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End Times "Fantasy" Thread


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I remember diggin fishen worms out of the cess pool

How do we get opps i was going to ask how we get pepsi in the sewer system never mind
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When you think about the "End Times" going down, what do you think of? What does it look like in your mind's eye?

Does it play out like "Left Behind"? Is the "Omega Code" the way you see it?

For some reason, I always imagine that we'll all be forced to live underground (Literally, like in the sewers, lol). I also imagine that miracles will run rampant (in the sewers, lol).

As you can see, there is nothing Biblical about my thoughts (minus the miracles part), but simply my thoughts of how things will be.

What are your thoughts about it all?

I look around me and I see how it is.

Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Matthew 24:10 And then shall many be offended (by each others beliefs), and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers (various) places.

1 Thessalonians 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
Have you ever watched the show Drive Thru History. I forget the host's name but he shows you real underground caves where real persecuted Christians used to hide in somewhere in Europe (I forget the country he was in). It was fascinating. Narrow passages take you far into the ground...and just when you think it will never end, the passage opens into fairly large open spaces that somehow managed to get decent ventillation.

Only one thing is wrong with the whole idea. I am extremely claustrophobic. So, unless someone drugs me and carries me the whole way there is no way I going down into a big hole. Martyrdom is seeming more likely the more I think about my other options...:chin


I haven't ever seen that show. I'm going to try to google it. I think that is absolutely amazing. The Early Church certainly had an interesting life!

We need to have our own "fish" symbol like the early church had. Since everyone knows that a fish is associated with Christianity it can't be our secret code word for "Follower of Christ?" anymore!
When you think about the "End Times" going down, what do you think of? What does it look like in your mind's eye?

Does it play out like "Left Behind"? Is the "Omega Code" the way you see it?

For some reason, I always imagine that we'll all be forced to live underground (Literally, like in the sewers, lol). I also imagine that miracles will run rampant (in the sewers, lol).

As you can see, there is nothing Biblical about my thoughts (minus the miracles part), but simply my thoughts of how things will be.

What are your thoughts about it all?

Well turn on the news, the rise of an islamic (anti-christ) caliphate, inflation to the point of economic collapse, natural disastors abound. I am watching for the appearance of the two witnesses now.
looking into the future I see people wearing jeans driving cars and listening to music sung by untalented singers who get undressed to be famous. I can picture people getting up and hating the idea of going to work. whoops that is now, maybe its not too far away.
Hi, this is my breakdown on how it all is being wraped up! (as 'i' see it) As stated many times all one needs to do is look at Matt. 7 & Rev. 17:1-5 for 'Repeated' church history! Eccl. 3:15

We hear that we are now under Grace. Great, we are, Praise be to our Master! First comes though, that we are required to be Born Again. Now we are Under Grace, Saving Grace! We are New Creatures..Reborn, but can we still sin?? Under Grace?? If we are under Grace from here on, do we now need our Hebrews 9:11-14's High Priest?

"But Christ being come an High Priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building, Neither by the blood of goats and caves, but by His own blood he entered in once into the Holy Place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. ... (notice!) purge your conscience from dead works to serve a living God?"

So now we are when Born Again, and under Grace! That makes the 'conscience' at peace with the mind, huh? What is Christ now doing in verse 7? But into the second went the High Priest (earthly pattern after heaven Throne) alone once every year ... The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the [Holiest of all was not yet made manifest,] while as the first tabernacle was yet standing. Which was a figure of the true ... Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation."

Did you get all of this? These laws all prefigured Christ 'Confirmation', death on the cross as our ever living High Priest. now Grace?? No more Law?? And does it say that the law of God was voided out here? Or that the above prefigured the true? The Laws that Moses penned which stood in 'washings', 'carnal ordinances' until the Galatians 3:19 'Promise' was confirmed? "Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, til the seed should come to whom the promise was made..."

Well now, Christ came, and we are under Grace. This law was added because of sin. Yet there would be no sin in heaven, (satan) or Adam on earth without the Eternal Covenant! (Hebrews 13:20) "Whosoever committeth sin trangresseth also the law, for sin is the transgression of the law" 1 John 3:4 So, it is not hard for any Born Again Christian to see that this ten Commandment Eternal Covenant is not these laws to the left of the cross of Christ, 'carnal ordinances, imposed upon them until the reformation', or the time that Christ became our High Priest. These were all the Law of Moses of Deuteronomy 31:9, Deuteronomy 31:24-25. that were placed in the side of the Ark of God, not inside of it where the Ten Commandments were kept.

The Ark of God??
Christ's death sent Him where, as our High Priest?? The Vail of the earthly Temple was rent from top to bottom by an unseen hand, making the way into the Most Holy Place where the Ark of the Eternal Covenant of God is at the Present time! Notice Hebrews 9:3 "And after the second Vail, which is called the Holiest of all, which had ... the Ark of the Covenant ... and the tables of the Covenant" (Moses laws remember were in the [side] of the Ark, not inside. Yet, take note of this verse in Revelation 11:18-19)
".. and the time of the dead, that should be judged, and should have reward, ... ***And the Temple of God was *IN HEAVEN and there was SEEN THE ARK OF HIS TESTAMENT."

Under Grace? Are you in need of Christ our High Priest? Why? Do you sin?? We see that it is not possible to sin without a law! 1 John 3:4
So if one sins & is under Grace, then there is still a Eternal Covenant Law (ten Commandments) and there is still Grace if one asks for forgiveness of your sin right?? Do we believe in our Lords Prayer?? Now, when I sin, am I still under Grace without asking for forgiveness?
If I say yes, am I telling the Truth that I am under Grace while not asking for forgiveness, or have I just knowingly broken the Commandment of lying? Still under Grace you say?? If so, why have a High Priest Savior in the first place to ask forgiveness of 'our sins'? (again, no law, no sin)

OK: Sin of ignorance & sin of open knowledge. All transgression of the Eternal Covenant law is still sin! The Covenant in heaven is what Christ's work is pertaining to, for us. When we sin, we are right back condemned under the Eternal Covenant of God. We then ask for forgiveness of our sins. And then we are again forgiven. But notice that we Born Again ones, are to now said to be 'Led' by the Holy Ghost in Romans 8:14. Now what are we being led to do? The Royal Eternal Covenant of the Godhead is perfect, converting the soul! It has no sin, it is the very 'Epistle' or Christ! 2 Corinthians 3:3 (perfect-flawless) The Holy Spirit leads us into all Truth, that is the Covenant of God. See Christ's work of Isaiah 42:21.

For any to be led otherwise?? Is to revolt! It Grieves & it Quenches the one leading us! In time He will quite His 'Striving' with us! See Acts 9:5 with Saul 'it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks' and Genesis 6:3 . There comes a time that we just will not be led, and God quits striving with us. See Revelation 3:16-17 . Well, back in the Holy place of Grace, while we are in obedience, we see in Hebrews 10:23 that it is not yet a done deal of once under Grace always under Grace. "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering.." And Hebrews 10:26-29 "For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the Truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin, But a certain fearful looking for of the judgement and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries."

Under Grace you still say? When one knows that they are 'openly sinning "Willfully" the verse says? To say that I am under Grace while "willfully" sinning is bringing me right into Bondage of the breaking of the Eternal Covenant Law of God! Willfully, openly! Not only doing the lawbreaking, but with even being an PARTAKER of any sin. Revelation 18:4. Any known breaking of the Covenant of God, the 7th day Sabbath 'Openly' included! James 2:8-12. And it states that this Royal Law will be our standard in Judgement to see if our profession matches our character.

In closing: Born Again? Under Grace. Perfect at this point! Romans 8:1. The Positives of Hebrews 6:1-5! Then comes 'willful' dis/obedience, openly. What are we then [knowingly] doing?? All of us that are Born Again know for sure what we are doing when the Holy Spirit leads us and we go against His Leading! Remember forum, that these ones have the Covenant written in their 'minds'! See Hebrews 10:16.
Well, under Grace can change very quickly to being under Bondage, when 'willfully done'. Then notice what the ex/under Grace one knowingly has done? Hebrews 6:6 says: "... seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an [open] shame."

Lord, I love you, but I do not love your Eternal Covenant Epistle! Under Grace still? Hardly! See Obadia 16 for these ones seen above.

So yes,we are in the Very End of Times and satan has done a very good job with his Dan. 7:25 + falsehoods! He has as the Holy Spirit has prophesied... by far the most of mankind!

My End Times "Fantasy" inevitably leads to the image of me standing defiantly on a middle-eastern hill, backlit by fiery explosions, while brandishing a 1911 in one hand and a 1611 in the other.

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I believe that a part of the "strong delusion" seen coming on all men is going to be so strong because we have already accepted it as fact. Paul says that God sends the delusion as a result of them not wanting the truth to begin with.

I think that the delusion has a great deal to do with the "church" itself. All area's of it. From preaching, to teaching, to witnessing, and even loving. When a person steps back, everyone does what is right in his own eyes.

The "church" as a whole has been very well at providing 'sensual' or "fantasy" visual representations of what the "end times" will be like. Everyone has a picture of it in their head. But does it line up with the Bible? Does it even make sense?

People love to 'sit and soak', and the "church" is more than happy to let them. And every now and again you find "pastors" pouring in some 'salted water' just to sting the sitters enough to make them feel alive.

End times? No doubt. Look around us. I had wondered sometimes if I would live to see the day He returns, and I still may die before then. But to say that it is not just around the corner would take someone saying; "Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation."

I think we are in for a rude awakening. I think things will start to happen that we have never heard about. Why? Because, there is no more study going on. People think its a waste of time. We have filled our lives with such worldliness, and even have the audacity to say its in the name of 'reaching out'. So then, when things start to happen, we will "depend" on those who we have blindly put into positions of authority over us.

I am amazed at some of the "church" gatherings today. The "pastor" has total sway over the people. Each have their own methods and ways, but the outcome is the same. Its somewhat frightening to think that those around you could turn on you so quickly, but thats what will happen. It will be a sad, sad period of time.

Mar 13:12 And brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death.
Don't have a fantasy about my death (which is end times to me) So I don't think about it.

I have other fantasies to rely on being fantasies.:lol
My fantasy is not to die. I hoping that this "generation wil not pass away" before all these thing come to past. Well my fantasy is "those" people are really really old now...:pray
My End Times "Fantasy" inevitably leads to the image of me standing defiantly on a middle eastern hill, backlit by fiery explosions, while brandishing a 1911 in one hand and a 1611 in the other.
Shooting at unicorns??
looking into the future I see people wearing jeans driving cars and listening to music sung by untalented singers who get undressed to be famous. I can picture people getting up and hating the idea of going to work. whoops that is now, maybe its not too far away.


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