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Death and the Hope of Heaven


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I can't say I like the concept of God deciding when people die and when. It will be subject to the of elements chance/freewill that make up the universe and human life. Death is apparently quite a pleasant experience according to the people have experienced it for a few minutes before being brought back. People also tend to encounter a "being of light" who is often identified with Christ, though perspectives vary depending on the religion of the person who is experiencing it. So it ought to be fine though I think an premature death is something to avoid as it greatly limit the amount good you can potentially do on Earth.
You know, we have a thread in our little hidden "Mod forum" called, "Steve sightings". This post will surely be added to it :toofunny StoveBolts came from the Camaro shown in my Avatar. It was a hunk of junk my dad used to call a pile of stove bolts lol! But since you asked, my name is Jeff :wave

Anyway, I hope that my story does not shake you, but I will try to answer your questions as discreetly, and honestly as I can.

When I was 16 my life was a wreck. I put a gun to my head as tears poured down my face when I heard God say, "Don't do it, I have something I want you to see. Hold on, I want you to see how this turns out" and although I couldn't see, I knew he was talking about a time in the far distance. Thus, I am complete. Anyway, those words echo'd in my mind. It was the only words I could find any hope in, yet when I was in my mid 20's in that small dark box, God's voice had such a strong impact on me, I had nothing else to cling to.

I lost my first born, which was my precious daughter when she was but 4 months old. I was brought up in orphanages and foster homes until the 4th grade. I was placed in Juvenile then Group homes from 13 to 15 and one thing you learn is to protect your feelings and experience showed me that you didn't get attached to anyone because when you did, they got ripped away from you as I moved from foster home to foster home. When my daughter was born, she was my salvation and for the first time, I experienced what real love was like. I remember looking into her eyes and thinking, "She will never hurt me" and this started drawing me back to God. When she died, I hated God and withdrew.

But to your question of the sparrow on her back, no, she is not dead and I was able to find her and send her a Christmas card two years ago. We have visited each other many times and talk on the phone often. She has some disabilities, but she is my most precious daughter and I love her.

Do both sparrows live on, or just one? I need to know.
I am now a proud grandfather and she called me just yesterday to wish me a belated happy birthday. I was able to make contact with her when she was 16. I received a precious Fathers day card from her this year that touched me deeply knowing it was from her heart.

How? Through prayer? What can make someone stop to steal the hope?
What if there really is no hope anymore? How did you find a little piece of remaining hope? (I am sorry for asking so much, but I would so much like to know. Only if you want to reveal, of course. If not, please just ignore me.)

How I wish my prayer life was deeper, and richer. I look to my wife with such awe in the faith she has with God as I still struggle in that area. When I was in that dark place in my life, all I could do is my best even when it was used against me. I knew what the truth was, and that through time the truth would show itself. I was tempted with revenge and my anger caused me to think of evil deeds to the point where I had to move from that city to stop myself from committing that which gave me nightmares, and that which I day dreamed about. I had to put myself in an environment where in a moment of weakness, I wouldn't be able to act upon my thoughts. I needed space to breath, and a space to start over.

I put my focus on doing what was right, and what was good. I couldn't control others, but I could control myself. I wanted to be a father more than anything else in the world, and that dream was shattered. All seemed lost. When I removed myself, I focused on being the best Dad that I could be for my daughters when we finally reunited. I wanted them to be proud of me and know I didn't abandon them. I could not do anything about the time that separated us, but I could control what I did between that time.

You know, through all those years of seperation, you dream on how something is going to be when your reunited. What you'll say, the things you'll do etc. It's amazing how when that day comes, your little bubble is popped with this sharp edge called reality lol. It's all good though lol.

So Jeremiah stood firm, praising God instead of giving up.
Just like you, dear brother Steve.
I wished to be like him and you.

Unlike Jeremiah, I did not praise God. I hated and despised God for years. Yet God was faithful and never left my side. His spirit kept wooing me back to him, almost chasing me at times. As far as being like me, I am arrogant at times and prideful and I need reminders of that on occasion to keep me in check, but thank you for your kind words.

Dear brother Jeff,

thank you for revealing your true name. Someone had written somewhere that we should just call you Steve, so I did.

Now that I know where your given name comes from, I can't help but think that this "pile of stove bolts" that was transformed into a unique car which is really functioning (as I have seen), that this car is an image of yourself. Like those useless stove bolts which were assembled by you, God took your bound hands and your isolated, sad self, and He transformed you into the "complete" Jeff, the one who is really functioning now as husband, father, grandfather and forum-administrator. I may say you are a living testimony for God's love.
Your Camaro car has quite a meaning.

Your story did shake me, and I am convinced that many more readers will have to say so. Like during reading a dramatic book, I wanted to jump into the paragraphs of your post, and I wanted to change all that terrible events. Who wouldn't have liked to take your hand as you were a child and lead you to a loving home? Who wouldn't have wanted to comfort you in those dark days while reading about it?
Only comfort then was not available. You had to suffer alone.
I am so very sorry for this, not able to find adequate words.

The only thing I can reply with some hesitance is a quote from God's Word. I hesitate, because there is actually nothing I could comment without weakening your immense testimony. Albeit I 'll reply to your pm.

Romans 5:1-5
"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God.
And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance;and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope;
and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."

I am so thankful that both sparrows are well. I am so glad that you are reunited.
And I thank God that He chased you.
Take my tears as a token of my appreciation.

May God bless you and your dear family.
Shortly after i was saved there was a book that talked about life after death, it was called "Voices From The Edge Of Eternity" Haven't seen that book in any store not even a used copy. Then a few years ago i found it in a Christian Blog called the Invisible Church.. Its just called Testimony, I'd like to thank the creator of that Blog, someday I'll get the chance..

Dear [MENTION=5173]turnorburn[/MENTION] :

I took a look at the blog that you mentioned as link.
It is indeed very much edifying. There are so many great testimonies. One of them touched me very much. As I don't know if others could find it easily, I thought to copy and paste it here, below.
Thank you, dear turnorburn, for sharing this site.
May God bless you.

214 - "I LIKE YOU TOO."

Mrs. Fannie D. Bailey, of Kirksville, Mo., furnished us the following account of the illness and death of her little son, Willie Emmett, when six years and six months old.

His sickness was characterized by much patience and sweetness of spirit which could not fail to impress every beholder with an influence for God and heaven. On Sunday morning preceding his death, which occurred that night about midnight, we thought he was going - as his whole appearance gave evidence that death was doing his final work. He requested us to send for one of the neighbor women and also for a minister and his wife with whom he was well acquainted. We complied with his request. Then he wished us to place many chairs in the room and send for his schoolmates and a "lot of people." We understood that he wished us to have a gospel service which we did, and while the singing and prayers were in progress he remained perfectly quiet as if comforted and calmed and satisfied.

When I asked him to whom I should give his pretty blocks, he said to give them to Jewell (his little cousin) and he then said, "You can give the rest of my things to whoever you want to." I said, " If the Lord takes you to heaven, darling, do you want Brother Thorson to preach your funeral?" He nodded yes, but after a little pause he said in tones that still ring in my soul, "I want you to."

About midnight while we were watching the little sufferer as he sat in his arm chair (he could not lie down as his disease was dropsy) he said, "I have to go." I said, "Where are you going, darling?" He answered, "Home." He would look all around the room with an upward gaze and then exclaimed, "See! see! they are coming." These we doubt not were the angelic messengers that were waiting to convey him to glory. He said, "Where's mama? " I sat in front of him and he said, "I like mama." He always used "like" for "love." He then pointed his forefinger toward Mr. Bailey, his step-father, and said, "I like you too." He then pointed towards Sister Ludden and repeated the same words; also to his Aunt Minda who sat near him he said, "I like you too," and pulled her down to kiss her. Then after a pause he lifted both hands high above his head and looking upwards he exclaimed, with angelic sweetness in his face and voice, "I like you too," then closed his eyes and fell asleep in Jesus.
I can't say I like the concept of God deciding when people die and when. It will be subject to the of elements chance/freewill that make up the universe and human life. Death is apparently quite a pleasant experience according to the people have experienced it for a few minutes before being brought back.

God does not decide when it's time to die, there just are a few confused people posting here is all..........

"God kills the righteous because God can't keep them from evil so He just has them die as He is powerless to deliver them." (Misquoting ISA)

"Who knows the mind of God......... OH NO, nobody does because were dumb as rocks!!!!! You just never know when God might take someone for some mysterious purpose." (Misquoting ROM)

Here is the scripture before that.......

Rom 11:32 For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.

Are we suppose to have unbelief or do we have the mind of Christ and not ignorant of the will of the Lord? I guess some don't know the mind of God, stuck in unbelief....... They best get with it.

Eph 5:17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

Who has the mind of the Lord, and who can know it????

1Co_2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

Beware of those that twist the word and make it a powerless wreck. Death and life are in the power of your tongue.......... Keep your words on course like a rudder of a ship as what you say is where your life course will Go. You have what you say, you have what you believe. Speak the Word only, and keep your mouth in subjection to the Word of God.

I can't say I like the concept of God deciding when people die and when. It will be subject to the of elements chance/freewill that make up the universe and human life. Death is apparently quite a pleasant experience according to the people have experienced it for a few minutes before being brought back. People also tend to encounter a "being of light" who is often identified with Christ, though perspectives vary depending on the religion of the person who is experiencing it. So it ought to be fine though I think an premature death is something to avoid as it greatly limit the amount good you can potentially do on Earth.

You mean, you prefer to be 'God', instead of God? :chin

Dear brother,
you wrote
Good people pass away;the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come. For those who follow godly paths will rest in peace when they die. (Isaiah 57:1-2 NLT).

I liked your whole reply very much. Thank you.
Here are some words of Billy Graham which might support your thought:

"Why live in a sea of despair when you can live knowing that, after death, life can be experienced as it was originally intended - in fellowship with our Creator and our Lord? This is the confidence that Christians possess.
Death marks the beginning of a new and wonderful life in Heaven with Christ that will last forever. To the believer, death is merely the gateway to eternal life, where "underneath are the everlasting arms" (Deuteronomy 33:27)."

I think that dear brother [MENTION=96877]Helm[/MENTION] would agree.
And even dear [MENTION=7377]Brother Mike[/MENTION] could agree to Mr. Graham's view, as it confirms that God never harms His children, but lovingly eases their pain and leads them to "quiet waters", where they can " dwell in the house of The Lord forever" ( see Psalm 23).

May God bless you, dear brothers.
Today I read in "The Heaven Answer Book" from B. Graham.
There are so many valuable answers about death and the hope of heaven.
I just wanted to quote three key sentences out of this book, as they express my own view of the related theme.

"Heaven is our true home, and many times we grow homesick for Heaven - especially in the midst of the sin, sufferings, and sorrows of this life. There is a tug at our souls that is homesickness coupled with anticipation."

2. Cor.4:18 - (KJV) While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

"Keep your eyes firmly fixed on what God has promised at the end of the journey: Heaven itself."
And even dear @Brother Mike could agree to Mr. Graham's view, as it confirms that God never harms His children, but lovingly eases their pain and leads them to "quiet waters", where they can " dwell in the house of The Lord forever" ( see Psalm 23).

I will say nothing about Brother Graham a great man of God that lead more people to Jesus than any person I know alive today. The Word is a blessed world to have such a great gift from God.

However...... We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus and God always provides a way out. I abide under the shadow of the Almighty, 1,000 on one side and 10,000 on my left but it will not come near me until I do all God has for me to do.

After the race...... Then we can talk about "Going Home" not until and no devil big enough to take me out.

Death marks the beginning of a new and wonderful life in Heaven with Christ that will last forever. To the believer, death is merely the gateway to eternal life, where "underneath are the everlasting arms" (Deuteronomy 33:27)."

No need to be afraid of death. The new life started when Jesus became Lord though. It was at that moment we became Children of God and citizen's of Heaven. I don't need to wait for the body to give out. It will soon enough in God's time, until then we have work to do and need to stay alive long enough to do it.


God wants His beloved children to develop perseverance, character, and hope. This is only done by TRIBULATIONS. John 16:33 / James 1: 2-3 NIV

The scriptures teaches us that tribulations produces perseverance; perseverance produces character; character produces hope; hope produces divine appointment.

The scriptures teaches us that trials produces patients.

Trials are short. Tribulations are long and difficult.

The bible tells us that perseverance is the only way to produce character.

We are being tested by God! 1 Peter 1:6-7 NLT
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God wants His beloved children to develop perseverance, character, and hope. This is only done by TRIBULATIONS. John 16:33 / James 1: 2-3 NIV

The scriptures teaches us that tribulations produces perseverance; perseverance produces character; character produces hope; hope produces divine appointment.

The scriptures teaches us that trials produces patients.

Trials are short. Tribulations are long and difficult.

The bible tells us that perseverance is the only way to produce character.

We are being tested by God!
The bible tells us that Job was a perfect man. However he was tested by God. Job 1:1 KJV
All faith will be tested! Only during trials and tribulations that God sends or allows do we grow (believers and unbelievers).
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The evening devotion of today in B. Graham's book "Hope for Each Day" was so fitting for this thread, that I thought I'd quote an excerpt of it. May it be edifying for the reader who ponders about what Heaven will be like.

"Home at Last

"Behold, I make all things new." (Rev. 21:5)

Heaven is a place so beautiful that when the apostle John caught a glimpse of it, the only thing to which he could liken it was a young woman on the crowning day of her life: her wedding day. He said that the holy city was like "a bride beautifully dressed for her husband" (Rev. 21:2 NIV).
... "[The holy city] shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal" (Rev. 21:11 NIV).
Yet the Bible's emphasis is not on Heaven's beauty, but on Heaven's joy. The Bible teaches that Heaven will be a home that is happy because there will be nothing in it to hinder happiness. "There shall by no means enter it anything that defiles...... But the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it" (Rev. 21:27; 22:3).
What joy we will experience when we are home at last in the presence of our Lord!"

May Jesus lead you home one day.
I am a believer and yet I do fear death, both the concept of death and the process of dying. I have faith and whatnot, it's just there are so many variances among faith in Christianity and different opinions on salvation. I feel there's a possibility that I may be doing something wrong even without knowing it.
I am a believer and yet I do fear death, both the concept of death and the process of dying. I have faith and whatnot, it's just there are so many variances among faith in Christianity and different opinions on salvation. I feel there's a possibility that I may be doing something wrong even without knowing it.
Dear brother [MENTION=17657]7ruth[/MENTION] ,

I looked at your profile and just saw that long ago you had already started your own thread called "Heaven". I am sorry that nobody answered so far. I hope that'll change.

Regarding your fear, dear brother, I understand very well, and so do many I think.
The words I quoted of Billy Graham's devotion above your post are written by the author who is nearing home (also the very title of his latest book). He has lost his beloved wife Ruth, is now in his mid 90s and endures several health problems. So I think that he is familiar with the process of dying, yet he is strengthened by the anticipation of what he will see in Heaven: pure joy!

I think if we change our mindset from fear to joyful expectation, death will be no more a threat, but a goal at the end of our earthly journey.

Regarding "different opinions on salvation" and "variances of faith in Christianity", I would like to point you to a simple statement of the Word of God, on which all variances should base their belief: 1. John 4:8 reads, "He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." When God is love, then He will never punish you for anything you do wrong "even without knowing it".

God is love. - So you really don't have to fear to come home to Him through the gate of death.
And you'll come home to Him, if you love Him.

May Jesus take away your fear, dear brother.


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