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Judgment day UNFAIR


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Where do you get this from? This is far from correct

Look , When your raptured or what ever God does to you to bring you up.
You are not phiscaly alive, Your dead.
Your soul or spirit which is enity goes up ,
If you know how God feels about you , it is best to walk away from God's harsh judgement and say God you hate me, .

along time ago I did something that no one has never done before.
the judge in court ask to talk in court about my actions
knowing I never done anything wrong, I knew how I feel strongly againist jugment. no matter how many times that ask me to speak i remain slient,
than i was dismis from court.

so I have reason to face judment for some thing I never did in my life.
I shall not answer him because I'm not for his judgment.
God should keep his harsh judgment for Killers , perverts, child abusers, criminals.

as for this sinner thing
If wasn't for Adam and eve screawing things up we won't be in this mess.
it's like that stupid company rule> When 1 screaws up on the job, everyone suffers . UNFAIR!

THE HECK with God's harsh judgment leave innocent alone God..
We are born sinners. You have never done anything wrong?
LOL forgive me but if you are a Christian you KNOW you need to repent for things in your life. Unless you are a web troll.
let me ask you this...
Do you trust God?
Can you trust him?
Has God ever went back on his word?

excuse me but my faith is a little weak since my mom has passed on.
I'm just kind of cautious about God.
The heck I have to put up with some times I think he don't care about me or my life. for as I know I'm nothing but a tiny ant to him and I know he can kill me off any time he wanted.
let me ask you this...
Do you trust God?
Can you trust him?
Has God ever went back on his word?

excuse me but my faith is a little weak since my mom has passed on.
I'm just kind of cautious about God.
The heck I have to put up with some times I think he don't care about me or my life. for as I know I'm nothing but a tiny ant to him and I know he can kill me off any time he wanted.
he has told me no at times for my own Good. and yes my grandmother a devout jew has died last thursday and i will be laying her to rest. i dont know if i will see her in heaven. she is gone, its sad but i cant change what is done by being mad at god. i dont know and leave it to him and trust him. i prayed for my grandma for yrs and my brother told her of the lord. whether she believed is unknown. so i let that be with the lord.

theres not much i can do with that. oh we all have these types of issue for me its war and the above. God never promised and easy life nor one without hurts while we served him only that he wouldnt forsake us.

part of the cross is suffering.

perhaps this song seems to be revalant.

let me ask you this...
Do you trust God?
Can you trust him?
Has God ever went back on his word?

excuse me but my faith is a little weak since my mom has passed on.
I'm just kind of cautious about God.
The heck I have to put up with some times I think he don't care about me or my life. for as I know I'm nothing but a tiny ant to him and I know he can kill me off any time he wanted.
I am so sorry to hear about your mother that is a hard thing to cope with on the other hand it was the loss of my mother that brought me to Christ. You IMO need to get to know the Good LORD better and pray for comfort, you are by no means a little ant maybe to the devil but certainly not to the holy Father or his Son. Bad things happen to us to bring us closer to GOD my friend and share those pains with others and the hope Christ has given us. Bless you and I hope you read your bible tonight and pray the good LORD gets you through this.:waving

and this, which in part i have some inkling as i had to face emotional hurts and forgive myself. i hated me and what i was and that fact that emotions have a purpose as i needed to feel again. i choose what to feel and blocked what i didnt.

god made me who i am. i have come to accept that.
I think I'm a tiny ant to God.
I can only think that death needs to be destroyed.
God has giving everyone a mate , but me , I'm just a lonestar in the heavens
not loved by anyone.

Will I be judged? yes I be judged for being single all this time.
Might as well be judged and die for Love no longer avilable.

I am not loved here on earth anymore.
just asume to be dead and huant the earth.
we all feel that way from time to time. God will carry one through the hard times if you trust him.

i have felt lonely, isolated , hated by others and well an outcast.

but i have found that while i think life is bad others have it worse. once i hated those who hurt me. i had to give that up. one of them is now dead a former gf that hurt me yrs ago.i told her what she did and she didnt know. she and i were friends after that that was in 1998 and she died in 2001.
So sorry to hear about your mom, bro; that's an awful thing to have to deal with. I'm praying for you.

Just a couple of things -
You are not just an ant to God because the Bible says a lot on the subject of God's intimate knowledge of us, here are just two examples:
Matthew 10:30-31 -
"But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows."
Psalm 139:13 -
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."

God knows you, and God doesn't hate you, nor is he sitting up there, brow furrowed, just waiting for you to fall off the perch so he can enjoy the throwing you into Hell. You're his sparrow, dude.

As for being judged for being single, where do you get that idea from? God does not condemn people for being single, St. Paul often extols the virtues of a single life.

I hope this helps, bro.
1 person who has no faith at all is Obama, and may he judged by god.
At least I have some faith it's hard to salvage what left of it when the rest of it was destroyed by a death of a love 1.

I always thought when I go the earth will be destroyed.
No goverment No Obama, everything will be vaporized.
people who hate me will be killed off.

I been single for 51 years and never had sex in my life time.
I seen the social life has gone to hell.

( if any of you has a smartphone you can find my jeaus live wallpapers
on DiY my user name name there is Cartoonist50)

I always hate the saying someone for everyone and the miss right thing it's sooo Amish.

Sorry God I can't go forth and be fruitful
Love does not exist ,
just as well be a ghost and haunt people and scaring them to death.
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1 person who has no faith at all is Obama, and may he judged by god.
At least I have some faith it's hard to salvage what left of it when the rest of it was destroyed by a death of a love 1.

I always thought when I go the earth will be destroyed.
No goverment No Obama, everything will be vaporized.
people who hate me will be killed off.
i dont know obama well enough to say what God will do. i dont think obama is a christian but that is for God to know and me based on obama's action can only know in part. God is the judge of all men. who knows obama may repent and be in heaven.i hopes so.
SkyKing, question: Do you believe your mother was judged harshly by God and is destined for His destruction? Or do you believe she is happy now in heaven with her Savior?
You know what's really unfair? When a loving God creates a utopian world for His beloved children to live in and instead they turn from Him and corrupt His world and disregard His simple rules of living. That's unfair...
Free said:
Where do you get this from? This is far from correct
Look , When your raptured or what ever God does to you to bring you up.
You are not phiscaly alive, Your dead.
Your soul or spirit which is enity goes up ,
The idea of some eternally disembodied soul existence is not what Scripture teaches. When Jesus returns, we will become like him--with a glorified physical body.

1Co 15:51 Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
1Co 15:52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.
1Co 15:53 For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality.

The dead are raised and those who are alive remain alive. Paul is saying that our bodies change, not that we all die and leave our bodies. This is the point when believers truly become alive.
1 person who has no faith at all is Obama, and may he judged by god.
At least I have some faith it's hard to salvage what left of it when the rest of it was destroyed by a death of a love 1.

I always thought when I go the earth will be destroyed.
No goverment No Obama, everything will be vaporized.
people who hate me will be killed off.

I been single for 51 years and never had sex in my life time.
I seen the social life has gone to hell.

( if any of you has a smartphone you can find my jeaus live wallpapers
on DiY my user name name there is Cartoonist50)

I always hate the saying someone for everyone and the miss right thing it's sooo Amish.

Sorry God I can't go forth and be fruitful
Love does not exist ,
just as well be a ghost and haunt people and scaring them to death.
Why haven't you had sex in 51 yrs?
Because I am not loved.
most women are in to macho men who think thier God's gift to women.
too much competion out there.

besides sex is not everything,
So if God judges me for not being fruitful and not having a family of my own.
All I can say is I'm not good enough to have someone.

only the lucky ones get to have some one.

as for my mom, Well she there with the rest of the family.
and she has a spiecal drawing I made her for protection.
it a cartoon drawing of a female warrior angel that slays demons and gaurds her soul againist faulse judgment.

:sadI seen her in my sleep at times she's ok, and happy knowing that on the other side she is still alive. She is under 1000% grace and mercy

What have I done ol lord ? Nothing, but help out my sister with bills
give her money for food. I give what I can possiably give lord.
to judge me so harshly will only degrade you lord, so give me grace and mercy.

the only thing that loves me the most is my pet rabbit.
I love that pet.
theres no command that says one is to have children. i am married and dont have any of my wife had kids before we married.
SkyKing, I asked about your mom because I wanted to try to have some insight as to where your overwhelming bitterness comes from. If you thought God was harshly judging your mom, I could understand it, but you seem confident that she has found grace and mercy yet you take no comfort in that.

When you were young, in your teens and 20's, did you have a different attitude about life and God...did you look forward to the future with hope and a desire to do God's will? Did you enjoy going out with friends?

I'm asking these questions because I'm sincerely trying to get an insight into your overwhelming bitterness which seems to be twisted into a very unhealthy spiritual pride. It's not because you're single...I was single myself for 38 years, so I do understand the loneliness, but that doesn't either explain or excuse the bitterness or attitude. I also can't have children and know the special grace and comfort that God freely offers in that situation as well, and many of us have lost loved ones who are with the Lord and know that with the sorrow also comes peace and even joy that they are in heaven.

You are experiencing none of that, I realize. It's possible that you are in a vicious downward spiral....maybe loneliness has caused you to have a bitter attitude and that in turn has caused many to turn away from you, which only increases the loneliness. Unfortunately, you are choosing to cut yourself off from and spite the only One who can break this cycle for you.

You're not an're a man made in God's image who is, quite frankly, wallowing in self-pity and it's no wonder that others are put off by it.

What to do about it is the question. You can either continue to blame God and cast judgement upon Him for your problems, or you can humble yourself and allow Him to lift you up.

I do want to assure you of're not going to be judged for being single...there is no sin or shame in singleness. Yes it is lonely, believe me, I haven't forgotten how lonely it is. But, your singleness is not, truly it is not, the root of your problem.
last time I thought I had a girl friend , Is when I was so serverly miss treated. her dad hated me her brothers hated me, and her dad tied me up and he kicked me to death her brothers kicked me to death,. I was very brused than her dad took me downtown and threw in a garbage dumpster left to die. :sadSo much for human love....PU...

I had faith in God but when my mom passed on my faith was ripped to pieces, now i try to salvage what left of it picking up scaps.

Death is very ugly thing, Why would God created such a ugly thing like that?
It flipping hanis! Death is the most uglyest hanis thing in the whole world.
It very very ugly...

I feel so unloved , there is no one out there for me, just as well get judged by god and die for my life has reason.
I'm unwanted I'm not good enough, a person who has no mate is not needed it on earth.
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