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Suicide & Hell


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No, there is a scientific explanation for what happened to me. I don't have the knowledge to explain it adequately, but a few months back we had a member on this forum explaining how the brain forms addictions. And the way I got out of it works according to scientific principles as well--take away the thing my mind had formed a dependence on, and it was forced to rewire itself correctly.

As for how I was healed, I don't assume everyone was like me or their path needs to or is going to be the same as mine. There are different kinds of mental illness, different causes, different needs. At this point I lack the knowledge to explain myself adequately since it's going away from my familiar territory, but there is more out there than depression or addiction and it's simply not that easy.

If we're going to take this stance on mental illness that all it takes is faith, why not be consistent and reject any and all scientific understanding of and treatment for physical illness as well? Just take everyone to the church to be prayed over and healed, no more hospitals.

Your asking the Wrong Question. Why not be consistent and not try to treat mental illness through the power of the Word, and the Power of the Holy Spirit which is the power to cast out devils? Despite all the studies and medical science, they are only able to study the flesh organ called a brain. We are not a brain, but a soul that connects to a Brain. When you die, you have all your memories, and knowledge you did when your alive, which tells you that it's not your brain that is doing the thinking or storing the knowledge. The Brain is a awesome Organ that connects us to the physical realm.

When they say we are only using a small percent of our Brain, what they are really seeing is something beyond the brain, like a spirit with a soul trapped in a flesh body.

They have found by shutting down or limiting certain parts of the brain though medication or surgery, or worse, then it effects the soul from getting input and output with this physical world. This is how those medications work, they don't fix the soul, they shut off or open up stimulus from the Brain the soul receives.

Jas_1:21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

Heb_10:39 But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.

Our soul is not born again, but Paul (Most likely the writer of Hebrews) believed that the Soul could be transformed and kept intact. James said the Word of God can save our soul, transform it by the renewing of our minds, will and emotions through the power of the Word.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth.
(3Jn 1:2-3)

health, wealth, sound mind, starts with our soul, not the brain. Science can only open and shut gates off in our physical brains. Science can not heal Mental illness, because science can only work on the flesh, not the person itself.

At more than one convention for Psychologist, it's been suggested that we are dealing with some outside force, or spirit in lots of these mental health issues. This question about a possible Soul or spirit being and being effect by spirits has been on the table more than once. It would be the only way to explain some things they have observed. The observation has been to catalogue and separate different types of mental illness, thinking the Brain was common as everyone has one. That is not the case, and why the difficulty in treating mental illness.

So why not start with the Word first, and someone anointed to handle evil spirits, before giving a person meds that mostly likely will change and destroy their flesh brain over time?

You ever been to a mental place where it's full of people science could not help? My mom lives in one, and nobody there is violent, that the know, there are many different ages that live there, it's a open facility, they can come and go as they want. They are all messed up though, all on heavy medications. They are really nice people, but they can no longer function on their own. It's really sad, as I was talking to this young 25 year old girl living there. She seemed normal, but I overheard her saying she needed money for something, so I just gave her some money. She came back later though and gave it back, worried her parents might get mad at her for getting money. Something is very wrong with that.

Science is not the answer to this, the Soul inside needs to be fixed and prosper so the outside can prosper. Like John said.

After a person lives a long while, and sees their friends, relatives, devoured by death, by any means, you learn to understand that death is the enemy of God in Christ, and that power is slated to be put away, when the time comes to do so. It is much more difficult to understand that it Was/Is God who created that power to begin with. This is very difficult to understand.

1 Corinthians 3:
21 Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are your's;
22 Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are your's;
23 And ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's.

ALL are YOUR'S! We just have a hard time comprehending.
health, wealth, sound mind, starts with our soul, not the brain. Science can only open and shut gates off in our physical brains. Science can not heal Mental illness, because science can only work on the flesh, not the person itself.

All the spiritual wishes in the world will not stop the flesh from perishing Mike.

These are two opposite, yet simultaneous workings:

2 Corinthians 4:16
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

Elderly people gradually or even quickly shutting down is a normal part of life that can't be stopped. It is the way of the flesh, and in many ways there are spiritual principles in play therein, such as here:

Galatians 5:17
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

This contrariness is never removed from anyone. It is this contrariness that moves us into the death of the flesh, sooner or later, but in every case, always.
Really? What do those studies conclude? (I've never heard that side of NDEs. One's that occured because of suicide.)

From what I've read of them, people tend to see whatever it is in their own heart to see. My brothers wife had an NDE in the hospital emergency room many years ago. I still laugh when I remember it, as it fitted her own personality so well. She died, went through the infamous tunnel. Encountered the infamous "being of Light." She asks the being, "Who are you?" The being says, "Who do you think I am?" She says, "Are you God?" Being says, "If you think I am, then I am." She says, "How do I know you're not the devil?" Being says, "If you think I am, then I am." She gets outraged, and shouts, that's B.S! And instantly is back in her body. Really pretty funny. Being of Light playing head games.

Personal projection seems to play a big part in the great beyond in these various NDE's. Hindus see their god matters. Buddhists encounter Buddha, etc etc. Christians who believe in hell, usually end up having a brief taste of same, perhaps to cure them of their desires to go there or have anyone else go there?

Who knows? It would seem to me that the NDE's are in many ways, even more bigger mysteries than here. MOST however come back with a deeply PROFOUND experience with LOVE. This seems to be the over riding experience.
You ever been to a mental place where it's full of people science could not help? My mom lives in one, and nobody there is violent, that the know, there are many different ages that live there, it's a open facility, they can come and go as they want. They are all messed up though, all on heavy medications. They are really nice people, but they can no longer function on their own. It's really sad, as I was talking to this young 25 year old girl living there. She seemed normal, but I overheard her saying she needed money for something, so I just gave her some money. She came back later though and gave it back, worried her parents might get mad at her for getting money. Something is very wrong with that.

Science is not the answer to this, the Soul inside needs to be fixed and prosper so the outside can prosper. Like John said.
I have. My stepdad had to stay in a nursing home due to kidney problems and needing to be near a dialysis center. It was depressing there. Not just the other patients, but even my dad, with his kidneys in the shape they were it was beginning to affect his mind. He seemed normal, but he kept saying things we knew weren't true.

There is lots we don't know yet. Science makes new advances every day. If we had known 10 years ago what we know now--that dead nerves in the spine can be regenerated--my dad would probably still be alive. But back then the consensus was that once nerves were destroyed there was no replacing them. So my dad was bedridden for a decade, and it wreaked havoc on his body because we're not made to stay stationary for so long.

I'm not one for lengthy disputes, so I'm going to try winding down and maybe dropping out of this discussion now. I've said as much as I have because I'm on the defensive a bit, having been there myself. Sometimes people need understanding, support, and encouragement more than condemnation or detached advice, people in such a state as being suicidal are there.
The state of our bodies and it's functions affects our mental state. This is a fact. In the case of someone with depression, it may be hormonal imbalance. In my dad's case, his kidneys could no longer filter the toxins out of his body.
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I will say this: feeling depressed and suffering from clinical depression are two different things

These days I often feel depressed. Everyone does. It's not the same sort of depression I had a few years ago. Simply being sad or being in a slump or feeling discouraged is not clinical depression. Clinical depression is far more torturous and far more controlling than that.

Everyday depression can be defeated far more easily. I'd much rather feel discouraged day after day like I am now, with the promise and hope that I will do better tomorrow, than have to go through that dark place again.
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All the spiritual wishes in the world will not stop the flesh from perishing Mike.

These are two opposite, yet simultaneous workings:

2 Corinthians 4:16
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

Elderly people gradually or even quickly shutting down is a normal part of life that can't be stopped. It is the way of the flesh, and in many ways there are spiritual principles in play therein, such as here:

Galatians 5:17
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

This contrariness is never removed from anyone. It is this contrariness that moves us into the death of the flesh, sooner or later, but in every case, always.

If you say so, have at that. If you need healed of something, come talk to me.

I will say this: feeling depressed and suffering from clinical depression are two different things

These days I often feel depressed. Everyone does. It's not the same sort of depression I had a few years ago. Simply being sad or being in a slump or feeling discouraged is not clinical depression. Clinical depression is far more torturous and far more controlling than that.

Everyday depression can be defeated far more easily. I'd much rather feel discouraged day after day like I am now, with the promise and hope that I will do better tomorrow, than have to go through that dark place again.

What's the difference between being depressed and Clinical depression? It seems one is an advanced form of the other.
What's the difference between being depressed and Clinical depression? It seems one is an advanced form of the other.
There is a difference.if your wife dies,I assure some level of depression.will happen.a person with clinical depression will have it and never bounce back.
There is a difference.if your wife dies,I assure some level of depression.will happen.a person with clinical depression will have it and never bounce back.

Well, I guess I should have asked where that line is then instead, or is it based on Depression a person has, but a so called normal person see's no reason for it.

If a loved one dies then it's normal for people to be sad, but if everything looks like things are working out, and it appears nothing to be depressed about, but a person is still depressed, then we call that Clinical depression?
What's the difference between being depressed and Clinical depression? It seems one is an advanced form of the other.
I'd say that a pretty good indication is if someone is experiencing suicidal thoughts or self harming. Someone in a healthy state of mind doesn't do that. It is normal and healthy to feel sad sometimes. Clinical Depression is when these emotions take over your life. (As to how that happens, maybe sometimes it could have been prevented by making better voices. Such was my case. I don't think that's the case all the time.)
I think there is more to it than that, but I am not knowledgeable enough to articulate further. I can just say from experience that it isn't the same thing.
Clinical depression is more severe. I've had bouts of psychotic depression, which is on the more severe end of the spectrum. More severe depressive states need meds; milder ones you have more leeway in how you treat it.
Maybe I'll ask Jesus first.

The Word says by his stripes ye are healed. So asking him after He showed example after example of what his will is concerning healing would be in bad taste. However if you ask him, He might tell you to come talk to me. I get that from time to time, people telling me they believe the Lord wanted them to ask me about healing or things pertaining to hard situations.

Hopefully, you stay well, and won't have to find out.

I've got this disease, hereditary they say. Makes me die young, my children also have it. We sure would like that gone if you would, please.

This don't sound very serious, and someone's health is a serious issue. Being Born again, and your body not your own, you are no longer subject to those things that are so called Hereditary. You changed Families when you accepted Jesus as Lord, and your Biological father, is not longer your Father. If you are serious, and this is a real concern, then there is help, and you don't have to die young, or submit to those things on the earth, as your no longer of this World, nor does the World have a right to impose it's sickness and junk on the child of God.

I do have some things you can listen to for free that will help, but siding with this is not helping, siding with the Word which can not be broken or return void always gives the victory. Just ask, I'll post the link, and start renewing your mind in these things. To Get God's power and best, we have to agree and side with Him, over what the enemy would like to do in our lives. If your children be of age to be under your authority, they also are protected like my own son who had terminal cancer. However, what Dad says over his children, matters greatly, even the children seeking the Fathers blessings before death, that the blessing always stood, and honoured of God.

This don't sound very serious, and someone's health is a serious issue. Being Born again, and your body not your own, you are no longer subject to those things that are so called Hereditary. You changed Families when you accepted Jesus as Lord, and your Biological father, is not longer your Father. If you are serious, and this is a real concern, then there is help, and you don't have to die young, or submit to those things on the earth, as your no longer of this World, nor does the World have a right to impose it's sickness and junk on the child of God.

I do have some things you can listen to for free that will help, but siding with this is not helping, siding with the Word which can not be broken or return void always gives the victory. Just ask, I'll post the link, and start renewing your mind in these things. To Get God's power and best, we have to agree and side with Him, over what the enemy would like to do in our lives. If your children be of age to be under your authority, they also are protected like my own son who had terminal cancer. However, what Dad says over his children, matters greatly, even the children seeking the Fathers blessings before death, that the blessing always stood, and honoured of God.


Have I jested with you yet on anything? Even once? I'm not starting now. What's the serious you are looking for? I thought a brother with a certain gift made what he had been given known. I stood. I asked.
Have I jested with you yet on anything? Even once? I'm not starting now. What's the serious you are looking for? I thought a brother with a certain gift made what he had been given known. I stood. I asked.

I have laid hands on the sick, they have gotten well, even my own son, I stood, unmoving despite what the doctors said. Since God is no respecter of persons, then God will do the same for you.

Truth is, if you believe on Jesus, you also have the same thing I have. He said if you believe, you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I believe that.

However, having a long time condition and living with it, will take the renewing of the mind,and get going the other direction with it. We have to be in so much agreement with God, that nothing else can be a possible outcome.

Since I can't actually be there, best to start renewing your mind with God's will concerning the matter. I wish that once we were healed, and trusted God, that was the end of it until we go home to be with the Lord. The devil is a real butt though, and will try something else, but having past victory through tribulation works patience, and patience, experience, and experience hope. The experience through seeking God and getting stronger makes you really hard for the devil to get out later.

Take your time, watch these at your pace.

There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
(Psa 91:10)

No plague can be in my house, The evil shall not make me fall. I don't have to have disease, it's in my Fathers Word I don't have to have it. It's not for me, does not belong to me. No weapon formed against me can prosper, Jesus said nothing by anymeans shall hurt me. The Spiritual Word full of life is more true than what they say I have. I do not belong to a Human earthly family, I belong to God's Family, and my body was bought and paid for with a price.


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