place of Punishment of the fallen Angels (stars).

The fallen angels interpretation
The New American Bible commentary draws a parallel to the Epistle of Jude and the statements set forth in Genesis, suggesting that the Epistle refers implicitly to the paternity of Nephilim as heavenly beings who came to earth and had sexual intercourse with women.[21] The footnotes of the Jerusalem Bible suggest that the Biblical author intended the Nephilim to be an "anecdote of a superhuman race".[22] Genesis 6:4 implies that the Nephilim have inhabited the earth in at least two different time periods—in antediluvian times "and afterward." If the Nephilim were supernatural beings themselves, or at least the progeny of supernatural beings, it is possible that the "giants of Canaan" in Book of Numbers 13:33 were the direct descendants of the antediluvian Nephilim, or were fathered by the same supernatural parents.

you know me, ill respectfully listen to what other people have to say, then if i have any thing i can add, share, bring to the table, they may listen,

ive heard it taught, and well presented to, was cain satans son?

youre right though theres some nutty closed shop, christians around. smile.

some poeples take, understanding ?

Were the Nephilim sons of God?

Fallen Angels? Giants of Genesis 6:4?

A common belief which we share is that the "sons of
God" who did marry the "daughters of men" were fallen angels.
Why did God send the judgment of the Flood in the days of Noah? The strange events recorded in Genesis 6 were understood by the ancient rabbinical sources, as well as the Septuagint translators, as referring to fallen angels procreating weird hybrid offspring with human women-known as the Nephilim. This was far more than simply a historical issue, the unique events leading to the Flood are a prerequisite to understanding the prophetic implications of our Lord's predictions regarding His Second Coming. This is believed to have happened both before the Flood and after the flood. In Israel at the time of David, and before this when the Hebrews were scouting the land - there were tribes of these Nephilim - Goliath the giant of Gath is one example. Early Church fathers also understood this to be the case. It appears that these fallen angels were active all over the world. These bizarre giants living on the earth are also echoed in the legends and myths of nearly every ancient culture. The ancient Greeks, the Egyptians, the Hindus, the South Sea Islanders, the American Indians, and most all the others have these legends.

The Hebrew word Nephelim (plural of nephel) (Nephilim) literally means "rejects". The Hebrew plural for Nephites would be "Nephi'im".

Satan probably put this plan to interrupt Abraham's "seed into motion, as soon as it was made known that the Seed of the Woman (Christ) was to come through ABRAHAM.

Bible Probe Note: Our use of the Word "irruption" in this article below means: act of rushing; act of breaking in; intrusion, raid; sudden increase.

Genesis 6:4 (Original KJV):
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that,
when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and
they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which
were of old, men of renown.

Bible Probe Note: Note the words; "and also after that". This
probably tells of two "irruptions" by Satan's seed. One before Noah's
time and another after the flood. They were called “The Watchers” in The Book of Enoch.

Their descendents, called Nephilim (translated "giants"), were monsters of iniquity; and being superhuman in size and in their wicked character, had to be destroyed. Was this the one and only object of the Flood?

Genesis 6:12 (Original KJV):
And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt;
for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

Only Noah and his family had preserved their pedigree pure from Adam (Genesis 6:9). All the rest had become "corrupt" (shachath). The only remedy was to destroy it defacto (Latin for "in fact"), as it had become defacto destroyed.

This irruption of fallen angels before Noah's day was probably Satan's first attempt to prevent the coming of the "Seed of the woman" foretold in Genesis 3:15. If this could be accomplished, God's Word would have failed, and Satan's own doom would be averted.

Genesis 3:15 (Original KJV):
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt
bruise his heel. also see Isaiah 7:14

johnny botwright said:
ive heard it taught, and well presented to, was cain satans son?

This goes against what Scripture (and common sense) clearly states:

Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, “I have gotten a manchild with the help of the LORD.†Genesis 4:1

The problem with listening to everyone is that one can be lead into error unless one is listening with a certain amount of discernment.

The idea of Cain being Satan's son comes from the whole "Serpent Seed" heresy. It's heresy. It's a lie. It's anti Bible, anti woman, and anti God.

I've entertained the notion that the Nephilim could possibly be a hybrid of demons and women...and concede that possibility, but only based upon what the Scriptures say. It's an interesting study...but one to approach with the attitude that we cannot know what was the actual truth, because the Scriptures don't tell us outright that they were.

However, Genesis 4:1 tells us outright that Cain was Adam's son...same as Abel and Seth.

To entertain the notion that he was Satan's son, just because it's well presented, is showing that one is open to entertaining heresies...and that one is very vulnerable to other, far more serious, false teachings.

Never, ever forget that Satan is the father of lies...and this whole idea that Cain was his son is nothing more than just another one of his lies.
i could understand why some people had come to the conclusion they had regarding cain, the same could be said for any number of interpretations of scripture. different points of view, i had never heard of it, the guy was not anti God , Women, he was saying if you scratch a bit deeper, /? but he loved Jesus as much as the next person.
he didnt strike me as a heritic, that should be burned or stoned.

it was a discussion, most disagreed, he put forward also about cain if i remember right , about not being mentioned in Adams geneology? his sacrifice not being accepted. cains blood line being those Jesus addressed in the temple, saying Abraham was not their father, satan was?

Its written about a strong dellusion, in the last days, many believe to be now.

that will lead many astray into this deception? any takes on just what this deception might be,?

is there any body out there.

like wise some people do not agree that the sons of God, who came into the daughters of men, were falling angels, ?
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Johnny, I encourage/exhort yourself to examine why you could "understand" why some would come to the conclusion that Cain is Satan's son...when the Bible clearly states that Adam had sex with Eve and she conceived Cain.

I believe that the "strong delusion" isn't necessarily one lie that all will believe, or another lie...but that people, even God's people, will be very open to hearing lies and justifying that all "theories" are equal.

Genesis states interpretation just says it outright that Adam had sex with Eve and she conceived Cain. To say that if one "scratches a bit deeper" one can come to the "realization" that Eve had sex with Satan and Satan is Cain's father, is to leave the clear teaching of Scripture aside and to fill one's head with an obvious lie.

One who would do that is most susceptible to being strongly deluded.
I would agree, though there are times, that things are not what they first appear to be.

Jesus often had to open up, what certain scripture meant.

or take Abraham going to sacrifice his son.
some speak also concerning Daniel , that certain scripture will be come clear, at certain times.

comes back to the point i was making earlier, with so many topics being discussed on line, gives us an excellent opportunity, to see what is being said, what questions can be asked, or what we can share with others for their consideration.

not just close the door in their face. johnny
I wouldn't want to "close the door" on a person...

But, as far as some ideas out there being discussed? Is is "closing the door" to say something is an out and out lie and one needs to reject it as such?

The "serpent seed" heresy is just that: heresy. I don't care how nice someone is who is propounding it...or how much they love's's's a lie.

There is nothing wrong with calling a lie a lie. To me, there is great danger in thinking that all ideas should be treated with equal respect.

If something has been clearly exposed as a lie...and Christians still put it out there as something worth considering...that's wrong. It's participating in the propagation of a lie.

There was a photo making the rounds a while back of a supposed "giant" being unearth in an archeological dig. It was soon exposed as a photoshop hoax. There were articles that showed very clearly both the "before" and "after" pictures that were photo-shopped together.

And yet, many people...and too many of them Christian...continued to put the photo out there as "proof" that giants existed...even after it was shown to be a hoax.

Someone might say...what's the harm in just speculating on these things?

Well, to me there are several things that are harmful about such speculations:

1. It increases people's propensity to be deluded. I don't believe that Satan is personally directing all these lies out there...but I do believe that Satan and the demons "test the waters" with these lies...see how a person reacts to them...To put it bluntly, see how gullible they are and how easily led astray they are. That's pretty harmful.

2. It really destroys a person's ability to share the gospel in a meaningful way to reasoned people. I'm sure most around here know that this is a huge issue to me. If a Christian is sharing the gospel with an unbeliever...shares how Jesus Christ is far more than just a good man, but God Himself, come to take away the sin of the world...then pulls out a photoshopped picture of a giant skeleton that the unbeliever knows has been proven to be a hoax...what does that do to the credibility of the Christian? Why should the unbeliever listen to the Christian after seeing that they are gullible enough to be taken in by an already exposed hoax?

3. It's a direct violation of Scripture. Read through 2 Timothy 2 and you'll see that it is full of strictures to avoid foolish arguments, speculations, worldly and empty chatter. Rather we should, as Paul writes to Timothy, patiently, kindly and gently correct those who are wrong.

Johnny, I've always had an interest in "out there" kind of stuff...truly, speculating on the unusual and weird is interesting to me, if only as an exercise into what lengths Satan will go to deceive folks. But, it takes discipline and discernment when it comes to how much to present as even "possible" fact. And, when it comes to a theory that clearly contradicts Scripture (Cain being Satan's son, when Genesis is crystal clear that he was Adam's) then we Christians are called upon to correct that.
i think you have missed the whole point of this thread. is how much interaction is there between this realm and the spiritual realm, what plans are being forged, by principaliries and powers of darkness that are coming together at this time, making ready not only a strong dellusion, but a world under the control of satan, the anti christ, the beast, many see the storm clouds gathering.

its seeing how far the rabbit hole goes, this is not as you put it, dismiss, out their stuff, but a clear and present danger.
As for gaints they are as tall of ceeders, we are as grasshoppers in their sight,

whats your thoughts on people being micro chipped for instance, do you think people around you are being bombarded more from every direction, their sences made dull, controled, manipulated, more easily,
are you aware of how much deception is being peddled. its influence.
if you havnt noticed its full on.

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some one once said, none so blind as them that think they can see.

“None so blind as those that will not see.â€

Excellent quote johnny. I had to look it up and add it to my "quote book" in the making.
The Bible did not tell us everything, or it would be 2 miles thick. Try to stick with one topic only, such as the giants, and your threads would be easier to follow. :)


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