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Roman Persecution

Jesus was speaking to Satan, and only at Peter. It doesn't mean Peter had a devil. That's too much speculation by men's doctrines.
Peter was opposed to what the Messiah said,

Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
Christ's Apostles fled because it was prophesied in Zechariah 13 that they would. And it should be obvious that happened for their sake, and for The Gospel's sake, as Jesus said that would happen in Mark 14:27.
I think I told you they ran because they didn't really know Him. They still thought the Messiah is here in person for good. He already told them He was going to suffer and die, but until 3 years before, they were indoctrinated with false teaching. things that weren't true drilled into them since childhood.
You've got a lot of Bible study catching up to do if you think the 'sealing' by God's seal of Revelation 7 & 9 is only about the preaching of The Gospel of Jesus' death and resurrection.
It includes the prophets before us and those who believed through their testimony. The Spirit of God will confirm or deny every persons words. He knows what we think,

For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Mt.12:37 KJV
That 'sealing' is especially for those in Christ at the end of this world, in prep for the "great tribulation". It's about 'watching' the SIGNS of the end which Jesus gave in His Olivet discourse leading up to His future return. And those SIGNS are what His Book of Revelation are about too. The Holy Spirit is to 'seal' us with God's seal in that understanding for the end, so as to not be deceived by the coming Antichrist, and it ain't about a pope or Rome either.

Well yes it did, you just don't realize it yet. And apparently you don't recognize God's Eden being upon this earth per the Genesis 2 chapter, with God's River flowing out of His Garden and feeding four other rivers upon this earth, two of which still exist today, the Hiddekel (Tigris) and Euphrates, both in the nation of Iraq. Study the parable in Ezekiel 31.

I thought you said you knew about that Ezekiel 28 "king of Tyrus" being where God is pointing to Lucifer? So the flesh king of Tyre had been in God's Garden of Eden? and was a cherub that covereth? and walked up and down the stones of fire at God's Altar?

Your error is where you think it convenient to just apply that section of Ezek.28 to a flesh king
whenever it suits you, even though it goes against the actual written Scripture there.

Now you have gone off on men's philosophy.

God's Garden of Eden was removed... back at the sin of Adam and Eve, and not just moved off this earth, but moved to a totally different dimension of existence away from the earth, to the Heavenly, which is a completely separate dimension of existence than our earthly dimension. Because of Genesis 2 shows with God's Eden once being upon this earth, it reveals the Heavenly was once joined with the earthly, right here on earth. And Revelation 21 & 22 shows He is coming back to earth, and bringing the new Jerusalem from HEAVEN with Him. And not only the Heavenly Jerusalem, but also His River of the Waters of Life and Tree of Life of Genesis 2.
I look at the Tree of Life as Christ from which the river flows. The river is the Holy Spirit. Psalms, Revelation, Ezekiel...they all show the same river, where it comes from, what it does and the gospels affirm why.

Also, anyone who denies that the King of the Jews came into world, was dishonored by Jews and gentiles yet withheld His anger against sinners is of one evil body,

every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 1Jn.4:3 KJV
Please do not tell others they need more Bible study because we do not agree with each other. This is not Christ like in anyway, shape or form. Each one needs to take in consideration of what another presents as this is not a I'm right, you are wrong competition. Please present what you say with the scriptures you use so all of us can go and read them in order to know what one says lines up with scripture and not making scripture line up with what each one presents. It also helps to study the four different Empires that are explain in Daniel Chapter 7 being that of the Babylonian Empire, Medo/Persian Empire, Grecian Empire and Roman Empire that have always persecuted and have made many martyr's for their witness and testimony of God and His Son Christ Jesus and how history has always repeated itself, especially with the revived Roman Empire that is a mystery to so many.

When I find someone who 'blatantly' rejects to read and heed the actual Bible Scripture as written, then I will continue to suggest that they need more Bible study, because that will be the actual truth of the matter. And... their need for more Bible study often I have found is prevented by their listening to men's 'leaven' doctrines added to God's Word, which Lord Jesus said those who do that will bring a curse upon themselves, as written in Revelation 22.
Below is that of the seven remaining nations described as four beasts in Daniel 7:1-8 and the three kingdoms that were subdued by the little horn, which is the Roman Empire.

The three kingdoms that were subdued by the little horn of Daniel 7:24 are the Heruli, Vandals, and Ostrogoths who were eliminated by the year 538 AD under the leadership of the Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian whose deadly wound came in 1798.

Seven remaining nations that still exist today:
Men's speculation trying to use ancient Roman history, that's all that above is.

All the below verses are given within the timing, and right after those Daniel 7 verses about the "little horn" and 4th beast that the leaven doctrines of men are trying to push back in history to the time of the Roman empire...

Dan 7:18
18 But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.

Dan 7:21-22
21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;
22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.

Dan 7:26
26 But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.

Dan 7:27
27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

So are you going to try and tell me those above verses happened in the time of 538 A.D., with the Heruli, Vandals, and Ostrogoths? How is it that you do not understand that is impossible, since the above verses I quote are all about the 'future' coming of Lord Jesus with His taking over all... the kingdoms of this world, and that will be given to His saints? How is it that you missed all those future... time references given with that Dan.7 description about the 4th beast?

In the next Daniel 8 chapter, it speaks of a "little horn" that comes up, and is linked to the transgression of desolation, ending the Jew's daily sacrifices and placing the abomination of desolation idol at the temple, which Lord Jesus quoted in His Olivet discourse as a SIGN for the very END of this world just prior to His future return.

So how is it, that you cannot recognize the "little horn" of Dan.7 is also about that same false one that is still yet to come in our near future during the coming "great tribulation" Jesus warned us about? Even in Revelation 17, Jesus showed us about the ten horns as ten kings, giving their power unto the beast, which that beast represent the 'beast king', the 7th one John pointed to in that chapter that is still yet to come in our day. How could you miss that is what "little horn" prophecies in Daniel are about?

Have you missed also from Daniel 2 that the final beast kingdom will involve 5 pieces of the beast statue in Neb's dream, and not four beasts? The feet of ten toes made of part iron mixed with clay is that 5th piece, and final beast in the last days, and it is to include ALL... the previous beast empires of previous of history, pointing to a one-world beast kingdom over ALL nations and peoples, just as Revelation 13:4-8 does reveal. So pagans in Rome can only represent a portion, and will not be the head. The head will be at JERUSALEM.

If your Bible understanding can't even recognize the above Scriptures I posted, then how can we trust the Historicist and Preterist doctrines from men that you suggest?
I'm not going to argue the fact that it might be the healed Roman Empire, but all roads in scripture starting with the first Empire to the forth will present itself in the end of days.

I guess we will see if we are still alive during the 3 1/2 year reign of the son of perdition, 2Thessalonians 2:1-12; Rev 13; 17; 18.
Just because the Dan.2 "legs of iron" represented the old pagan Roman empire of history, and the final 5th piece of the feet of part iron and clay mentions 'iron' again, some want to push popery as being like a revived Roman 'pagan' empire.

I'm not a Catholic, and my French Huguenot ancestors were persecuted by the Catholic Church in old France, but I would never go so far as to claim that the Roman Church and its pope is the Antichrist to come at the end of the world, not even in a fallen state at the end, and especially not that it could represent a revived 'pagan' Roman Empire taking over all other nations of this world!

Ever heard of the Club of Rome? They are a bunch of industrialists-globalists that meet in Rome, like the Bilderburgers, and British Round Table globalists which are 'world socialists' that desire to bring all nations into a "one world government" which the world's secret societies also plan to do. So the movement towards the Revelation 13:1 first beast that comes up out of the sea is not just a working by a pope sitting in Rome, but by all... the globalist factions today, including even World Communism which hates the pope!
Peter was opposed to what the Messiah said,
Yeah, because Peter said what he did out of love for Jesus, even though it was against what Jesus' 1st coming was about, to die on the cross to defeat the devil. I don't think anything more should be read into that. Peter simply did not yet understand what he was saying.

I think I told you they ran because they didn't really know Him. They still thought the Messiah is here in person for good. He already told them He was going to suffer and die, but until 3 years before, they were indoctrinated with false teaching. things that weren't true drilled into them since childhood.
Jesus quoted His Old Testament prophecy about His Apostles being scattered at the time of His crucifixion. And think what would have happened even they all were delivered up and crucified with Him. Would we have The Gospel Books as their witness today? No, we would not have. So in reality, they were being protected by having been scattered.
When I find someone who 'blatantly' rejects to read and heed the actual Bible Scripture as written, then I will continue to suggest that they need more Bible study, because that will be the actual truth of the matter. And... their need for more Bible study often I have found is prevented by their listening to men's 'leaven' doctrines added to God's Word, which Lord Jesus said those who do that will bring a curse upon themselves, as written in Revelation 22.
Persecuting someone because they do not believe what you give is no different then the Roman persecutions that came against Christ and His Disciples because they would not bow down to their gods. We can suggest how to study the word of God, but it is very rude to tell someone you do not even know to go study their Bible because they do not agree with you. There is nothing edifying within that.
Persecuting someone because they do not believe what you give is no different then the Roman persecutions that came against Christ and His Disciples because they would not bow down to their gods. We can suggest how to study the word of God, but it is very rude to tell someone you do not even know to go study their Bible because they do not agree with you. There is nothing edifying within that.
Trying to help brethren with their Bible study is the idea of persecution?

Nay, what you want is for others to follow the leaven doctrines of men that you are following. And that's why you don't like me to keep pointing back to The Scriptures.
Just because the Dan.2 "legs of iron" represented the old pagan Roman empire of history, and the final 5th piece of the feet of part iron and clay mentions 'iron' again, some want to push popery as being like a revived Roman 'pagan' empire.

I'm not a Catholic, and my French Huguenot ancestors were persecuted by the Catholic Church in old France, but I would never go so far as to claim that the Roman Church and its pope is the Antichrist to come at the end of the world, not even in a fallen state at the end, and especially not that it could represent a revived 'pagan' Roman Empire taking over all other nations of this world!

Ever heard of the Club of Rome? They are a bunch of industrialists-globalists that meet in Rome, like the Bilderburgers, and British Round Table globalists which are 'world socialists' that desire to bring all nations into a "one world government" which the world's secret societies also plan to do. So the movement towards the Revelation 13:1 first beast that comes up out of the sea is not just a working by a pope sitting in Rome, but by all... the globalist factions today, including even World Communism which hates the pope!
It goes further back as what the controlling power of this coming NWO is all about.

The NWO is a combination of the Jesuit militant Priesthood (Papal Rome/beast little horn in Daniel 8:23-25) and the Pontifex Maximus Pope (false prophet/son of perdition). Another name for Pontifex Maximus is Vicarius Filii Dei’ meaning the vicar or substitute or agent of God. This is why the Pope is called the Holy Father as he takes the place of God here on earth which is an abomination to the Lord as he will be revealed as the son of perdition, John 17:12; 2Thessalonians 2:3. Their secret agenda is that of taking total control of all institutions and resources globally for world domination as this was the intention of Ignatius Loyola a Spanish militant who was the founder of the Society of Jesus in 1534. In 1540 Pope Paul III gave approval for this society known as the Jesuit Priesthood today.

Their agenda includes total global control over political, military, economic, educational, religious and environmental systems for the deceptive purpose of ensuring global peace, prosperity and order during the timing of the seventh trumpet. The first six trumpets are Gods chastisements on those who refuse to repent and turn back to His grace. The whole world will be thrown into total chaos and fear as everyone his brother will turn on each other if they have not the love of Christ in them as there will be little to no resources left for survival and man will do anything in order to survive. Many will be seeking a savior type in their time of distress an uncertainty as they will bow down to this false god Pope that will promise them provision and safety, but yet rejecting the true Savior Christ Jesus, 2 Chronicles 7:14.

The Jesuit Order is not a religious order, but in its own right a self governed military order as was the old Babylonian Roman Empire. They disguise themselves as a religious order under the heading of Roman Catholicism that call themselves Christians, but are actually a Luciferians Roman Catholic system who sends their blinded to truth missionaries out into the world causing a great falling away from the true God of all creation as they preach a different gospel, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4. Here is a list of past and present organizations and people you can research who have been and still are controlled by Jesuit Roman dictatorship and their secret plot of world domination as they annihilate anyone who will not conform and bow down to their false gods.

This is a partial list of what the Jesuit Militant Priesthood has controlled from their beginning in 1540: Inquisition, Crusaders, Knights Templar, Illuminati, high level Freemasonry, Jesuit infiltration of the English colonies on the North American continent, Banksters, Vatican Bank, Agenda 21 and 2030, World Trade Organization, Bilderbergers Club, Rothschild’s, Rockerfellows, Constantine, Hitler, Mussolini, Roman Catholic Ecumenical Assemblies (RCEA) and The Global Eucharistic Community (GEC).

The Jesuits have always secretly controlled the government of every nation from the time of Ignatius Loyola and his military background as the Pope gave approval for the Society of Jesus in 1540. The Jesuits of today call themselves "Gods Marines" and send their religious missionaries into all countries converting the people to Catholicism doctrine in order to control the world’s population through the hidden tyranny of their global government and religious false sun god Ra.

The Jesuit Provincials are the regional superior and take their orders from the Superior General Militant of the Jesuits known as the Black Pope (Black meaning evil not color) who controls all military forces on all seven continents. The Jesuit Provincials are located in 112 nations on every continent including America. Jesuits maintain, 70 secondary and primary schools, 50 Jesuit High Schools and 28 universities in the United States with Georgetown University being the first one established in Washington DC in 1789. There are ten Jesuit regional supervisors in the following States of California, Chicago-Detroit, Maryland, Missouri, New England, New Orleans, New York, Oregon, and Wisconsin.

This is where America that is the beast that rises from the earth and will exercise all the power from the first beast comes in to play as Jesuit Rome and Jesuit America being her daughter are controlled by the governing militant Jesuits who were fully involved in the founding of the seat of Americas government in Washington DC using their Catholic Situates.

I would love to put the whole study in here, but is way to long. This thread is about Roman persecution and we have already seen that of history repeating itself whether you want to believe it not. It starts in the scriptures, but you also need the history of the four Empires in order to see the last one being the Roman Empire in whose deadly wound was healed as it is a mystery to those who do not study it, but would rather scoff at all of it.
Trying to help brethren with their Bible study is the idea of persecution?

Nay, what you want is for others to follow the leaven doctrines of men that you are following. And that's why you don't like me to keep pointing back to The Scriptures.
I have no problem with you pointing back to the scriptures as well we need to, but to say you are right and everyone else is wrong is being high minded and arrogant. If we do not agree then show where we disagree and discuss it with opened minds.

Going to be gone for a few days and we can pick this back up when I return.
It goes further back as what the controlling power of this coming NWO is all about.

The NWO is a combination of the Jesuit militant Priesthood (Papal Rome/beast little horn in Daniel 8:23-25) and the Pontifex Maximus Pope (false prophet/son of perdition). Another name for Pontifex Maximus is Vicarius Filii Dei’ meaning the vicar or substitute or agent of God. This is why the Pope is called the Holy Father as he takes the place of God here on earth which is an abomination to the Lord as he will be revealed as the son of perdition, John 17:12; 2Thessalonians 2:3. Their secret agenda is that of taking total control of all institutions and resources globally for world domination as this was the intention of Ignatius Loyola a Spanish militant who was the founder of the Society of Jesus in 1534. In 1540 Pope Paul III gave approval for this society known as the Jesuit Priesthood today.
There's that 'false Jews' doctrine against the Catholic Church again.

The plans for the world beast kingdom of Revelation 13:1 have been going on for a lot longer than the existence of the Catholic Church. It goes even back to the time of Solomon's temple and when David enlisted the PAGAN workers traded with the king Hiram, simply because the children of Israel didn't have the type craftsmen needed to build the City of David, nor Solomon's temple. That was the first origins of the stone masons which became the mason guilds of history, and later the Lodges of Freemasonry.

Freemasonry thus is actually JEWISH in its origin.

Ever read The Protocols of The Elders of Zion? That is a Masonic JEWISH political document of the 19th century that got leaked out in Paris, France, and published in early 1900's Russia. The Jews in Russia had the Russian agent the document was given to in Paris put in prison, just for having it on her person. The document was placed in the British museum in 1903.

The false Jews of the "synagogue of Satan" are the ones behind the New World Order movement today, as they have been behind that ever since they and the Canaanites crept into Solomon's temple as temple servants, and later became Jewish converts (1 Kings 9:20-22; Ezra 2; Revelation 2:9 and 3:9; Jude 4).

Are you a member of Freemasonry??
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I have no problem with you pointing back to the scriptures as well we need to, but to say you are right and everyone else is wrong is being high minded and arrogant. If we do not agree then show where we disagree and discuss it with opened minds.

Going to be gone for a few days and we can pick this back up when I return.
I'm just presenting the Bible Scriptures as written. So that is not about your false witnesses of saying it's about me trying to say I'm right. The Bible Scripture is Right, so my offer is for those who actually 'read' and 'heed', is to either believe it as written, or not. I don't care either way, yet I do have a duty to help those that actually want... help in God's Word. For those who instead think 'they'... are right, they usually wind up doing what you... have been trying to do here, i.e., attack one's credibility with bearing false witness.
Also, brethren in Christ, I have a friend I've worked with who is a devout Christian, and his father is a pastor over a Church. But his father is also a member of the Freemasons.

My friend told me his father got him setup for the first initiation in the Lodge, and the master of the Lodge gave him words to say during the initiation, telling him to call the master "Worshipful Master". My friend refused, said he just couldn't do it, because only Jesus Christ is our Worshipful Master. Good for him, bad for his dad, because being a pastor and a Mason, he is in a position where the Masons might ask him to teach a certain thing that is against The written Word of God, and the congregation won't have a clue about it.

Oh, and I forgot. My friend's pastor father is also is a Freemason is teaching the FALSE Pre-tribulational Rapture theory.

Now it's time to think about those of men's leaven who keep pushing the lie that the Jesuits and Catholic Church are the ones who came up with that false 'fly away' secret rapture doctrine.

If anyone is behind that false Pre-trib Rapture theory, it is the secret societies like Freemasonry, simply because that doctrine is designed to cause the deceived on it to flee to Lucifer when he comes playing the false-Messiah in Jerusalem in our near future. So who would have Lucifer setup as their 'king' in Jerusalem at the end of this world, do you think? The Catholic Church? Nope! The false Jews of the "synagogue of Satan", that's who. And they just so happen to be the original founders of the Masonic Lodge, which is Jewish in origin!

For those curious about the crept in unawares behind modern Freemasonry, I highly recommend you check out John Robison's 1798 book Proofs Of A Conspiracy. An orthodox unbelieving Jewish professor of law, Adam Weishaupt, is who started the original Bavarian Illuminati Order that was discovered in John Robison's era. Weishaupt's order had the plans to destroy the governments and monarchs of Europe, and destroy Christianity. Robison's book is from actual documentation of the secret letters and papers of Weishaupt's Illuminati Order that were discovered on one of their dead agents.

And in their Protocols of the Elders of Zion, they speak of their "king of the world" they plan to setup over all... nations. This is another reason why God's "two witnesses" will appear in JERUSALEM for the coming time of "great tribulation" to prophesy 1260 days against the 'beast' there, and not in Rome!

God is sending Lucifer in place of Messiah there to Jerusalem for the end of this world, upon those deceived unbelieving, unrepentant Jews. And we in Christ Jesus are not... to take part in that "strong delusion" with them.
Yeah, because Peter said what he did out of love for Jesus, even though it was against what Jesus' 1st coming was about, to die on the cross to defeat the devil. I don't think anything more should be read into that. Peter simply did not yet understand what he was saying.
I know that and I agree because the Messiah didn't want one sinner deserving of death (Peter) to kill other sinners deserving of death.
Jesus quoted His Old Testament prophecy about His Apostles being scattered at the time of His crucifixion. And think what would have happened even they all were delivered up and crucified with Him. Would we have The Gospel Books as their witness today? No, we would not have. So in reality, they were being protected by having been scattered.
Yes they were. Very good insight. Now understand that afterward the apostles conquered the beast by loving not the things of this world. They were martyred.
I'm just presenting the Bible Scriptures as written. So that is not about your false witnesses of saying it's about me trying to say I'm right. The Bible Scripture is Right, so my offer is for those who actually 'read' and 'heed', is to either believe it as written, or not. I don't care either way, yet I do have a duty to help those that actually want... help in God's Word. For those who instead think 'they'... are right, they usually wind up doing what you... have been trying to do here, i.e., attack one's credibility with bearing false witness.
I never said I was right, but only disagreeing with some things, not all things, you say and not attacking your credibility as you can believe how you want. It's a prideful person who says they are right and to only believe what they say. The scripture is true, but our interpretations of scripture can be wrong at times. With studying scripture it is also important to study the history of those eras.

I started this thread to show the Roman persecution, not the Roman Catholic Church, since they became an Empire and since their deadly wound was healed how they are still persecuting Christians to death.

I'm sorry if I ruffled your feathers as that is never my intent, but to only discuss what we might disagree on as someone else might bring a new light to something we never saw before.
Here is just a short snippet of the lengthy Jesuit Blood Oath as the candidate makes all allegiance to the Pope. The oath is given by the Superior Jesuit General of the Society of Jesus as it appears in the JESUIT Extreme Oath of Induction recorded in the Journals of the 62D Congress, 3d Session of the U.S. (House Calendar No. 397. Report No. 1523) Congressional Record House, 15 Feb. 1913, pp3215-3216:
I further more promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants heads against the walls in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. You can find the full oath online.

Jesuits are not allowed to be Popes, but now we see the present Pope Francis being the first Jesuit Pope. The one called the "American Pope" is the Cardinal of New York and the most powerful Cardinal in America. He controls the Knights of Malta, high-level Freemasonry, and the Jesuit Order here in America through the government just as the Jesuit Order controls the government of Israel through the Mossad. The American Pope is the most powerful Cardinal in the United States and is called the military vicar. The military vicar is in command of all military orders within the United States. This is why Americas military forces have been involved in eighty six wars with the first one being the Revolutionary War in 1775 up to present day war on terrorism with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant known as ISIL or ISIS.

The Luciferians Roman Catholic system is the beast that rises out of the sea who received their deadly wound back in 1798 by General Berthier of France, but have always continued in their secret planning of world domination. Their deadly wound was healed in 1929 when Mussolini gave the Vatican back to the Pope and established it as a country in its own right in the Lateran Treaty. In 1929 Mussolini shaped the Vatican City after Jerusalem's old city. The Dome of the rock and Saint Peters Square is located at the same spot on each cities map. If you look at the location of St. Peters Basilica in Rome and the Dome of the Rock, you see the copy made in Rome.

The Dome of the Rock and the Basilica in Rome, are even built in the same fashion. The seat of the last antichrist has reached its final stages after the implementation of the Oslo peace accord. This started with the formation of The Council of the Religious Institutions of the Holy Land in 2005. This council has Muslims, Jews, and Catholics and claimed to be Christians (by name only) in its governing body. When you read their statement of faith, you are introduced to the final One World Religious Government. In their statement of faith they try to tell us that all faiths lead to the same God.

Statement of faith:
As religious leaders of different faiths, who share the conviction in the one Creator, Lord of the Universe; we believe that the essence of religion is to worship God and respect the life and dignity of all human beings, regardless of religion, nationality and gender.

The Jesuits are preparing to set up their deceptive false Christ-like kingdom of God here on earth as their headquarters will move from Vatican City in Rome to the Dome of the Rock in the Holy city of Jerusalem as Satan proclaimed this in Isaiah 14:13. The Luciferians Roman Catholic system and their false prophet Pope will take control of not only the temple mount, but gather all nations together as one nation under their New World Order as the Pope takes his dictatorship seat on the throne of Gods temple declaring he is the true God and forcing the world to take the mark of this beast false religious system.

No one has to believe me, nor do I ask others to believe me, but to only look it up for themselves from the sources I give. My info not only comes from scripture and history, but also comes from an ex Jesuit High Priest I know that now puts his own life on the line to expose all these things. There is so much more I could give, but scoffers will scoff and it's way to much for a forum. If anyone wants more on this please go to the sub-forum Revelation and look up chapter 13 of the book I wrote on Revelation. You will have to scroll until you find it.
Here is just a short snippet of the lengthy Jesuit Blood Oath as the candidate makes all allegiance to the Pope. The oath is given by the Superior Jesuit General of the Society of Jesus as it appears in the JESUIT Extreme Oath of Induction recorded in the Journals of the 62D Congress, 3d Session of the U.S. (House Calendar No. 397. Report No. 1523) Congressional Record House, 15 Feb. 1913, pp3215-3216:
I further more promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants heads against the walls in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. You can find the full oath online.
And yet the Jesuits were banned in many European nations starting in the 1700s. And just last year, the Jesuits in Nicaragua were banned. If you read Malachi Martin's book about the Jesuits, you'd find out when a certain pope visited Latin American Catholic Churches, the pope was surprised to find out there, and said about the Jesuits there, "so you're not all Communists". That reveals there's a secret conspiracy even within the Jesuits that the pope office cannot control.

Jesuits are not allowed to be Popes, but now we see the present Pope Francis being the first Jesuit Pope. The one called the "American Pope" is the Cardinal of New York and the most powerful Cardinal in America. He controls the Knights of Malta, high-level Freemasonry, and the Jesuit Order here in America through the government just as the Jesuit Order controls the government of Israel through the Mossad. The American Pope is the most powerful Cardinal in the United States and is called the military vicar. The military vicar is in command of all military orders within the United States. This is why Americas military forces have been involved in eighty six wars with the first one being the Revolutionary War in 1775 up to present day war on terrorism with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant known as ISIL or ISIS.
Didn't I say that original Freemasonry is Jewish?

But as for your "military vicar" idea, I don't see that, especially not the Catholic Church being behind the American Revolution. That idea is totally off the wall.

The Luciferians Roman Catholic system is the beast that rises out of the sea who received their deadly wound back in 1798 by General Berthier of France, but have always continued in their secret planning of world domination. Their deadly wound was healed in 1929 when Mussolini gave the Vatican back to the Pope and established it as a country in its own right in the Lateran Treaty. In 1929 Mussolini shaped the Vatican City after Jerusalem's old city. The Dome of the rock and Saint Peters Square is located at the same spot on each cities map. If you look at the location of St. Peters Basilica in Rome and the Dome of the Rock, you see the copy made in Rome.
The Luciferians are the heads of the occult secret societies made up of 'false Jews', i.e., the "synagogue of Satan" of the Canaanites that crept in among the Jews long, long ago per Bible history.

And JERUSALEM is where the false Jews will setup Lucifer when he appears there for the END of this world, coming to play the false-Messiah. They will make him king, and claim he is of the house of David. So that ain't about no pope.
And yet the Jesuits were banned in many European nations starting in the 1700s. And just last year, the Jesuits in Nicaragua were banned. If you read Malachi Martin's book about the Jesuits, you'd find out when a certain pope visited Latin American Catholic Churches, the pope was surprised to find out there, and said about the Jesuits there, "so you're not all Communists". That reveals there's a secret conspiracy even within the Jesuits that the pope office cannot control.

Didn't I say that original Freemasonry is Jewish?

But as for your "military vicar" idea, I don't see that, especially not the Catholic Church being behind the American Revolution. That idea is totally off the wall.

The Luciferians are the heads of the occult secret societies made up of 'false Jews', i.e., the "synagogue of Satan" of the Canaanites that crept in among the Jews long, long ago per Bible history.

And JERUSALEM is where the false Jews will setup Lucifer when he appears there for the END of this world, coming to play the false-Messiah. They will make him king, and claim he is of the house of David. So that ain't about no pope.
Well, you can read all the books that others right, but my info comes straight from the mouth of a former Jesuit High Priest so I think I will believe what he has already given me and many others. Everyone has a theory, but when it comes straight from the horses mouth I will believe it. You have every right to believe what and how you want. We will see the truth in the end.
Well, you can read all the books that others right, but my info comes straight from the mouth of a former Jesuit High Priest so I think I will believe what he has already given me and many others. Everyone has a theory, but when it comes straight from the horses mouth I will believe it. You have every right to believe what and how you want. We will see the truth in the end.
Malachi Martin was authorized by the pope to write his books. So much for your mockery of Martin's authority from the pope.
Malachi Martin was authorized by the pope to write his books. So much for your mockery of Martin's authority from the pope.
When one is authorized by God to write then I will believe that which has already been written.

You have a blessed day.