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Does Anyone Else Not Attend Regular Church Services?


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I never do. John 4:23-24 "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." - Jesus

Right before this he is telling the Samaritan woman there is not a "place" to worship our Father.
That is a misapplication of that verse; it is not what Jesus is speaking of. Someone already posted the passage from Hebrews that we are not to give up. We are to be united with other believers and meet regularly for mutual building up and fellowship. The early church did it, so why should we think we don't need to?
Why do you compare yourself to others? .
I'm not. That's not my objection. I don't like to feel like I'm being pressured to make an offering because "everyone is looking at me". The offering should not be part of the service. It's like going to a movie where they make you pay for your ticket halfway through during intermission.
Sounds as though a lot of people are missing out in a lot of things because of an "I" problem.
Instead of complaining about what a church does wrong, why don't you go there and show them how to do it right.
It may take some time but is it not worth it?
Unless, of course, your time is too valuable.
Unless, of course, you don't think people are worth it.
Unless, of course, all the human race is lost, so, what's the sense.

Complainers only add to the problem, complainers solve nothing.
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Rollo, please let me decide if my own thread is worthless or not. In fact, I was mainly looking for similar experiences from others and did in fact receive this information. And as far as complaining, are you not yourself complaining...about complaining?
I have been a Christian for over 44 years now and the first 35 or so involved regular attendance at a local congregation. Since I retired and am on a disability pension I don't get out much and don't go regularly, but I would like to. I personally think it is good to have fellowship[ with like minded believers.
Sounds as though a lot of people are missing out in a lot of things because of an "I" problem.
Instead of complaining about what a church does wrong, why don't you go there and show them how to do it right.
It may take some time but is it not worth it?
Unless, of course, your time is too valuable.
Unless, of course, you don't think people are worth it.
Unless, of course, all the human race is lost, so, what's the sense.

Complainers only add to the problem, complainers solve nothing.

That would depend very much on the church. Especially on how open the church is to listening... Some are, some are not.

For a while, I was involved in the two extremes of the Lutheran Church. The Evangelical Lutheran Church believe they are the ones who truly show God's love because they now ordain gay and lesbian ministers who are in a "committed, monogamous relationship". I was at the assembly in Washington when the Eastern Washington/Idaho Synod voted to approve ordaining openly active gays and lesbians. The attitude was well summed up in what one person had to say, "Those who don't like it need to just leave." (So we did.)

On the other extreme, the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod that we went to actively taught that their congregation were not to have communion at any other church, not even another LCMS, unless the pastor gave them permission. He didn't allow anyone from anywhere else take communion in his church either. Sunday school was usually spent talking about how the Catholics, ELCA, Baptists, Methodists, Calvinists, Nazarenes, etc. etc. etc. etc... were all wrong and they were really the only ones who had things right. We stayed for about 2 years, but finally left.
Showing folks "how to do it right" only goes so far if one is dealing with spiritually prideful people who aren't open to thinking outside their own box.
Mind you, I'm not complaining about any of this, nor am I whining. If I whine at all, it would be whining about the desire to have a solid church to fellowship with that won't cause my husband to have a seizure...but, since none is in the offing around here, so be it. My salvation isn't contingent upon where I spend 10:30-12:00 on Sunday mornings. :)
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Why Go To Church?
Creflo Dollar
Did you know Jesus attended church? This is something we do not hear about often, but it is true. If we want to follow and imitate Jesus, then we must follow His example; Jesus made it a custom to attend temple services. Once, when He had wandered away from His parents as a child, He was later found in the temple. When Mary and Joseph finally located Him, His explanation for His disappearance was, "… How is it that you had to look for me? Did you not see and know that it is necessary [as a duty] for Me to be in My Father's house and [occupied] about My Father's business?" (Luke 2:49, AMP) As an adult, if you were looking for Jesus, one place you would definitely find Him was teaching in the synagogue.

In everything God tells us to do, we have a choice whether to obey Him or not. Hebrews 10:25 says, "Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another…" (AMP). He has commanded through His Word that we should gather together with other Believers in a corporate setting.

Notice God said some forsake this practice. This simply means they ignore it and turn away from it. Why does God take this so seriously? Because gathering together with other Believers in church allows us to connect with others to receive strength and encouragement. When we come to church, we learn how to apply the Word of God to our lives to overcome the things we go through. We receive the wisdom we need to live victoriously in our everyday lives.

If you are a Christian, you are part of the Body of Christ. Give honor to God by obeying His Word with a willing and obedient heart. Consider the wonderful things God has done for you! Come into His presence in a corporate setting to give Him thanks and to encourage a brother or sister in Christ. You can help change someone's life forever by inspiring them to make Jesus their Lord and Savior. Allow your enthusiasm for the kingdom of God to overflow into the lives of others.

God wants you to desire His presence and have joy when you are in His house of worship. Follow the example of this ardent psalmist, who with a fervent heart toward God proclaimed, "How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of host! My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and flesh crieth out for the living God …O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah" (Psalm 84:1—4).

Just reading that scripture stirs me up inside! You will be amazed at how blessed you will be when you have this much joy about experiencing the presence of Almighty God. To help you get more understanding about the importance of coming to church, be sure you order the message, Faithfulness in Church Attendance, and decide today to be a joyful, zealous, church attendee!

Scripture references:

Luke 2:49 (AMP)

Psalm 27:4

Psalm 84:1-4

Hebrews 10:25
That is a misapplication of that verse; it is not what Jesus is speaking of. Someone already posted the passage from Hebrews that we are not to give up. We are to be united with other believers and meet regularly for mutual building up and fellowship. The early church did it, so why should we think we don't need to?

I am on here with other believers.

As for misapplication? Why did he say he would destroy the temple and raise it in 3 days then. We are the body of Christ and you don't need a building anymore.
I am on here with other believers.

As for misapplication? Why did he say he would destroy the temple and raise it in 3 days then. We are the body of Christ and you don't need a building anymore.
You are using the verse to support your never going to church, but that is not at all what Jesus is saying; that idea is not even in mind here. Not to mention that since he is also the author of the entire NT, he would be contradicting himself with the passage in Hebrews.
We have sold this home .. I have not been going to church for a number of years one of the things i truly hope comes from the move is to find a church home ... i just plain ol miss it..
I'm not. That's not my objection. I don't like to feel like I'm being pressured to make an offering because "everyone is looking at me". The offering should not be part of the service. It's like going to a movie where they make you pay for your ticket halfway through during intermission.
I don't remember where or when but someone was telling me that in their church they don't pass the plate around. They have an offering box that people drop their offering into at anytime they choose.
If I had my way in a church that is the way I would want it done. That way people who couldn't afford to give that week wouldn't feel uncomfortable, thinking that others might think they didn't want to give.
I don't remember where or when but someone was telling me that in their church they don't pass the plate around. They have an offering box that people drop their offering into at anytime they choose.
If I had my way in a church that is the way I would want it done. That way people who couldn't afford to give that week wouldn't feel uncomfortable, thinking that others might think they didn't want to give.
A pastor friend planted a new church a few months ago and that's the way they do it. Of course, time will tell if they survive financially or not. Just because they are a church doesn't mean they are exempt from bills.
Sounds as though a lot of people are missing out in a lot of things because of an "I" problem.
Instead of complaining about what a church does wrong, why don't you go there and show them how to do it right.
It may take some time but is it not worth it?
Unless, of course, your time is too valuable.
Unless, of course, you don't think people are worth it.
Unless, of course, all the human race is lost, so, what's the sense.

Complainers only add to the problem, complainers solve nothing.

I was and invited to attend a Calvinistic church and due to my situation, that would have been one of the few, if any other at all, options that would have been doable for me. The couple that invited me are probably more the genuine article than most "Christians" I've met. I wouldn't attend and we left it as a "no pressure" thing.

Go, and change them? not on your life. First we are dealing with something so important here...our lives/eternity, plus, in my case, this is the deep South, and these people are taught this stuff for years and are very stubborn on changes, maybe even fighting stubborn or close. See, they feel they are defending a way that is of God, and I'm not going to get into any argument here but, I feel the teaching is of man. Since they were taught that way, they figure, that's just the way they understand the Bible, when in reality, they were likely taught that from someone else that understood that as what the Bible teaches..

Anyway, my point is, any attempt to change them would likely just cause irreparable damage and to change the church teaching it, that's just not going to happen. I mention the close minded mindset of the people around here but, that aside, just about anywhere we might try to make changes in individuals, much less a whole church, isn't likely going to happen.

All we can do in most cases, is try to be a good servant/example and maybe drop seeds/hints along the way, pray and hope for the best on anyone's beliefs that differ from ours or actually that differ from Gods ways as our own ways may even be wrong at least in part, a little or a lot. Maybe pray that we all, including ourselves, eventually see the absolute truth and that all Churches come to teach that over time.
I have trouble with an offering plate that is passed around in full view. Didn't the Lord say offerings were to be made in such secrecy that the right hand knew not what the left hand was doing? Envelopes help, but how about no envelopes, no baskets, except at the back of the church where no-one is looking...

There has to be a better way than to pass a plate amongst the congregation. In fact there is, and my church does it. They do not pass a plate at all and you rarely hear a word spoken about giving, and even then it's always about food or clothing when their doing some sort of drive to help the poor. The church has a bunch of wooden lock boxes set all over the church with a slot in the top for slipping your gift through. They have envelopes but I never used them I just drop cash through the slot. This have a collection box very near the front door and that allowed me to drop by the church on my way home and put some tithes in the box before going home from work. So my left hand didn't know what the right hand did (lol), She was very generous person but didn't like the concept of the church collection plate so said no to that, but she would help people on the street,

To answer the question, I do not attend church regularly, but I do at times. He has a good message there and scripture does say we do need to fellowship with other believers and it is that that takes me back. A lot of the time I am at home listening to a video sermon or reading scripture instead of walking into the church.
Why Go To Church?
Creflo Dollar
Did you know Jesus attended church? This is something we do not hear about often, but it is true. If we want to follow and imitate Jesus, then we must follow His example; Jesus made it a custom to attend temple services. Once, when He had wandered away from His parents as a child, He was later found in the temple. When Mary and Joseph finally located Him, His explanation for His disappearance was, "… How is it that you had to look for me? Did you not see and know that it is necessary [as a duty] for Me to be in My Father's house and [occupied] about My Father's business?" (Luke 2:49, AMP) As an adult, if you were looking for Jesus, one place you would definitely find Him was teaching in the synagogue.

In everything God tells us to do, we have a choice whether to obey Him or not. Hebrews 10:25 says, "Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another…" (AMP). He has commanded through His Word that we should gather together with other Believers in a corporate setting.

Notice God said some forsake this practice. This simply means they ignore it and turn away from it. Why does God take this so seriously? Because gathering together with other Believers in church allows us to connect with others to receive strength and encouragement. When we come to church, we learn how to apply the Word of God to our lives to overcome the things we go through. We receive the wisdom we need to live victoriously in our everyday lives.

If you are a Christian, you are part of the Body of Christ. Give honor to God by obeying His Word with a willing and obedient heart. Consider the wonderful things God has done for you! Come into His presence in a corporate setting to give Him thanks and to encourage a brother or sister in Christ. You can help change someone's life forever by inspiring them to make Jesus their Lord and Savior. Allow your enthusiasm for the kingdom of God to overflow into the lives of others.

God wants you to desire His presence and have joy when you are in His house of worship. Follow the example of this ardent psalmist, who with a fervent heart toward God proclaimed, "How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of host! My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and flesh crieth out for the living God …O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah" (Psalm 84:1—4).

Just reading that scripture stirs me up inside! You will be amazed at how blessed you will be when you have this much joy about experiencing the presence of Almighty God. To help you get more understanding about the importance of coming to church, be sure you order the message, Faithfulness in Church Attendance, and decide today to be a joyful, zealous, church attendee!

Scripture references:

Luke 2:49 (AMP)

Psalm 27:4

Psalm 84:1-4

Hebrews 10:25

In everything God tells us to do, we have a choice whether to obey Him or not. Hebrews 10:25 says, "Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another…" (AMP). He has commanded through His Word that we should gather together with other Believers in a corporate setting.

Since this was what seems to me a direct answer on the question, if this is a sin or not, I'm glad you posted what you did. It is after all, one of the questions the OP asked, but I still have to question some of what you claim or at the very least I need to better understand what you are saying.

Are you saying you understand going to Church in a Cooperate setting a direct commandment from God (or as good as) and as important as the ten? The way I see the ten commandments is that we don't do those on any kind of regular basis unless we want to give up our salvation. Occasional breaking of the commandments are of course forgivable and also, of course God makes the decision on where those lines are drawn. Bear with me, that's going to help with my point. :)

That said, do you consider not going to church to be a regular breaking of a commandment from God? The reason I ask is, I didn't see any absolute proof of that in your post. It was sorta, just the way you chose to read it, as I saw it anyway, and as a conclusion you surmised "Through his word" and not from a direct commandment. Not that there is anything wrong with that, sometimes we have to conclude a truth from things said, but it was just my opinion, it wasn't right in this case, all depending on exactly what you are saying.

I should cut to the chase of what I'm thinking because this is really what my questions boils down to. Is us not attending a corporate Church on a generally regular basis a damnable sin?

I think, absolutely or anyone? A yes or no on a matter is always nice and I'd like to have that but at the same time I do understand sometimes that just not how it works so....
I don't remember where or when but someone was telling me that in their church they don't pass the plate around. They have an offering box that people drop their offering into at anytime they choose.
If I had my way in a church that is the way I would want it done. That way people who couldn't afford to give that week wouldn't feel uncomfortable, thinking that others might think they didn't want to give.
I don't contribute to the offering every time I attend a service. Sometimes I will give more and then maybe nothing the next. Depends on what the Holy Spirit prompts me to do. I operate a hobby farm and grow wheat and soybeans. One time I was thinking about the weather that wasn't going too well for us and I prayed to God that I would have a good harvest. I told Him that day that I would dedicate 1/2 of the harvest to Him by giving half the income to the church. Well, my harvest turned out okay and so I did my part leaving a $1,000.00 check in the offering plate.
I don't contribute to the offering every time I attend a service. Sometimes I will give more and then maybe nothing the next. Depends on what the Holy Spirit prompts me to do. I operate a hobby farm and grow wheat and soybeans. One time I was thinking about the weather that wasn't going too well for us and I prayed to God that I would have a good harvest. I told Him that day that I would dedicate 1/2 of the harvest to Him by giving half the income to the church. Well, my harvest turned out okay and so I did my part leaving a $1,000.00 check in the offering plate.
I believe your way of giving and receiving is very Biblical and grace/faith giving. :)
It is sad that so many teach OT law giving. I truly believe they are robbing the giver and the assembly of the blessings that come with the joyful heart giving.
I don't remember where or when but someone was telling me that in their church they don't pass the plate around. They have an offering box that people drop their offering into at anytime they choose.
If I had my way in a church that is the way I would want it done. That way people who couldn't afford to give that week wouldn't feel uncomfortable, thinking that others might think they didn't want to give.
Dad did this for years and years.. A high school kid made 'fancy box' in wood shop for the church... One of the benefits of being in a small town..


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